
Rising from Ashes: Resilience

Renzor born as the youngest of eight into a humble farmer's family, his life to a turn when his struggling parents sold him into slavery at a young age of five years old. Living a life of hardship and abuse, cause him to adapt and survive since a young age. Later in his year he was bought by a beastkin family and was raised and trained to be a plaything of the patriarch's daughter and a killer. This journey of his goes through many ups and downs, love and tragedies, what kind of life will he live only time will tell. Discord: https://discord.gg/HZ9NpwVa

Ray_Y · Fantasía
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77 Chs

Chapter 15: Tides of War

6 months ago, a week before the war.

A Royal Knight has just arrived at the Shadow Fenrir Estate. 

"Knight commander, what brings you here today?" The guard at the gate asked.

"I'm here to see the head of the house. Is he available?"

"Of course, please come inside. I will let the head know of your arrival."

The knight commander nodded and the guard led him inside. The knight commander looked around the estate and was impressed with its beauty and splendor. He could see why the Shadow Fenrir family was so respected and powerful.

The guard returned and said, "The head will see you now."

"Thank you." The knight commander followed the guard to the main house and was shown to the head's office.

The guard knocked on the door and opened it.

"Sir, Royal Knight commander Ezekiel is here to see you."

"Please, let him in." The guard bowed and stepped aside to allow the knight commander to enter.

"Ah, Ezekiel, what brings you to my estate?" Duke Draven, a tall and imposing man, stood from his chair and greeted the knight commander with a warm smile.

"Duke Draven, I have come to you with a request on behalf of the Royal Family," the knight commander said, bowing respectfully.

"Have a seat," Ezekiel has a seat. "What kind of request?" Duke Draven raised an eyebrow, curious as to what the knight commander had in mind.

"King Theron Lycanthal has summoned all the nobles of The Kingdom of Therionia for an emergency meeting, and he has requested the attendance of the head of the House. So, I have come to you, to ask for the assistance of the Shadow Fenrir household," he explains, his gaze fixed on the duke. "Your daughter Lady Aya is also invited to the meeting."

"I understand, but this is short notice, I don't know if I can attend the meeting." Duke Draven strokes his beard, thinking of a way to get out of the meeting.

"My apologies, but the king has asked for you to be there," the knight commander said, his tone firm. "The fate of our kingdom may rest upon this meeting."

"The fate of the kingdom, huh," the duke murmurs. "Very well, I will attend the meeting, but I can't speak for Aya. It will have to be her choice."

"Of course," the knight commander replied, nodding in agreement.

"Wait here, I will call for her. She is usually busy these days with her children."

The duke stands and leaves the room. A few minutes later, he comes back.

"Ezekiel, it's been a while. What brings you here?" A tall woman with white hair enters the room, her presence commanding attention.

"Lady Aya, you are looking well," the knight commander responds, bowing his head.

"Always the charmer," she chuckles. "So, what is this about a meeting with the king?"

"Lady Aya, King Theron has summoned all the nobles to a meeting. And, he has asked for your and Duke Draven's presence as well." The duke looks at her.

"Is that so," she replies, her tone neutral. "Well, if the king has asked for us to be there, then we must attend. When is the meeting?"

"I was ordered to escort you to the Royal castle. So, it will have to be today."

"I see," she sighs. "Well, let's get ready then. Come, Father, we have a meeting to attend."

The duke nods and follows his daughter out of the room.

After an hour, they were ready and Ezekiel led them to the carriage. They got inside and the carriage left the estate.

The carriage ride was quiet and tense, as they all were wondering what the king wanted to discuss with them.

"Father, what do you think is going on to have such a meeting?" Aya breaks the silence.

"I don't know, Aya. But, whatever it is, it's important. The king wouldn't call all the nobles of Therionia unless it was a matter of utmost importance."

"I see," Aya murmurs, her gaze fixed out the window. "Renzor, I wonder what he is up to these days. I haven't seen him in a year."

"I was thinking the same, you haven't got a letter from him in the past week," Duke Draven says, "Do you think something has happened to him?"

"I hope not," she says, her tone filled with worry. "He is strong, I'm sure he is fine."

They arrive at the royal castle and they get off the carriage. They walk inside the castle and are met by the royal guards.

"Duke Draven and Lady Aya," the guard bows. "We have been expecting you. The other nobles arrived a while ago, Please follow me."

