
Rise Of The Shadow Queen

Once the daughter of the number one mafia family in the world, ruling the underworld of various countries. but one day a tragedy occurred, the other 4 mafia families joined forces and wiped out her family and trusted subordinates. From the grief and pain she committed suicide not after killing all those who betrayed her family. to her fate she was reborn into another body. in a whole different world where magical beast are rampant and humans able to use magic. follow Alicia in her new life journey to be the strongest of all and avenge her family. if she can... This is supremelord and this is my second book. if you like doomsday, Betrayal, system or games, you can check my first and third books. REBORN WITH A DOOMSDAY SYSTEM and SOLO LEVELING: I AM THE ONLY SUPREME WITH A CHEATING SYSTEM. Much love.

OP_Supreme · Fantasía
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33 Chs

32: Deal

"Are you sure she is the one?!"

Jia asked after being silent for a long time.

"Yes" Nita confirmed.

"What did you discover?" Jia asked.

"I will come to you."

Nita said, picked up her Crystal and quickly left the restaurant.


'Where is this girl?" Alicia growled, as soon walked down the street.

'I hope she is ok' Alicia thought and walked towards a dark corridor. 'Come out venom and snake.'

The shadows in the dark alley moved and formed two kneeling shadow figures in front of her, one an Assassin and the other a warrior.

"Go and look for her" Alicia said calmly, and her two shadows nodded and disperse.

"Hey beauty!"

"What are you doing in this dark alley?"

"Do you know we were following you, and you indirectly lead us here to satisfy our desire.

"What are you guys saying, let just catch her."

"Yes, we can also take the communication Crystal on her."

Alicia frowned and slowly turned around, before her were five males, four in high-Common class and the one who looked like their leader, a low-awakened class.

'My queen, should I kill these ignorant fools?' Black-night asked through their mind link.

'Not yet, let see what there up to' Alicia replied.

Black-night kept silent, because his queen said "Not yet" that means she might change her mind.

"Why are you guys following me?" Alicia asked calmly.

"Wow, she is still calm, guys I think we hit a jackpot." The second guy said with a smile.

"What if she had already called for help?" The fifth guy asked, "this girl is too calm, something is not right here." He whispered to the others.

"Don't worry, I didn't call anyone"

Alicia said with a smile, the next moment a dark throne made from skulls rose behind her, and she sat down luxuriously.

"I was planning to find my sister, but I will just have to add to my army" she said with a smile, resting her jaw on both of her hands.

First guy: "something is not right here."

Fifth guy: "I told you that!"

Second guy: "who is she?"

Fourth guy: "Did she just made that skull throne appeared out of thin air?!"

Third guy: "I think we should run, we can't enjoy her if we are dead."

"I think you are right, guys let get out of here!" The first guy, the one who instigated all this yelled out.

"And you all think I will let you leave that easily" Alicia said as her eyes charged from blue to red.

"Demon!! Run!!"

"She might be related to the new abyssal king, everyone is searching for!"

"Yes, let escape, if we alert the duke, he will reward us handsomely." The first guy said.

"You guys are really stupid" Alicia revealed and with a smirk, black-night rose beside her.

"Should I kill them my queen?" He asked respectfully.

"No, I want to see what my shadow assassins could do." Alicia answered, with a thought, thirty shadows rose from the ground and stood in front of her, facing the five scared guys.

"What the fuck!!"

"Where did these people appear from?!!"

"G-Guys, that is a-a mid-master c-class ability user." The third said, his voice shaking.

That was when they all focus their daze black-night who stood on the right side of Alicia. Seeing his MANA flow they almost fainted from shock.

"We are dead!"

"Guy!! You lead us to our death!!!"

"Milady please forgive us." The fifth guy said, going down on his knees.

"Yes, please forgive us, it's all his fault!!"

The four guys quickly got on their knees and started bagging for Mercy.

"Boring" Alicia said with disappointment.

That was all the shadow assassins need to hear as they charged towards the kneeling guys.


The sound of daggers cutting throats rung out, as the five men gripped their throats, making muffing sounds before dropping dead.

