

Gideon, Victoria and Lin left the park when it started to get crowded and it was nearing the afternoon. Soon, they got back into the car and started to move.

The siblings didn't bother asking where they were going this time and just waited patiently. The also clearly sensed Lin's change in mood. It was subtle, but they noticed that she seemed a little more cheerful.

As they drove, the noticed that there was starting to be less and less trees filled with people and the residences also reduced. However, the number of vehicles on the road didn't decrease.

'Seems like we're coming up on another tourist spot.' Gideon noted.

He was right, because about thrufy minutes later, the car reached a wide area without many trees.

There was a whole bunch of vehicles parked and elves were going in and out of numerous entrances in the ground, caves to be precise.

'More caves huh?' The duo thought at the same time as their car parked.