The guard leads them to the grand hall where the meeting is being held.

As they approach the grand hall, they can hear the chatter of the other nobles.

"I wonder what this meeting is about," Aya whispers to her father.

"I don't know," he replies, his voice equally low. "But, we will find out soon enough."

They enter the grand hall and are met by the expectant gazes of the other nobles.

The King Theron sits in the middle of the hall on his throne. Around him, 6 other nobles were seated on their chairs.

Lion beastkin, Duke Zephyr Clawthorn

Wolf beastkin, Marquise Nali Wolfheart

Rabbit beastkin, Viscountess Lilia White

Panther beastman, Count Rend Wildfang.

Avians, Baroness Seraphina Skylark

Minotaur, Baron Tharok Ironhorn

"Duke Draven, Lady Aya, welcome." The king gestures for them to join the other nobles.

Aya and Duke Draven take their seats and await the king's address.

"Now that the most important members of the meeting are present, I will begin." The king clears his throat. "I have called you all here today because I need to discuss a very serious matter with you." 

"A few days ago, I got letters from all 6 nations; Dwarven, Dragonkin, Fairies, Merfolk, Elven, and Druidic, informing me that they are all planning a war against The Human Kingdom of Ardentia. I have received an invitation to join them and fight against the Humans."

The nobles start to murmur amongst themselves, trying to process this information.

Draven clenches his fist. He knows what's coming.

"The reason why I have gathered you all here is because I need your support in this matter. The other nations a I have planned on halving the human population as they are a threat to the other species."

The murmurs grow louder, and the king raises his hand to silence the hall.

"If we don't join the war, the other nations will think we are conspiring with the humans. So, I need you all to stand behind me and help me make this decision. Will you support me in this war against the humans?"

The nobles look at each other and slowly begin to nod.

Aya stands up, "Your Highness, my husband is human, if we go to war with the humans, his life will be at risk. And, I can't support a war that will endanger the lives of my children's father." She announces, "The last time he sent me a letter was 1 week ago, has the war started in another nation?"

"Yes, the war has already started in the other nations. As of right now, the Dwarven Kingdom of Gravendame, have started to enslave the humans in their kingdom." Draven's body trembles with rage.

"Then, the other nations have started a genocide, this war is a massacre, not a war. I can't support such a thing," she continues, her voice filled with determination. "I won't stand for it."

The king looks at her, his expression unreadable. "So, are you refusing to support me?"

Draven stands up and slams the table, "We will participate in this war, but we will only join if the king guarantees the safety of my son-in-law and grandchildren."

"You have my word, Duke Draven. I will do everything in my power to protect Renzor and your grandchildren," the king answers, his voice filled with sincerity.

Aya looks at her father, her eyes filled with concern. She doesn't want her children to live in a world filled with violence and hatred. "What about the innocent humans? We can't just slaughter them all. There are good people out there, too. They don't deserve to be killed because of a few bad people." Aya protests.

"Your Highness, the young miss is right, we can't just slaughter everyone. It will leave a bad taste in my mouth. We should at least try to find a solution where both sides can co-exist peacefully." says Baroness Seraphina Skylark.

"I, also, think we should at least try to negotiate with the other nations," Count Rend Wildfang, chimed in.

"I agree with the ladies, we should at least try to negotiate. It would be a waste to slaughter a race without even trying to find a peaceful solution," Marquise Nali Wolfheart said, crossing her arms.

"SILENCE, this war has already begun, and there is nothing we can do about it." The king slams the table, "If we don't join the war, the other nations will consider us a threat and will attack our kingdom. I can't allow that. We have to fight or die."

"But, Your Highness..." Aya tries to protest, but the king cuts him off.

"No, the matter is settled. You are all dismissed." The king waves his hand, dismissing the nobles.

Draven and Aya walk out of the grand hall, their expressions grim.

Duke Zephyr Clawthorn, Viscountess Lilia White, and Baron Tharok Ironhorn leave the hall, their moods excited.

Baroness Seraphina Skylark and Marquise Nali Wolfheart, leave the hall, their moods uncertain.

"Duke Draven, please allow us a moment alone," Count Rend Wildfang calls, following them.

"What is it, Count?"

"Duke, what do you think of the situation, shouldn't we do something to prevent the war? If not for the humans, at least for the innocents," the Count whispers.

"We can't do anything, the war has already started and if we don't join, we will be considered a threat to the other nations. If we don't fight, we will be slaughtered in return."

