
Rising of a New Reaper

In this novel we focus on our Main Protagonist regressing to the past where it all started and trying to relive his new life and defeat new enemies. (any concerns or questions towards this novel please inform me about it and I'll respond accordingly to it)

unknown946 · Ciencia y ficción
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26 Chs

chapter 19: Another one!

The doors slowly opened. Greysin walked through still dragging the unconscious Sebastian. She thought he would've woken up by now but was wrong. The elevator doors behind her. She dragged him to his apartment room. After she let go of him Greysin immediately went towards the couch and dropped on it.

She was tried from dragging him. She passed out cold. After she passed out, Strat woke up from his fatigued state. He got an headache from the amount of complaints due to his recklessness from his system.

[ Do you know how many things I had to do to heal you up, you fucking dumbass ]

"I know okay! Damn...I just wanted to protect a subordinate," Strat responded.

[ This doesn't excuse the situation. Regardless of you protecting her, she would've survived ]

[ Also the damn skill you used drains the humanity you have left. Not even the gods of this universe can handle it! ]

Strat didn't even care about the risks of using the skill because he gave up his humanity. In the past or future people went full psycho by the cybernetics they had. Strat had experienced this since he died by being one.

He stood up from ground he was left on. He heard a someone coming in his apartment room. He went on guard since he knew nobody knew anyone in this mega building, except the person that gave him this room. He didn't want to deal with anyone. So he went to kick out the person who entered.

But he was met with a blade coming towards his neck. Strat was caught off by the sudden action. He looked towards who had a knife to his throat. A young boy with a decent sized body, ruffled black hair, eyes of determination, and sweating intensely.

Strat knew he was getting robbed for everything he had. He went and punched the kid in the stomach while holding back. The boy was surprised by his sudden move but was then knocked out. Strat placed the boy outside of his room with a sign over his body that said,

Take this kid to his parents.

He went back inside his apartment and closed the door behind him. He looked towards the living room. It was messy and out of place. He went towards Greysin to take her to his room. Once he did that, he left her there and went back to clean up his place.

Afterwards he then sat down on his couch to relax. He contacted his mini robot to come out with David. The robot slowly came out from the closet with David. The little kid was asleep with a bottle of milk in its mouth.

Strat signaled it to come towards himself. He picked up David from the robots hand and held David in his arms. He rocked him gently so he wouldn't wake up. Strat looked towards the face of David and noticed something over his face. It was a little birth mark shaped like a lightning.

He wondered what the parents that of this kid looked like. They must of been beautiful because David was handsome. Strat then walked towards the crib to leave David in. After strat left him there, he went towards the kitchen to make something.

He checked if he had any eggs. He did so he started to make some scrambled eggs. After he made it, he brought the plate towards the counter and started eating. Strat thought about making a new microchip for himself to learn more about fighting. He knew that he has the experience but lacks any fighting style.

After he ate, Strat started to make some SD's. He first look through the Internet for any fighting styles. He found a few that suited him. He then afterwards found videos of each one and downloaded them.

He then transferred them to the SD and then placed it into a slot module that connects to his brain. he sat down on his couch to so he can let all the information settle in his mind. He held onto his head from the pain of the force transfer.

He stood up and went to the bathroom to wipe his face. Before he exited the bathroom, Strat looked at himself in the mirror. He compared himself to his old self from his past. He used to be thin and short but now he's more muscular but with cybernetics.

Strat then came out the bathroom and went to David's crib. David was sleeping comfortably in the crib. Strat held his hand over David's head and caressed his hair.

"I hope you don't have to suffer the same fate as I do," whispered Strat.

He stopped his movement and started to walk away. He wanted to check the ingredients they had. He felt something touch his shoulder. Strat immediately looked behind. He saw a man. The man looked at Strat in his eyes.

"Your not Athen. Who the hell are you?" Asked the man.

Strat looked at the man and saw him carrying Greysin in his hands.

"Why the hell are you holding my subordinate in your hands? Also, who the fuck are you?" Questioned Strat.

The man dropped Greysin to the ground and came closer to Strat. The man was taller than Strat. Towering him with five Inches.

"Can you even call this a subordinate. This little fuck is weak as hell! She couldn't even make me sweat. But you...I ask why the hell do I sense Athen inside of you?" Said the man.

"Athen made my body out of his own body. And please refrain from calling my subordinate 'weak'. I've always hated people who look down on the weak," I responded.

The man looked at me and laughed.

"Why the hell would Athen give a mortal like you his own flesh. Wait... Why do I also sense a horrendous energy coming out of you?" He questioned.

Must be my parents genes that still stayed within me, he thought.

Strat started to activate RT but was interrupted by the man grabbing him by the neck. The mans grip could kill anyone by it but Strat was no regular person.

" Why the hell you need to activate this crutch of your's?" Questioned the man.

Strat knew he had no choice but to answer the mans question.

"I..need...lots...of ....souls...before...I....can.... unlock....my.... actual....powers....so....I....use....these.... cybernetics....." Said Strat almost passing out.

The man held his hand out in the air. A large flame came out then he proceeded to put it through Strat's heart. Strat tried to yell due to the pain being intense.

[Hold out for a bit longer Sebastian, you need to take this flame to take his powers and unlock the powers that Athen gave you]

Strat held on for a bit longer before everything started to blacken. The man then let his grip go. Strat then lifted himself up off the ground before facing the man.

[ Looks like he gave you souls to unlock Athens power, but he doesn't know that I copied everything out of him]

Strat started to smile a little but before he did, he got punched in the face with a right hook.