
Rise of the Soul Guardians

In the early year 2004 the earth had changed. magic came to life but so did their nightmares. Demons and creatures of evil came from the ground up until a group of people came with them called Soul Guardians. these warriors proved their strength in defeating demons and saving humanity. our protagonist Koji Stanton was a homeless child trying his best to survive in such a cruel world. Fortunately his luck changed for the better or worse Koji became a soul guardian. but now he must train more soul guardians like himself.

MFZEID · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
19 Chs

S1 Ep.18

News had spread about the incident in Tokyo which had Madam Bo wonder why Koji was in Tokyo and who he was fighting.

But just then koji entered Madam Bo's office with his still bloody hands.

"Koji! Who were you fighting!? Are you okay!?"

Madam Bo rushed over and grabbed Koji's hands before Koji fell to his knees crying.

"My sister… she… she's alive."


Madam Bo had known about the supposed death of koji's younger sister from Koji himself.

But now she's back from the dead? And to add fuel to the flames of questions in madam Bo's mind she was puzzled on why she didn't reach out to his older brother.

'Why would she abandon her brother? I need to know more.'

Madam Bo Felt responsible for Koji and cared for him deeply as he has help the Wakana Academy grow better then ever.

But even after hear what Koji had told her about his past madam Bo had hardly any information to make assumptions.

Yet Koji was still fuming with rage before he let out another roaring scream that everyone on the school grounds could here.

However only a select few knew exactly who was screaming and rushed into Madam Bo's office and saw it was indeed Koji.

However just then they were frozen in place while Koji was free to move around.

"I'm sorry… but I have to know…"

As Koji vanished the others were freed but they were still worried about what Koji will do next.

Koji didn't go back to Tokyo but instead was standing on top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris staring out at the distance.

"Let me see her once more… Soul Art 99:Clairvoyance."

By using clairvoyance Koji could see every corner of the earth and searched for Mara.

Mara was found in mere seconds on her knees in front of what looked to be a family gathering with the same snob who was married to Mara apparently.

'Sister… what are you doing…'

The Snob was the first to speak despite his enormous swollen face that anyone could laugh at.

"(Wife why did your so called brother hit me? Humiliated me? Answer quickly!)"

Mara was just about to answer the question when an elderly couple walked into the meeting and bowed to the snob.

"(Master Satoshi, we humbly apologize for being late.)"

The Snob waved them off to take their seat but not before both of the elderly couple turned to Mara and slapped her.

Koji was furious but listened carefully.

"(Granddaughter, you have disappointed us. That wild animal assaulted your husband and yet you stood by an watched)"

Koji's eyes widened with shock.

'…Granddaughter?…. What the fuck?!'

Mara was in tears but not from the pain of the slap but of heart break.

"(You said my brother was dead, you lied to me for years. Why? Why did you say he was dead.)"

The grandparents however slapped Mara again and yelled.

"(Silence! You do not get to talk unless given permission!)"

Koji had enough and casted a spiritual projection of himself to stand behind Mara and spoke.

"(That's enough! How dare you hit my sister!)"

Everyone was shocked at Koji's arrival before the Snob yelled as he drew his Hotoji once more.

"(You have no business being here! Die!)"

Once again the snob charged in like a bull while Koji showed him how insignificant he was.

"Soul Art 49: Chains of Torment"

The snob was tied up in chains while everyone drew their weapons ready for a battle.

Koji however turned to Mara and Healed her wounds but spoke no words before turning to the grandparents with anger.

"(Kneel and apologize.)"

The grandparents just laughed at Koji.

"(You really don't know who your dealing with do you boy? It's laughable to think that you have any power over us.)"

Koji's patience had run out before cutting of their hands.

As they screamed Koji grabbed their Hotoji's with a firm grip.

"(I have no power over you? You are just little kittens in front of a tiger. Kneel and apologize to Mara before you lose everything.)"

Mara however was the one to speak next as she grabbed the two hotoji's in koji's hands.

"Brother….. please stop….. you don't understand."

Koji looked to Mara and saw sadness in her eyes along with a tear.

"Why? Why defend these scum… they should die for harming you."

Koji still needed to know why she would defend such worthless human beings before a young boy that looked no older then five years old grabbed onto Mara.


Koji stopped and dropped the Hotoji's as he looked at the child in Mara's arms.

"(Hatake go sit back down.)

He was an uncle and he didnt know what to say.

Mara was the next to speak as the grandparents used healing techniques to restore their severed hands.

"(I have a son. Please don't make yourself look like a villain.)"

Koji opened a portal as the spiritual projection faded before the real Koji walked through.

"I…. I didn't know…. But why stay here? They treat you so badly and they even hit you? Why?"

