
The Rising!

A bright light shone with blinding grace as it temporarily blinded every single person who was able to witness it. When it disappeared, four disheveled young men stood in its place. The four looked around in sync, all very confused by their current predicament. After all, the four of them all believed they had died just a moment ago.

One of the boys had his hands over his head, as if to defend himself from a falling object. The shield that adorned his arm only enhanced this image. Two other men, who were wielding a spear and a sword were also in similar awkward positions. The odd one out was the smallest of the three, he had blonde hair and green eyes. Although, what stuck out most about him was the way he was holding his bow in an awkward stance, he looked like he was trying to fight with his bare hands.

"A gun?! Fucking seriously? Coward!" The young man called out as he jumped sideways.

In the moment of frenzy as the light died down and the other three boys were also confused no one noticed anything he was saying or doing.

Then, almost like they were in sync, all four boys started to notice their surroundings.

"Where… are we?" A young boy with black hair asked.

"Hahaha! I knew I couldn't be killed by a measly truck-kun!" A tall man with blonde hair and a spear yelled in triumph.

The boy with the shield stayed silent, likely due to the shock he was experiencing.

Finally, the boy with a bow immediately dropped his bow.

"Naof-?" He started to mutter aloud but was cut off by his own hand clamping on his mouth.

Then he laughed. "Hahahaha! Cool!"

He started going around to the four boys around him and shaking all their hands with a smile on his face.

"Hi! I'm Jax! What's your name?" He asked the boy with a sword.

"Wha… uhh.. I'm…" The boy started to respond.

However, Jax didn't even listen to his reply by the time he moved on.

"Hi! Nice to meet you! Cool shield you got here! Do you carry it around all the time? Is that your hobby? Ah! Maybe you're a pervert! You shouldn't be a pervert! My mom told me they were bad! Anyway, what's your name?" Jax rambled as he vigorously shook the shield boy's hand over and over.

"Uhh… Naofumi…" The boy responded.

Jax smiled. "Is that so? Nice to meet cha."

Suddenly Naofumi realized something. "Wha- where did this shield come from?! … Wait! More importantly, I'm not a pervert!"

Jax paused and put his finger to his lip. "Hmm. Is that so?"

Naofumi nodded. "Yeah! I'm not!"

Jax nodded along while humming in thought. Then he looked like he came to a realization. "My mom told me that's what a pervert would say!"

Jax jumped back and hid behind the boy with a sword shivering in fear. "A pervert wants to eat me! Help!"

All three boys were very confused.

Finally one of them spoke up. "Aren't you gonna ask my na-"

He was cut off by a loud voice.

"Heroes! I welcome you all to my kingdom! Recently a tragedy has befallen us the…"

Jax tuned out the rest of the words from the man sitting on the throne. He assumed that he was the king and wasn't very interested in his whole save the kingdom spiel.

Eventually the king was gracious enough to stop yammering on about the noble spear, bow and sword heroes. Jax sighed and picked his ear with his pinky before blowing it away.

The king spoke up again. "Now, I will introduce you to the people who have volunteers to join you on your journey."

The entrance clamored with noise as the large doors swung open to reveal over a dozen new entrants.

Jax wasn't even paying attention as some of them lined up behind him.

There was a little issue because no one lined up behind the shield hero but bitc-Myne was generous enough to join him.

After that, the heroes were sent on their own separate ways. Jax looked down at his status screen.


Name: Jax Winter

Age: 17

Level: 1

Vitality: 29

Magic: 7

Strength: 27

Agility: 35

Defence: 20

Stamina: 30

Luck: Error

Skills: None

Weapon: Bow (Legendary Weapon)

Equipment/Items: None


"Why's my magic so low?" Jax wondered out loud before hiding his status so no one could see.

Suddenly the spear hero started laughing. "Starting strength of 8! And I also get magic of 5! These are busted! I'm only level one! It's usually around 3-4 to start out!"

Jax nearly did a spit take! He's lucky he wasn't drinking something!

'I guess 7 is pretty decent.' He thought.

He ignored the rest of the people in the room and walked away. Although they were confused, his party members still followed him.

