
Rising from Ashes: Resilience

Renzor born as the youngest of eight into a humble farmer's family, his life to a turn when his struggling parents sold him into slavery at a young age of five years old. Living a life of hardship and abuse, cause him to adapt and survive since a young age. Later in his year he was bought by a beastkin family and was raised and trained to be a plaything of the patriarch's daughter and a killer. This journey of his goes through many ups and downs, love and tragedies, what kind of life will he live only time will tell. Discord: https://discord.gg/HZ9NpwVa

Ray_Y · Fantasía
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77 Chs

Chapter 3: The Auction Part 1/2

All around me, I see the dead and dying bodies of the human. There is blood everywhere. I look down and I feel my heart race. I was breathing heavily. I can smell the metallic stench of the blood, sweat, and fear. I hear a whip crack and people crying. I am brought back to reality. Leraje grabs my arm and leads me away from the gruesome scene.

I follow her, knowing if I think of doing anything, I will die. She takes me to a large tent, inside there are two women a dark-skinned demon and an Elf. He is sitting behind the desk. The demon commander Leraje walks me in, "Hello, I got another special item, he is going to be worth a fortune." She smiles.

The elf woman walks up to me grabs my chin looks at me and smiles. "You are quite handsome, and have a lean but muscular physique. It is a good quality."

The elf woman let go of my face, "Thank you, commander. Take him to the examination room."

Leraja grabs my arms and leads me to the examination room. There are 8 men and 7 women with slave collars on and all are naked. "Strip and sit here, and don't make any moves."

I take my clothes off and sit in a chair and I can feel the eyes on me. I hear the women and men gasp. It is due to have a lot of scars and marks on my body. Leraja leaves the room and the elf woman walks in the room and the door is shut.

The elf woman says, "I will call you one by one into the room. If you are thinking about escaping or attacking me, you will not get far. There are 200 soldiers outside, and all have been ordered to kill you on site."

One by one, the others go into the room. And one by one they all come out. All the men and women have a blank expression. After the examination, they were led out of the room. I was the last one left and the elf woman came out, "Ok you can come in."

I get up and walk into the room and see a table and a chair. "sit" she says. I sit down and she comes closer and sits on the table in front of me. "Let's start" she starts with my face looking at my eyes, ears, teeth, mouth. She examines my upper body, tracing my scars and examining my arms. She grabs my legs and examines them, and she touches my crotch and grabs my shaft. She moves her hand up and down and looks at me, "You are very healthy, and this is quite big. Turn around. I have to check the back."

I turn and I can feel her hand running over my body and her touch sends shivers down my spine. Her hands go down to my ass and she tells me to cough and I do. She grabs my ass cheeks and separates them and I can feel her finger entering me. 

After what felt like forever, the examination was over. She leads me out of the room, and the demon commander is standing outside. "Commander, this slave is very healthy, and he will fetch a high price. You can lead him to get cleaned."

I was taken to a large room where the others were. Leraja looks at us "Stand up you filth, stand against the wall, now" he shouts.

We stand against the wall. A large hose was turned on and cold water was sprayed at us and Leraja threw us a rag. We start to clean our bodies. 

When we were finished, all of us were standing naked and shivering.

Leraja and the elf woman look at us. The elf woman says, "Ok, they are cleaned, they can get dressed and you can take them to the auction house in Lumina City."

Leraja nodded. All of us get dressed, and the demon commander leads us to the back of a large carriage, she tells us to sit at the back of the cart. She shouts, "Let's go. We are getting late."

It has been a few hours since we left. I have no idea where we are, and I have been to Lumina City before. The slaves have fallen asleep, except me. I look around and sigh, I have been a slave for a second time, but this time it is going to be harder.

A slave woman is sleeping on my shoulder, she has white hair and she is very beautiful. She reminds me of Aya. I look down and sigh. I think to myself "If what the demon said is true then, Aya and the kids should be fine. But I have to survive. If I ever see her and the kids again."

The slave woman's body is against mine and I can feel her body heat. The slave woman slowly wakes up and she looks at me. "Oh, sorry," she whispers and sits straight up and blushes.

"It's ok," I say coldly.

She looks at me, and then turns away and whispers, "Thank you."

"For what?" I ask her.

She says, "For not taking advantage of me, and letting me sleep on your shoulder."

"There is no reason to thank me, I would never hurt a woman like that," I say sternly.

She nods, and I see a tear rolling down her cheek.

She wipes the tears away, and says, "Sorry, it is just that I was a noble and now I am a slave, and my whole family has been killed. They killed my mother and father, and my brother. My older sister was taken, and I don't know where she is."

"You have to adapt now, you have a collar and are a slave. All of us are going to be sold at an auction, forget about you being a noble" I tell her sternly.

She starts crying.

I sigh, and say, "Stop crying, you should be glad you are not a whore or a sex slave. And who knows you might have a good master, and they will treat you well. You will have to survive. I was a slave once, and I know the hardships. Wipe does tears and be strong."

She nods wipes her tears, and looks at me, and asks, "How old are you?"

I say, "Renzor 24, and you."

She says, "Lora, I am 24 too."

The carriage stops, and Leraja opens the door. The slaves wake up, and 

she shouts, "Get out of the carriage, and line up human scum"

We all got out of the carriage and lined up, the slaves were scared and some were trembling.

Leraja and the elf women look at the slaves, and the elf woman says, "Ok, follow us."

We follow the commander and the women into a building. We are led into a room, and Leraja says, "Wait here."

We sit down, and Lora sits next to me and asks, "What are we going to do?"

I tell her, "Survive."

(Updated, 27.02.24)

Ray_Ycreators' thoughts