"To continue the family tradition."

Koji was confused before he grabbed a blade that was aimed at his head to see it was the grandmother.

"(Begone you wild animal! We always knew you were going to be trouble. That why we chose your sister and left you to rot!)"

Koji turned silent for a moment while Mara was terrified.

"(Yeah that's right you were abandoned, unloved, pathetic! We chose to spare one of you in hopes of preserving our linage…!)"

As the ground shaked and the floor broke Koji for the first time saw the cause of his suffering.


Koji then snapped his fingers and teleported Mara and her son away to a safe distance before Koji tore the entire compound from the ground up, literally.

As the compound was floating in the air Koji flipped it upside down and sent it back down like a meteorite right in front of the entire family whom escaped during the chaos.

The snob and the others were left jaw dropped before Koji did something even more surprising.

He broke everyone of their Hotoji's after absorbing their essence's.

They were reduced to just toys as their unique and vibrant colours turned grey.

The Snob was almost bleeding out of his eyes as the kept flailing his weapon in the hopes to kill Koji.

"(What did you do! You will pay!)"

Koji wasn't done just yet as he focused a lot of essence into his hand and slapped the Snob into the broken remains of the compound.

But just as everyone was about to flee for their lives hundreds of Soul Guardians appeared between them and Koji with their weapons drawn.

"(Stop what your doing! By order of the Soul Hunter Society surrender!)"

Koji expanded his senses and found their essence's to be mediocre at best until one more soul guardian arrived.

It was Madam Bo as she stood between them and Koji.

"Koji stop this! Don't make the situation worse!"

Koji roared like a beast in anger while looking at Madam Bo.

"They hurt my sister… they abandoned me… they left me for dead! I will have my revenge! SHINKA!"

Koji didn't waste a second longer and tore through the guardians while running towards the cause of his suffering and was mere inches away from sinking his claws into their skin.

But Madam Bo kick Koji away at full force that sent him flying out of the city into the middle of a forest.

"Don't interfere! You may have been something to me in our past life but I won't let you get in my way!"

Madam Bo was using all of her strength to hold Koji back before a heated battle began.

"What did you just say? Past life? What are you talking about?! Bear Punch."

Koji block it with multiple barriers before returning a kick to madam Bo.

"I had a past life that I am slowly remembering! It's how I've know and shown you Soul Arts. But I won't let you stop me even if you were…. If…. Just leave me alone!"

Koji made hundreds of clones as did Madam Bo.

"If you were what? What are you refusing to say! I won't let you go! So tell me! Bear Summons!"

Gladiator Bears appeared and aided Madam Bo but even then Koji outnumbered them 100 to 1.

"What does it matter?! All I care about is getting payback! They took my sister from me and left me for dead!"

"Koji I know your in pain even now but you have to stop before it's too late. You said so yourself that a battle for our world is coming. We have to be united and not apart."

Koji screamed like an animal and even caused the bears to retreat into the forest.

"You know nothing! You don't know the pain I've suffered! I won't let you stop me! Soul Art 101: Thunder Clap."

Koji had caused a blackout that spread across the entire country all while Madam Bo was Struck by thunder and was put in a cage of pure electricity.

No matter what Madam Bo did she couldn't break free as Koji walked past her.

"I'm sorry, the cage will disappear soon."

In a last effort to stop Koji Madam Bo Broke through the cage with was a surprise to Koji.

"I won't let you kill those innocent people. Shinka!"

It was now a fight with a bear and wolf at opposite ends.

"Innocent?! They are anything but innocent!"

With every bite and slash, punch and kick Koji and Madam Bo changed the landscape from a lush forest to a deserted landscape.

All while after hours of battle hunters from the S.H.S arrived to see Koji on one knee smiling.

"You think you can hold me? Ha don't make me laugh."

Madam Bo was breathing heavily but Koji was in a much worse condition.

"You can keep fighting for much longer Koji, give up."

Koji only laughed as he grabbed Hatasho once more.

"You think it's over? It's only just begun. I didn't want to use since it only effects guardians but now that the S.H.S is here? It's time to refresh myself."

What madam Bo saw next shook her to her core.

"Feed me your Essence!"

Koji drained everyone apart from Madam Bo of their essence but left them alive.

"They aren't dead but they'll need to recover their essence."

Koji was now full of energy as if the battle for the last Seven Hours hadn't even happened.

"Koji! If you do this they will call you a monster! A Murderer!"

Koji eyes darkened before he took out the same white mask he has kept since attending Wakana Academy and spoke.

"The world doesn't always need a Hero… sometimes it needs a monster."

Exhaustion gave out for Madam Bo as she feinted alongside the other guardians around while Koji left.