
Rising from Ashes: Resilience

Renzor born as the youngest of eight into a humble farmer's family, his life to a turn when his struggling parents sold him into slavery at a young age of five years old. Living a life of hardship and abuse, cause him to adapt and survive since a young age. Later in his year he was bought by a beastkin family and was raised and trained to be a plaything of the patriarch's daughter and a killer. This journey of his goes through many ups and downs, love and tragedies, what kind of life will he live only time will tell.

Ray_Y · Fantasía
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86 Chs

Chapter 2: Chains of the Fallen

It has been a month since I left the Shadow Fenrir Mansion. I had left my family to start a new adventure. I had made my way to the capital city of Therionia. It is a grand and beautiful city. It was a bustling place filled with people of all kinds of races and activities. I took a room in the local inn and headed out to the Adventures guild.

The guild is a large building in the center of the city. I walked in and was greeted by the sight of a few people drinking and talking. There was also a bar at the far end. I approached the front counter and the receptionist asked, "My name is Clover Hopps, you can call me Clover. How can I help you today!" She is a cute bunny beastkin.

I replied, "I want to register as an adventurer." She smiles at me and hands me a paper to fill out and the registration fee is 50 silver coins.

The paper asks for my name, race, age, and class. I write up my information and hand it back to Clover.

"Alright, Your name is Renzor Shadow Fenrir, human, age 24, and class versatile, what do you mean by that?" she asked.

I replied, "Versatile means, I am capable of fighting in different ways, I am proficient in any weapon and even close combat. I am not so skilled in magic."

She smiles and takes out a stone tablet "Ok, please place your hand on this tablet, don't worry it will just tell us your top 5 skills." She puts the tablet on the counter. I place my hand on it, and it lights up. The light turns green and the tablet shows the information.

Renzor Shadow Fenrir:


(B) Master of all weapons (Progressive Type)

(B) Master of all Martial Arts (Progressive Type)

(SS) Beast Savage Form (Passive)

(A) Mental Strength (Passive)

(S) Enhanced Speed and Acceleration (Passive)

She is stunned, looking at me and the tablet. "Wait, waaaait, your name I didn't notice it you are Renzor Shadow Fenrir, also known as the Human Bloodhound?" She exclaimed, her voice echoing through the room.

'Oh shit!' I think to myself.

Everyone looks towards the front counter.

"So that's the infamous Human Bloodhound."

"He is a human"

I looked at Clover and whispered, "Can you please be a little quieter, I don't need everyone knowing my name."

She nods her head.

"Sorry, here is your adventurer card. Even if you might be considered a BB-rank adventurer or higher, you will have to start at F-rank and work your way up," she explained. "One last thing, place your hand on this ball, it will measure the tier of magic you can use."

I do as instructed and place my hand on the ball.

"Second Tier magic, that is underwhelming considering who you are. Oh, sorry." She said, seeing my disappointed face. "Please give me a minute."

She runs into the back room, and comes out after a couple of minutes, holding my card and a small box. "Here is your adventurer card and this is an enchanted storage ring. This is a gift from our guild master," she explained, giving me a warm smile.

I put the card in the pocket and put the ring on. "Thank you, I will try to not let the guild master down."

"Good luck!" she says, giving me a cute smile.

I walk out and take a deep breath. 'Let's have an adventure.' I thought, smiling.

After enduring a year of grueling fights, and navigating through the dungeon, I finally achieved the esteemed A-rank status. The lessons learned from the beastkin tribe and the challenges faced in the unforgiving desert shaped me into a formidable warrior. The title of A-rank adventure wasn't just a rank; it was a symbol of my triumphant transformation from a humble farmer's child sold into slavery to a powerful and independent force and a husband and father, ready to carve my destiny in a world that once sought to break me.

I was at the top of the world.

I was sitting in the Adventures guild in the Dwarven Kingdom of Gravendame. As usual, I was relaxing after finishing a job, and writing a letter to Aya and the children. While I was waiting for the receptionist to come and give me the reward, an elf, dwarf, and demon in military uniforms came into the guild. The demon in black-clad armor steps forward and says in a loud and stern voice "War has come and all humans are now slaves if you resist we will not hesitate to kill you. You have 10 minutes to come out and get on the slave collar or face the consequences." The other humans and I were confused, but some laughed and some scoffed. A human mercenary laughs "Look at this fucking bitch, she thinks she can enslave us humans, you have gone mad you piece of shit. Who are you even?" he walks up to the demon, and before he was able to come face to face.

