
Rising from the Ashes: A Tale of Magic and Building

The story follows the journey of Doug Nosecliff, a Brazilian engineer who suddenly finds himself reincarnated in a magical world. At first, Doug struggles to understand his new reality, but he soon discovers that he has inherited great power and a natural talent for magic. He sets out on a quest to learn more about this new world, making a deal with the village head to help rebuild their city in exchange for lessons in magic and incantations. As Doug grows in his understanding of magic, he faces challenges and obstacles along the way, including a monster tide that threatens the village and its citizens. With his growing knowledge and skills, Doug rises to the challenge, demonstrating his bravery and determination in the face of danger. Throughout his journey, Doug learns about the importance of perseverance, friendship, and the power of magic. He also comes to realize that the true source of his strength lies within himself, as he continues to develop his skills and explore the limits of his newfound abilities.

Daoist255591 · Fantasía
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6 Chs

The Beast Tide

The day was calm, the sun was shining and Doug had just finished overseeing the installation of the new water tank in the center of the city. He was proud of his work, it was his first big project in this new world, and it was a success. The villagers were thrilled with the new source of clean water, and Doug felt fulfilled.

However, this peace was shattered by the sound of loud roars and growls that echoed through the sky. Doug looked up to see dark clouds gathering in the sky, and soon after, he saw the first beasts descending upon the village. They were massive creatures with sharp claws and teeth, and they were moving towards the village with a destructive intent.

Doug knew that the villagers would be in danger, so he quickly ran towards the city hall, where Alaric and almost all villagers had taken refuge. When he arrived, he found that Alaric had cast a protective shield over the building, preventing the beasts from entering. The villagers were huddled inside, afraid for their lives, and Doug felt helpless. He had no weapon to defend himself or the others.

The sounds of destruction echoed through the village as the beast tide crashed against the buildings, tearing them apart with ease. The villagers were gathered in the city hall, protected by Alaric's shield magic. Despite the powerful protection, Doug could hear some screams of terror coming from outside. He was powerless, his magic still not strong enough to defend the village.

Then, Doug had an idea. He could create a water trap to suffocate the beasts. He gathered the villagers and led them to a higher place where they could watch safely as he put his plan into action. Doug created a wall around the tide boss, trapping it inside. Then, he used his magic to fill the space with water.

The villagers watched in awe as the wall of water rose higher and higher, surrounding the beast. Suddenly, the tide boss let out a loud roar, but it was quickly silenced as the water began to fill its lungs. The villagers cheered as the beast thrashed in the water, but its movements grew weaker and weaker until it finally stopped moving altogether.

However, when Doug looked around, he was met with a heart-wrenching sight. The village was completely destroyed. The once-beautiful homes and shops were now nothing but rubble. Tears filled Doug's eyes as he realized the extent of the damage. He had saved the villagers, but he couldn't save their homes.

Doug's thoughts were interrupted by Alaric, who approached him with a proud look on his face. "Well done, Doug. That was truly a remarkable feat. You have proven your worth to this village, and to me."

Doug could barely register the words, still in shock from the destruction around him. He knew he had to start rebuilding, but he wasn't sure where to begin. However, one thing was for certain: he was determined to protect the village and its people from any danger that may come their way in the future.