
Rise of the pervert healer

Please see the tags before reading, if it is not your cup of tea please read some other novel: Incest, netori, no netorare, bdsm, non consensual This is my first novel and first few chapters (especially first 7 chapters) may not be to everyone's taste, things get better after chapter 8 onwards. In future when I have time, I am planning to update first few chapters. Andy got transmigrated to another world after a normal road accident which activated the [Pervert Healer] system in his new life. Follow Andy on his journey to become the greatest healer the world has ever seen, as he help others' wife and daughters by healing and satisfying them.. even though they didn't ask him to. Note: Readers be advised this novel may contain very explicit R-18 scenes and is focused heavily on netori and bdsm.

bearguard · Fantasía
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100 Chs

27. System level 3

[Congratulations host for levelling up! You have received new skills and unlock a new shop feature as well. Host can bring up the stat panel at any time to see the changes]

'Nice! I must be lacking just a bit of essence after my session with Freya last night.'

"Mother I am going to my room to rest for a bit" said Andy and went to his room.

After coming back to his room, he brought up his stats


Name: Andy

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Level: 9 (5 -> 9)

System: Pervert Healer

System level: 3 (2 -> 3)



HP: 270/270

MP: 140/140

STR: 27 (16 -> 27)

AGI: 21 (13 -> 21)

INT: 14 (8 -> 14)

Essence (class exclusive): 152,473



Heavenly touch 2

[Active, enhance the feeling of pleasure or pain of a target with a touch, different modifiers can be applied to different areas instead of same modifier for entire body, requires physical contact with target, min 0x max 100x]

Heavenly presence 2 (level up)

[Active, targeted person will feel attracted towards the host and will grow an unbearable itch in their sensitive body parts with time the more they look at host, when the target goes out of this skill's effect their itch will subside gradually on its own, only the host can relieve the target of their itch, max 100 targets at a time]

Absorb essence

[Active, since the user is straight male, can only absorb the essence from the fluids of women]

Barrier 2

[Active, create sound and light barrier]

Essence Heal 2 (level up)

[Active, can heal any wound, disease, poison etc as long as target is alive, can alter target's age, can convert essence into health potions (10 essence = low-tier health potion, 100 essence = mid-tier health potion, 1,000 essence = high-tier health potion, 10,000 essence = top-tier health potion and 100,000 essence = <undefined> health potion), uses essence instead of mana, requires physical contact with target, max 1 target at a time]

Slave mark 2 (level up)

[Active, need target's consent for placing slave mark, slave's mind body and soul will belong to host, slaves are always considered as in physical contact with host, can teleport slaves to host's location, max 100 slaves at a time]

Memory wipe 1

[Active, can wipe memory fragments of target, needs physical contact, will not work if target has higher INT stat than host and is on guard against host, requires more mana depending on how old the memory fragment is]

Mana siphon

[Passive, essence will be used when host runs out of mana for casting skills, 1 essence = 1 mana]

Teleport 1 (new skill)

[Active, host can teleport to any location which host has already visited in the past, host can also teleport others who are in contact with him, max 10 people at a time, 1 day cooldown]

Shapeshifter 1 (new skill)

[Active, transform host's appearance, smell and aura into someone else]

Clean (low-tier)

[Active, can clean target's body and clothes, can be casted on self, physical contact needed]



Freya Wright



1 attribute for 1000 essence

Item store (low-tier items)

Skill store (low-tier skills)

[Level up to unlock more features]


"What!? Whats with my essence" Andy screamed out loud, he was sure his essence was around 30,000 before he went to his mother's room, but now its 150,000, just how did that happen? He only made his mother come only once and got 120,000 essence for it? Last night he did so much hard work and only got 20,000 essence.

[Host, your mother is on entirely different level when compared to your slave. Her meridians being destroyed doesn't change the quality of her essence one bit. Other than that both of you have very high compatibility since you both have same blood in your veins, so essence absorption efficiency is 100% with your mother compared to around 20% for Freya]

'Ah I see! I need to speed up my plans to get my mother then! Hehehe' though Andy

He then checked the levelled up skills and was extremely content with the new effects. Now that he can alter someone's age, Andy and his loved ones were basically immortal unless they die in battle.

'I can easily get rich now by selling the potions! they are very expensive and always high in demand, especially high-tier potion. Top-tier potions are rarely seen in the entire world'

After that Andy checked out his new skills

'Hehehe Shapeshifter skill is exactly what I have been looking for' thought Andy as he immediately tried it out and went to look into a mirror. In the mirror he saw a tall and handsome man in his mid 20s with blonde hairs.

'Nice! Andrew is back! Hehe now the name Dr Andrew will shake heaven and earth'

This appearance was exactly that of his past life. Previously he was avoiding using his essence heal in public in order not to cause any trouble for his family. Now he can finally begin his work as a "pervert healer" using this new appearance.

'The teleport skill is completely broken as well, the only drawback is such a high cooldown, so it can't be used in battle'

He then opened the shop and found basically found every low-tier items that exist in this world. Like storage rings, weapons and even low-tier mana crystals. Items without any magical property like ropes, handcuffs, crop etc were available for very cheap like 1 or 2 essence.

Andy licked his lips thinking of all the fun that he could have and also looked forward to Freya's next punishment session.

He tried purchasing a handcuff thinking of adding it to his storage ring while making the purchase.

[Ding! Item purchased for 1 essence]

Andy then checked his storage ring and handcuff was present there.

He then bought some new clothes from store for his second avatar... as the other ones were too small for him, and changed into a new set of clothes.


After looking around at all the new changes due to level up, Andy left a note that he won't be coming back tonight together with 50 high-tier mana crystals and left.

Andy then snuck into Wright mansion using 'invisible man' barrier and stole a ring from Frank's room and used teleport to go to a remote village which he visited a few times in the past. He then asked an old man for directions and came to a certain house and knocked on the door.

A pretty young lady opened the door and asked

"Yes, who are you?"

Looking at this girl, anger flashed in Andy's eyes for a moment, he then asked

"Are you miss Levi?"