
Dorm Life Begins part 3

As Kirishima tried to coax Koda into showing off his strength, Tanya had little to say. 'I can't see much value in his Quirk. Increased defense is alright but more armor doesn't stop some of the scarier touch based Quirks from instantly hurting him. His cavalier attitude can be helpful for increasing the morale of fellow troops though.'

Koda gingerly stepped up to the bag. His heart raced and he held his hands together in fear. 'Please let me go! Please, please, please!'

Kirishima gave him a heartfelt thumbs up. "Give it all you've got man!"

"Go Koda!" Toru cheered in encouragement.

Koda raised a fist and gently tapped at the bag. The chain support didn't even rattle.

Kirishima closed his eyes and nodded. "Not bad. Now, let's put that shoulder into it!" He clenched his fist and flexed. "HARDER!"

Koda squeezed his eyes shut and wound back a huge swing.

Thurrd! The bag shuddered and the chain rattled! The stand reeled back before settling back down. Even though Koda's form was awful, his strength and size more than made up for it.

"That's it!" Kirishima shouted as he hardened up. "That's what we were looking for!"

"Yaah!" Uraraka cheered as she fist pumped the air.

Koda paled as people cheered his feat before he scurried out of the room.

Uraraka took her turn at the bag. Her form was bad, her posture weak, but her energy was strong as she gave her all into punching it.

Tud tud tud tud!

Tanya rolled her shoulders. "Might as well." She smiled as a little bit of adrenaline worked into her system.

She stepped up to the bag and set her form. Her feet were evenly placed, arms raised up for combative defense, and her posture leaned forward a little for her wings.

TUR! Tur tur! Her hits were like a rapid and powerful drum. Quick, concise, and well trained. Tur tur tur tur!

"That's the spirit!" Kirishima cheered on as the class began to cycle through, some of them getting hyped up to use the punching bag. Not everyone used it, but that was ok in Kirishima's book.

Midoriya stepped up. His shoulders rolled back and a breath left his nose. His feet slid into place.

Tanya watched him carefully and eyed his every move. She had to see how well trained her competition was.

THurURr! He jabbed at the bag before leaning into his punch and causing more of a push than a true punch.

Tanya blinked in stupefied awe. 'His form is awful! And All Might likes him?! What does he spend all that time with All Might doing?!' Another drop in her dislike of Midoriya.

"There's nothing interesting here." Shoji said from a projected mouth before opening his room.

Empty. Just a kneeling pillow and a tiny desk, and a mattress with a pillow.

Uraraka was in shock. "It's empty!"

"What is there to even say?" Mina scratched at her hair. "There's nothing interesting."

"I didn't take you for a minimalist." Midoriya said in surprise.

Shoji shrugged. "I never really liked having a lot of things."

"So cheap." Tanya smiled as she flexed her wings out and enjoyed the openness of the room. "And all of this open space!"

"Yeah." Shoji smiled. "I never have to worry about any of my extra limbs hitting anything. And I don't spend much time here, so there's not really a reason to have much."

'Shoji is a swiss army knife of abilities.' Tanya thought as she walked out. 'Good recon, above average mobility, good strength and long reach. He has a lot going for him but can be outmatched by specialists.'

Next floor up, it was Sero's turn.

He grinned in anticipation as he prepared to open his door. 'They're going to love this.'

Brown, orange and deep red colored the room. Geometric yet organic feeling patterns decorated the rug, banner, and blanket. A dark reed curtain hung over the window. A hammock hung in the middle of the room while wooden carvings of long necked animals smiled on the dresser.

Mina put her hands together and cried, "Asian!"

Uraraka mirrored Mina's pose and enthusiasm. "I love it!"

"Not bad." Tanya said with her arms crossed and wings folded up. "I like the patterns."

Sero pointed up a finger. "Knew you guys would like it."

'His Quirk is perfect for average hero work.' Tanya thought. 'Fantastic mobility in urban environments, mid range restraint, and tape is as versatile as the imagination. He seems to get along well enough with everyone.'

"Next up is Todoroki's room." Iida announced as the class moved on.

'The most capable student in the class.' Momo thought in awe.

'He's handsome!' Toru tried to contain her excitement. 'We're seeing a personal part of the aloof Todoroki!'

'The son of the number two hero. Despite the training he's no doubt received, all he does is fire off large scale ice moves. During the battle training, he actively ignored his teammates.' Tanya grew bored already of Todorki's antics. She couldn't tell if he was actually any good in a fight or simply so strong that competency wasn't something he needed to consider.

"Let's get this over with. I'm tired." Todoroki muttered as he opened his door.

Todoroki's room had been entirely remade during the day. Fully japanese complete with sliding doors to the balcony and matted floors. A few potted plants had been moved in, and the furniture all fit the theme.

"How?!" Sero cried in shock. "It's so japanese!"