The demon commander unsheathes her sword and slashes his neck from his body. Blood spurts out of the neck and the corpse fell onto the ground. The room fell silent and everyone was looking at the corpse. The blood was still gushing out of the neck, and the head was rolling on the floor. The demon commander shouts "This is your last chance humans get your shit together and get on the slave collars or you all will die." I couldn't believe my eyes. I look at the elf next to me and he is smiling. "Did like that guy anyway." the elf said. 

I look at the 3 officers, they look strong, they kill the guy who was an AA-rank adventurer. They might be S-rank adventurers or higher.

I was thinking about what I should do before I could make a decision. One of the other mercenaries shouts, "Fuck you, I rather die than be a fucking slave." The other human adventures take arm except a few others. I plead to the other to stay calm, "Wait, wait… don't fight him the guy she killed was an AA-rank, she probably had an S-rank higher. She can kill you all in an instant."

The demon commander looks at me with a demonic smile, "Looks like we have a smart one, Looks like you have been through a lot. How old are you child?" she points at the many scars on my body.

I feel his bloodlust and [Mental Strength Passive] I say, "I am 25 now. And who are you?"

I hear the shouting of people outside the guild. "Interesting fella, I have let out my bloodlust and you are calm, My name is Leraje the Great Demon General. What is your name?" 

"My name is Renzor Shadow Fenrir."

"Aha! Guys we have hit a jackpot. You are the infamous human bloodhound, a pleasure to meet you." Leraje laughs and says, "Hahaha, War has started against the humans. A decision was made that all the humans were to be slaves. We will treat them well if they comply and are willing to serve. If not." He gestures to the body and head.

The room fell silent again, and the human mercenaries were terrified. A human mercenary shouts, "You will never enslave us we will fight and die as free people!" The others shout agreeing with the statement. Leraja smiles, "So be it!" She waves his hand, and the elf and the dwarf take out their weapons and attack. 

The elf mercenary next to me takes his sword out joins them and attacks me, he goes for a horizontal slash towards my neck. I duck down and go for his legs, cutting his Achilles and he collapses onto the ground. He screams in pain. I turned and looked at the demon commander, she was just standing in the same spot. The dwarf man runs up to me, I run towards him with my short sword [Speed and Acceleration, Savage Beast Form Passive] my body becomes physically enhanced, and my speed increases. 

We were both charging at each other and he was ready to strike. I slide on the ground and cut both of his thighs making it hard for him to move. He drops his sword and he screams. "Who the hell are you?!" I walk up to him stab his heart and then slice his throat.

I look around me only a few of us are alive and the fighting stops. Leraja walks toward me, every step she takes I feel the bloodlust and pressure "A strong man like you can be sold for a lot of money as a slave" She grabs my shoulder and I look down at him, I am not able to move a muscle. She hands me a collar. "you have 5 seconds to submit, be a good boy"

I couldn't move. I was thinking about my family. 'Do I submit or do I die here, Fuck.'

"Five, Four, Three"

I look down at the collar. 'I have to go through this again.'


'Fuck it' 

"And O-"

I take the collar and put it on. I feel the same burning sensation on my neck from 20 years ago, "ahhhhh" I scream in pain, and a slave crest appears around my neck.

The demon commander Leraje takes off his helmet and a beautiful woman stands there with long black hair, red eyes, and greyish-purple skin. "That wasn't so hard now was it, Renzor" she smiles, she is very attractive.

"Fuck you." I curse.

"Hahaha, ohh, feisty."

She grabs my head and forces me to look at her. She then grabs the collar around my neck, "You are now my slave. You will listen and obey, or the pain from this slave crest will make you regret disobeying me."

When everyone had put on their collar. She leads me and the others out of the guild and all we can see is red. Many bodies of humans were on the street. In the middle of the road men, women, and children with slave collars were all chained up. The demon commander leads us to the middle of the human crowd. He chains the others up, and he points at me "You, come with me. You are a special item, you are going to be sold in the slave auction. Come."

Hi, Welcome, thank you for taking interest in my novel, hope you all like it as I continue on with this story.

(Updated, 27.02.24)

Ray_Ycreators' thoughts