"Do you already know where to hunt?" A large and gruff man asked Jax.

Jax slapped him palm. "I knew I was forgetting something!"

He quickly ran back into the king's audience hall. The rest of his party members nearly facepalmed. This idiot was their leader??? He didn't even know where to hunt!

Jax got in front of the king and suddenly bowed politely. "Your gracious majesty! May this humble hero request one thing?"

The king smiled and nodded his head, clearly enjoying the power trip. "Go on."

"I was wondering if I could have an archery instructor!" Jax yelled at the floor, not lifting his head.

At this point his party members started laughing. "Don't worry! You won't be needing one! We are here to help you and heroes learn from their legendary weapons! They don't need teachers!" The same large man said again.

Jax didn't falter though. "I beg of you, your majesty!"

The king was slightly dumbfounded. "Sure. If you want one so badly. But I would recommend against it, it's better to level up."

Jax didn't bother taking his advice. "Thank you!"

He happily followed someone who guided him to the archery range. When he arrived someone with a large build and multiple scars on his body was there to greet him.

"So this twerp is the bow hero? What are you doing here?" The man said, clearly annoyed.

Jax smiled. "This twerp is here to learn how to shoot a bow!" He said as he saluted.

"Fine. Let's see how you hold out." The man responded.

Jax smiled and nodded as he went to grab a practice bow after setting his own down.

[Warning! You cannot unequip a legendary weapon.]

A shock of lightning ran from his bow up his arm and caused him to jump back.

"Fuck!" Jax yelled in shock and pain.

In his shock he had accidentally picked up both of the bows.

As he was regaining his focus his bow's jewel started to glow red and suddenly the bow in his other hand disappeared into it.

"Wha-?" Jax looked around dumbfounded.

He quickly hid his bow behind his back and started whistling.

"Are you an idiot? Everyone clearly saw that." The archer said.

"Don't you dare call the hero an idiot! This Mald won't sit quietly!" The large man from Jax's party called out.

Jax chuckled nervously. "I don't have any money. Can't you let me go just this once mister? Pretty please?"

The archer smacked his back. "You won't be charged for that. Just shut up and let's go. Also, never talk like that again, it's disgusting."

Jax chuckled and quietly followed along when he saw a notification.

[Absorbed (Practice bow - high quality) attack up: 1]

Jax smiled to himself.

"What's that creepy smile for? Get your ass over here!" The archer yelled.

"Coming!" Jax said as he ran over.

For the next 30 minutes Jax had started learning the techniques of archery. The moment the archer started teaching it was like a switch flipped as he intently listened and took note of each and every thing the archer was saying.

He didn't stop the explanation other than when he had genuine questions. Finally after another 30 minutes Jax nodded.

"So that's everything?" Jax asked.

"Well, everything I can teach someone who's never fired a bow." The archer replied.

Jax stretched his shoulders and yawned. "Why couldn't I just be the spear or sword hero? Would have made things so much easier."

The archer grunted. "What's so bad about a bow?"

Jax shrugged. "Nothing really, I just don't know how to use it."

At this point Mald jumped for joy. "Great! You finished learning! We can finally go hunting!"

Jax and the archer both looked over at him like he was an idiot.

"I'm going to start now. Old man, you got any arrows?" Jax replied.

The archer smiled briefly before wiping it off his face and looking at Jax like a moron. "You're fancy little toy doesn't need arrows."

"Is that so?" Jax said as he looked at his bow with marvel. "Well that's pretty cool."

He took aim and suddenly an arrow appeared, already notched. Jax adjusted his posture and fired. It hit the second ring from the center.

Jax shook his head and got in position again. He slightly adjusted his stance and held it for a few seconds before firing.

"Hero! What are you doing? You'll never have enough time to do that in a fight!" Mald called out.

The archer smacked the back of his head. "Shut it. He's concentrating."

Jax pulled the string back again, slowly, when he finally reached the position to fire he held the string in place for a few seconds before firing.

The arrow flew through the air and landed right in the center of the target. It made went slightly further through the target then his last to shots, as if it was more powerful.

"Wow! The hero is a natural!" Another one of Jax's party members called out.