"But, what if your son-in-law Renzor? If the war continues, he will be killed," the Count said.

"Don't worry, Renzor is strong, I'm sure he can survive the war," Duke Draven answers, his expression grim.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Renzor is one of the strongest members of the Shadow Fenrir Family." Draven looks at Aya, who is deep in thought. "Goodbye, Count"

Draven and Aya head to the carriage and leave the castle.

"How could you let this happen, father," Aya says, her expression filled with anger.

"There is nothing we can do, Aya. I have to protect my family first, that is my duty as a head." Draven clenches his fist, his resolve hardening.

"How can you say that, Renzor is a part of our family! How could you abandon him like that."

"I am not abandoning him, don't you have fate in him? He is strong, he can protect himself." He says in anger.

"N-No, I have fate in him, but I can't help to worry. He is still my husband, I love him." She says, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

Draven looks at his daughter, his expression softening. "Aya, I'm sorry. I will do my best to find him. He is like a son to me too."

Aya nods, she is crying, looking out the window of the carriage. "Renzor, I hope you are safe."

Present, in the training ground.

Kira and I entered the training ground, she led me to a secluded spot and pulled out her staff.

"So, tell me, how were you able to control and use your mana?" she asked, her eyes curious.

"Well, okay." I stood in the center, closing my eyes to focus. With a deep breath, "First, I absorbed the mana in the air." I concentrate and begin absorbing the mana in the area. "Then, I lead the mana into the central area of my mana channel."

"Next, I identify where I want the mana to flow, and then, I send the mana using the most efficient pathways through my mana channel," I send the mana into the pathway leading to my right hand. "And, finally, I release the mana outside, through my right hand," I say as I extend my right hand.

The mana leaves my body and creates a small faint blue ball above my palm.

"Hmm, interesting," Kira murmurs, observing the ball of mana.

"But, I have one problem," I say. The mana ball dissipates. 

"What is it?"

"I don't know how to convert it to elemental mana." I look at her.

"First let's see what elemental affinity you have." She walks around to my back and places her hand on my lower back.

"Now, let's see what element you have. You will feel a bit uncomfortable," she says as she closes her eyes.

"Okay." I close my eyes, focusing on the sensation.

A second later, I feel a tingling sensation. It feels like someone is sending a small electric current through my body.

"Hmm, I can feel the wind and fire affinity inside you," she murmurs. "Wait, it's more than that, there is a dark affinity. You have a unique elemental affinity. How is this possible?"

[Skill Acquired]

(B)Dark magic (Progressive Type)

(D)Fire magic (Progressive Type)

(D) Wind Magic (Progressive Type)

My mouth dropped at this announcement, what kind of skill is this?

"Did you gain a skill?" She asks, looking at my expression.

"Yeah, I got 3 skills. I gained Dark magic, Fire magic, and Wind magic."

"This is unbelievable, you are like me. You can use 3 different types of magic."

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

"It is good, very good. I have 3 affinity for the wind, water, and earth elements. It is rare for a person to have even 2 affinities. But, to have 3 affinities, is a gift from the heavens."

"Really?" I ask.

"Yes, really," she replies, her voice filled with sincerity. "Having an affinity for 3 elements already puts you ahead of the rest, but you have 2 elements and one unique elemental affinity. On top of that, your unique elemental affinity is Dark magic. Not much is known about Dark magic, as it is usually used by the evil factions." She looks at me, her expression serious. "But, if you use it properly, you can use it for good. Dark magic is neutral, it can be used for both good and evil. So, it all depends on you, on how you use it."

I look at the time and notice it's getting late, "Young miss, it is getting late, you have class tomorrow morning."

"Ah, you are right," she responds, her voice tinged with disappointment.

"You don't have to look disappointed, we can continue tomorrow."

"Really?" She asks, her face brightening.

"Of course, young miss, but after your training," I answer.

"Okay," she replies, her mood better.

We leave the training ground and return to the dorms. 

After a bath, the young miss falls asleep immediately. 

I sit on the couch and my thoughts run a million miles a second. "To think I have 3 elements, this is good, very good," I murmur, my mind analyzing the possibilities. "If I can use these 3 elements, I might have a chance to become stronger."

With that thought, I fall asleep.

Wanted to give a back story on Shadow fenrirs and Aya, and how they are doing.

Ray_Ycreators' thoughts