"So that's what the power tools were for." Ojiro sweat dropped.

"Dude, how did you do this?! We had a day to move in!" Kaminari shrieked in awe.

The class waited with baited breath till Todoroki muttered, "I worked hard."

"Sato and Bakugo aren't here." Mina pouted to the class. "So I guess that's all the guys' rooms for now."

"Now onto the girls' dorms!" Toru cheered as she bounced on the spot.

Jiro wrapped her cable around her finger in bashfulness as she revealed her room to her class.

Black and gray checkerboard floor mirrored the red and black checkerboard ceiling. A massive wallpaper sign for the band Deep Dope sat behind her red bed. The rest of the room was taken up by musical instruments. Electric guitars, a keyboard piano, amps, microphones, speakers as tall as people, her room could arm an entire rock band.

"Woah!" Kaminari grew excited as he checked out the guitar. "Can you actually play any of theeSSSS!" His voice strained as Jiro earjacked the side of his shoulder. "WWHhhhYYY???!!!"

Jiro blushed and looked away. She let the jack come out of him so she could pinch at it nervously. "I don't like sharing this part of myself, ok." She mumbled. "So, be quiet about it."

"It's ok to be a little shy." Mina tried to comfort her.

Jiro glared at the pinkette with dumbfoundment. "You don't know the word shy."

"If anyone else knows how to play music, we can start putting a band together!" Uraraka got sparkles in her eyes. "Class 1A's very own band!"

Tanya got elbow nudged by Toru and raised an eyebrow at the invisible girl. 'What does she want?'

"You strike me as someone who can play." Toru said as if goading Tanya to spill some secret.

Tanya sighed as her wings rolled. "Yeah. I can sing. Mostly alto but I can do a little soprano as well." It wasn't worth lying about as long as they didn't make her sing.

Kaminari got all cocky, snapped his fingers and said, "I wonder if your voice matches your looks. An angel through and throuGHHHOOOO!!!" Jiro jacked him again.

"I didn't know you could sing Kaminari." Sero put a hand over his forehead while he laughed.

While that got a chuckle out of most of the class, Tanya was just happy she didn't have to give a demonstration. 'Thank you Jiro.' She thought.

'Jiro's Quirk is fantastic at stealth and information gathering. To hear the enemy long before they hear you will grant you the element of surprise. Every time I see her Quirk in action, she gets a little more useful.' Tanya thought fondly.

"Next is me! Hagakure!" Toru cheered as she jumped for the class to see.

She flung open the door and spun around to ask happily "What do you think?"

Her entire room was pink. A fluffy pink rug, a short table with a heart adorned with a bow sat atop it. Her bed was white, pink, and adorned with rose top motifs. The bed was occupied by a massive blue teddy and multiple small pillows. The teddy was not alone as an arrangement of plushies watched over the room was a high shelf.

Tanya paled at the cuteness or it. She had flashbacks to the propaganda center, frills and cute dresses haunted her. "Disgusting." She said before trying to turn and walk out.

"What do you mean disgusting?!" Toru cried as she tried to run over into Tanya's view.

Tanya lowered her eyebrows and groaned "My opinion of this room. It's disgusting and overly pink."

Toru made soft mumbling noises as she backed away so Tanya could leave. 'Why is she so hard to get along with? I'm trying my best here…'

"I, uh," Ojiro scratched at his cheek, "I like it."

"Yay!" Toru cheered. She was once again happy to be invisible as neither her sadness nor her current blush could be seen.

Tanya marched out and thought to herself, 'Toru's Quirk is nothing short of incredible. Complete invisibility is far too good to pass up for infiltrations and swift take downs. Not sure how useful she'd be on a patrol though. And I swear, if I ever have to wear something cute again, someone will pay for it!'

Mina announced herself, "I'm next!"

Mina's room was chaotic and shared the energy of its inhabitant. A picture board and shelf displayed the places she'd been over the years and the trophies she'd won. A pair of ice skates were haphazardly tucked in the corner behind her desk which had already become a mess as she had yet to finish unpacking. Sci-fi posters, mostly horror movies like the old school Aliens, decorated the room. Hand made drawings of her own hero costume and identity were scattered about as well, evidence of her dreams. Her bed had already been unmade as a mess of watercolor blankets, all dark colored, had thrashed the space. Her rug was a deep blue with white stars and planets with rings.

"Isn't it awesome!?" She asked the class as she skipped backwards into her room.

"Mina, your room is a mess!" Iida shouted as he karate chopped towards the clusterfuck of a room. "Is this unbefitting of a UA student?!"

"Says the man with fifty sets of glasses." Mina stuck her tongue out. She smiled as he overreacted and began ranting, 'He's fun to mess with.'

"Wooah!" Uraraka's eyes widened at all the various awards Mina had gotten. "Your life is so active! Breakdancing, ice skating, swimming."