What if in the rising of the shield hero, the bow hero wasn't a total douche?? That would be cool I think. And that's what this story is!!!
By the time Jax woke up it was already morning. Liv was still sitting next to him and keeping guard. She had a sword made of ice in her hand that she had used to kill the lightning bird and Jax assumed she had used it to kill the variety of other creatures around them while he was asleep.
Jax yawned and stretched only to feel a dull pain in his back. He got up and made his way to the river near them. He saw the remains of Liv's sword on the way. It had been completely shattered. Jax sighed at the expense but didn't really mind. It saved their lives after all. He got to the river and had a drink of water before splashing some in his face to wake up. Then he lifted his shirt and used the water to see the reflection of his back.
Jax had webbed burn scars that enveloped his entire back and spread out in a web shaped pattern that looked like mini lightning bolts. Jax shrugged and walked over to the corpse of the bird. He first let his bow absorb what it could and gained a lightning bow. There was also a ton of leftover materials including a blue core that he collected into his bow storage.
"How do you feel?" Liv asked as she yawned from the tree.
Jax smiled. "I'm a little stiff, but I'll be fine. It'll heal soon."
Liv nodded and caught the SP potion that Jax tossed to her. She drank it and suddenly felt awake.
"Did you check your level? That must have been some bird we hunted." Liv said, prompting Jax to check.
His level had increased from 23-27 instantly.
His status was now.
Name: Jax Winter
Age: 17
Height: 5 foot 1
Class: Archer
Level: 27
Vitality: 81
Magic: 101
Strength: 79
Agility: 139
Defence: 46
Stamina: 108
Luck: Error
Skills: (Archery - intermediate (high)), (Stealth - advanced (medium)), (Martial arts - advanced (medium)), (Language - beginner (low)), (Apothecary - beginner (medium)), (Magic - beginner (high)), (Enchanter - Beginner (high))
Weapon: Bow (Legendary Weapon)
Equipment/Items: Blue Cloak, light armour, mythril gauntlets
Jax also checked Liv's and was surprised to see the whole thing.
Name: Olivia - Liv
Age: n/a (that's rude)
Height: 5 foot 4
Class: Swordswoman
Level: 27
Vitality 107
Magic: 79
Strength: 95
Agility: 85
Defence: 100
Stamina: 91
Skills: Swordsmanship - advanced (low), Stealth - beginner (high), Martial arts - intermediate (medium), Magic - intermediate (medium),
Weapon: none
Equipment/Items: Green cloak, Armour, various potions
Jax was proud of his improvement. He wanted both him and Liv to reach level 40 by the first wave. Well technically it was the second wave because they only got summoned after the first wave.
Anyway, he was happy with his progress. He only needed 13 levels in 6 days and the speed at which he could level was way faster with Liv.
The two decided to continue hunting for a few hours before going back to the village for their lessons with Rishia.
After studying for a few hours the duo was exhausted and went back to the inn. On the doorstep of his room Jax saw a letter. He opened it and smiled.
"No more party members for the bow hero. What a shame!" He said as he wiped a fake tear.
Liv giggled. "Oh no, whatever will the weakest hero do? I hear that even the shield demon is stronger than him."
Jax chuckled and closed the door behind him before flopping on the floor. "Who knows?"
He barely even finished speaking before he fell asleep and started snoring.
Liv giggled at him before climbing into bed and also falling asleep instantly.
The duo slept until the sun was down before sneaking out and doing it all over again.
Just like that another 4 days passed.
Both Jax and Liv were now level 40. They decided to stop hunting for now because they weren't able to level up any further, Jax also didn't want to class up in case it could increase the difficulty of the wave.
So for the last two days Jax and Liv decided to continue studying during the day and getting tons of sleep. Considering how little they had slept for the last two weeks, they figured it would be good to be well reseted rather than relying on potions to stay awake. Jax was also working on another side project with the core of the lightning bird he had collected.
Another two days passed as the two got rested up. Jax yawned as he woke up, he told Liv to stay put and left the inn. He made his way to the castle and watched as people stared at him with disgust on their face as they whispered insults behind his back.
Jax just yawned once more and made his way to the archery range. He saw who he was looking for and called out. "Hey, Vick!"
Vick turned to look at him. "What are you doing here?"
"Want to save the world with me today?" Jax asked.
"I'm here to recruit you and anyone else you recommend for the wave." Jax said as he invited Vick to be a commander in his party. This meant that he would be teleported to the wave with him but wouldn't be able to share experience. It also meant he could invite other people to join in Jax's place.
Vick looked at him seriously. "I heard you're still level one and that you haven't so much as left your room other than for food once you found some girl. You're living the good life aren't you?"
Jax shook his head. "I wish. She's way out of my league."
Vick raised a brow. "What's she doing with you then?"
Jax chuckled. "She's my teammate."
Vick pointed at the range. "Prove it."
Jax didn't hesitate as he instantly pulled back and shot a ball of fire at one of the targets across the range in an instant.
Not even a full second from the time Vick finished his sentence the target was destroyed and it's only remains were the ashes that were still burning inside a crater left by the explosion.
"There. Now join." Jax said.
Vick laughed and slapped his back. "I knew I wasn't wrong about you. I'll get some of my friends."
Jax smiled and nodded. "Only bring the best, just like the bow hero deserves."
Vick laughed as he walked away to go find some people to join.
Jax was about to leave and return home when two people with a bunch of followers behind them stopped him in the hallway of the castle.