Jax clicked his tongue. "Old man, was my elbow in the wrong position or did I release it wrong?"

The archer chuckled. "Both! Here let me show you."

Jax accepted the guidance from the archer and went back to shooting.

This continued on for hours. Jax would shoot and ask for more tips, then the archer would help him out and so on.

Jax took a deep breath. He quickly pulled the string back, took aim, and released. The arrow fired off into the air only a split second after it was magically notched.

It landed directly in the center of the target and split it down the middle.

"Phew. Finally, I feel decent." Jax said as he wiped sweat from his brow.

The archer laughed. "That's the 5th target you broke today! You're lucky heroes don't have to pay for stuff like that!"

Jax and the archer laughed together before Jax noticed his whole party was asleep on the side. They got bored of sitting around and missed him breaking all of the targets.

Jax whispered to the archer. "You have any crossbows and other disposable bows, old man?"

The archer nodded and dragged him along. "Here. Also, it's Vick."

Jax smiled. "Jax." He said as they shook hands.

"... Hey Vick. What do you think of the shield hero?" Jax asked.

"Tch. Bastards. I hate them."

"Hmm. Why's that?" Jax asked.

Vick shook his head. "How am I supposed to shoot a bastard who carries around a shield all the time?! They are my natural enemy!"

Jax paused for a moment before laughing. "Right?! How do we beat them with a bow?!"

The two nodded along in understanding.

Eventually Jax got his crossbow and a few other bows.

[Unlocked new bow (Crossbow)]

[Absorbed (Practice bow -low quality) attack up: 1]

[Absorbed (Practice bow -low quality) attack up: 0]

[Absorbed (Practice bow -low quality) attack up: 0.5]

[Absorbed (Practice bow -low quality) attack up: 0]

[Absorbed (Practice bow -low quality) attack up: 0.5]

After absorbing all of them, Jax's bow's attack had gone up by 3, 4 in total if you include the one he accidentally absorbed. However, he also noticed that the more he absorbed the less effective they were. The last 10 bows he absorbed gave him 0.

Jax left the shed with Vick and started waking up his companions. "It's dark out already so I think we should hunt tomorrow."

"What?! But… Well, I guess it's dark. First thing tomorrow then! We can't fall behind the other heroes!" Mald called out enthusiastically.

Jax nodded. "Sure thing. Do you guys know where the shield hero is staying tonight? I wanna play a little prank on him."

Mald and the others smiled. "We can help you with that sir hero! Let me show you the way!"

Jax yawned and waved him off. "It's fine, I want to do something by myself this time. Could you just tell me the way?"

A few minutes later, Jax was on his way to an inn. When he entered he saw Naofumi and Myne dining together.

He sat down and ordered some food because he was hungry. He had been at the range all day! He was there for over 10 hours!

By the time he had finished his food Naofumi was alone as Myne had already left.

Jax burped and walked over. "What's a shield like you doing in a place like this?"

"Huh? What does that mean?" Naofumi asked.

"What? Are you too drunk to understand me? Aww, is someone a little tipsy?" Jax said in a teasing voice as he poked at Naofumi.

Naofumi swatted his hand away. "I didn't even drink!"

Jax gasped. "Really?"

Naofumi smirked, proud of proving Jax wrong. "Yeah."

"Then you're a loser!" Jax called out.

"What?!" Naofumi called out as he didnt a spit take of his water… drenching Jax with it.

Jax jumped back. "I knew it! Pervert! Who just spits on someone for no reason!"

"WHa- I didn't!"

"Look at me! You did this! Pervert!" Jax called out.

"I'm not a pervert!" Naofumi yelled.

Everyone in the restaurant was looking their way now with disgusted looks on their faces.

Naofumi blushed when he noticed this and ran upstairs. "Just leave me alone! Damn bow bastard!"

Jax nearly fell over laughing. "It's Jax!" He called out.

Naofumi didn't respond as he retired to bed.

Jax chuckled and ordered some more food. After a while it arrived in front of him he tapped it with his bow and it glowed. The food disappeared into the bow and Jax smiled. He couldn't believe that actually worked.

Jax stretched and stood up. "Time to get started."