The first guy Who didn't kneel was scared out of his wit. As he lowered his head and looked at the sharp blade of a dagger at his neck. Any slight moment might end his life.

"Your friends are too boring, I wonder about you" Alicia said relaxing on her throne.

"My queen do you like the throne?" Black-night asked.

"Yeah, I like your gift" Alicia answered and looked at the guy.

"What do you want to do with him?" She asked.

"Kill him" black-night gave a simple answer, which earn a frown from Alicia.

"Don't always think about killing every time someone clash with us. We can use them for something else." Alicia stated, stood up, and calmly walked towards the guy.

"Please, please, you can't kill me, I am the nephew of the duchess, I can give you anything you want" the guy said, slowly.

"Really...?" Alicia looked at the guy luxurious cloths. Another reason for not killing him instantly.

"Yes! I can give you anything you want"

"Why would I believe that, you are just a nephew. You don't have power or control in the duke house." Alicia said with a frown.

"No, the duke and duchess don't have kids and, my mother is the duchess younger sister, As the duchess don't have any kids, she took me as hers. They are even planning to announce that I will be the new duke when I come of age."

"Oh, How old are you now?" Alicia asked a little surprise.

"I am 23, I need to reach 25 before I can come of age" the guy revealed everything to Alicia.

"Ok. As a favorite nephew, why didn't the duchess gave you guards?" Alicia inquired.

"She did, but I sent them away, when we planned to viol... I mean clash with you" the young man added.

"I will let you go for one reason."

The man kept silent and listen to her.

"You will have to be my spy, and tell me everything that is happening in the court and also the numbers of army in this city and how powerful they are."

Hearing Alicia word, and seeing the blade at his neck, he gritted his teeth and nodded. If it's to commit treason to save his life, he will do it.

"Good, and don't think of backstabbing me, because I will kill you without you even knowing how you die." Alicia said getting dangerously close to him. That their lip can touch if he pushed his head forward.

"I never give second chance." She said and walked back to her throne and sat down.

The young man breathed a sigh of relief, as the assassin removed the dagger from his neck.

"I need all this information before I come back from the predators dimension" Alicia said.

The guy nodded vigorously, with sweat running down his shoulder.

Alicia wave her hand and a dark needle struck his neck and draw out blood.

"Augh!" The man rubbed his neck and looked at Alicia with horror. "What did you do?!!"

"How dare you yell in the presence of the queen!" A crimson scythe appeared in black-night hand as he fixed his red eyes on the man. All the thirty assassins face also changed.


The young man gulped down and quickly say: "I am sorry my queen, forgive me"

"What is your name?" Alicia asked even though she already knew it from the system, she wants to see if he will lie to her.

"Zack Snyder, my queen"

"I just inject you with a powerful poison, it will take effect when you try to reveal anything that happen here to anyone, but if you keep your mouth shut, nothing will happen to you. You are free to go now, remember our deal. I need all the information in three weeks from now"

"Yes, Yes, YES" he quickly stood up and ran out of the alley.

After a minute Alicia commanded:


The four dead bodies trembled, and four shadowy figures rose and knelt down in Front of Alicia.

"Good. System show me my shadow army"

{As You wish}

{Shadow army: 97/100, slots: 65 warrior in slot, 30 assassins in slot. 2 beasts in slot.}

"Four more to go, and I will enter the next class." Alicia stood up, and her throne disappeared instantly.

"My queen, do I have the honor to speak?"


"What did you do to him?"

Alicia smiled hearing black-night question and said "Nothing, he will be scared that if he tries to reveal anything that happen here to everyone he will die on the spot. But don't worry, I also placed a shadow with him, so I can always keep tap on him."

Black-night nodded in understanding and praise, "the queen is as wish as beautiful"

Alicia shook her head calmly and dismiss all her shadows, the next moment her face changed slightly.

"Come on Cassie, do you always have to get yourself caught? Fine I am coming" Alicia growled as she received a signal from venom, she opened a portal and walked in calmly.


Much love guys, and thanks to Thomas_Nairn for gifting power stones to the novel. I was planning to stop the novel and focus on my other books, but you changed my mind.

Thanks again.

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stay safe, much love.

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