
Rise Of The Omnimancer: Tempest of Avalon

In a world shattered by centuries of conflict, a prophecy whispered through the ages foretells the rise of extraordinary people known as Omnimancers, wielding unimaginable power capable of shaping the destiny of nations. Their purpose, to restore balance and usher the world into its rightful order. But when one of these enigmatic figures succumbs to corruption, the delicate equilibrium is shattered, plunging the realm into an era of unrelenting war and despair. In the midst of the ashes of once-thriving civilizations, where hope flickers like a dying ember, a remarkable discovery rattles the foundations of this war-torn land. The unearthing of Cerfryx, a rare and mystic mineral, sparks a feverish race for dominance between two mighty empires: Epher and Raylean. Amid this harrowing turmoil stands Theo, a young and unsuspecting 18-year-old, burdened by haunting fragments of a past he cannot recall. Plagued by mysterious flashbacks and enigmatic visions, he finds himself thrust into a treacherous journey of self-discovery. As Theo unravels the secrets of his origins, he becomes entangled in a perilous web of intrigue, danger, and ancient prophecies. _________________________ Disclaimer: I do not own the cover. If you are the artist and want it removed, please contact me and I will do so.

Mystic_Ravenwood · Fantasía
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22 Chs

"Weird Dreams"

"Ugh! My head!"

With a heavy groan, Theo woke up, feeling an unbearable pain throbbing in his head. He was disoriented and uneasy, unable to recall the remnants of a dream that clung to him, casting a mystifying aura around his consciousness.

Theo made his way to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. His once vibrant blue eyes were now dulled and lifeless. Dark circles encased them, starkly highlighting the toll the constant influx of dreams had taken on his physical and mental well-being.

A cold, enveloping mist of hopelessness washed over him, suffocating any semblance of optimism that might have lingered within. The relentless intrusion into his subconscious had become an omnipresent shadow that loomed over every moment of his waking life, leaving him lost and adrift in a sea of uncertainty.

Frustration and anger boiled up within him, and he slammed his hand against the sink, wondering why this was happening to him. He couldn't remember the last time he had peaceful sleep without being tormented by dreams.

Theo's mind raced as he attempted to make sense of the fragments of memories that lingered in his consciousness. But no matter how hard he tried, they remained just out of reach, taunting him with their elusiveness.

He splashed water on his face, feeling a fleeting respite from the agonizing headache. Theo closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and tried to push the thoughts to the back of his mind. He knew brooding over them would be of no avail.

"Breakfast is ready, Theo," a feminine voice chimed.

"I'll be there in a moment," he replied, still attempting to shake off the shadowy remnants of the dreams.

Theo went downstairs and the appetizing aroma of breakfast wafted into his nostrils. Laura was an exceptionally skilled cook, and each dish she created was a masterpiece of flavors and scents that delighted the senses.

Neil was already seated, engrossed in the morning paper. He glanced up briefly as Theo took his place at the table, offering a greeting that seemed too ordinary for the strange and unsettling world he found themselves in.

"Good morning, Theo," he said in a relaxed and casual tone.

"Good morning," Theo replied, his voice timid and trembling as if he was trying to hide something.

"You didn't join me for training this morning. Is everything all right?" Neil's voice carried a hint of concern as he fixed his gaze on Theo.

Theo hesitated momentarily, feeling the weight of a burden that he could not share. "It's just the stress of finals," he lied, attempting to mask his true feelings. "I'll make it up to you."

"Is that so?" Neil's eyes betrayed his doubt, but he chose not to pry further. He understood Theo well enough to know that he needed his space. While he appreciated his father's consideration, Theo couldn't shake off the guilt that consumed him.

Their conversation dwindled, and the clinking of utensils was the only sound that broke the silence. Neil kept a watchful eye on Theo but couldn't bring himself to meet it because his mind was elsewhere.

Theo excused himself from the table, the plush carpet muffling the sound of his footsteps as he made his way back to his room. Leaning against the door after closing it, he took a deep breath. It was his last day of high school, and he had to prepare himself.

Undressing, Theo stepped into the shower, letting the hot water wash away his thoughts. He couldn't recall anything about his past before being found unconscious in an alleyway at the age of 13. Memories of that night were still hazy, like a dream he couldn't quite grasp. But as he closed his eyes, the images flooded back.

The darkness of the alleyway, the sound of footsteps approaching, and then nothingness. When he woke up, he found himself in a hospital bed, surrounded by strangers who claimed to have found him. They asked him questions, but he couldn't remember anything about himself or where he came from. All he had was the pendant around his neck, with the name "Theo" engraved on it.

While he stepped out of the shower and dried himself off, Theo couldn't help but feel a sense of emptiness. Who was he? Where did he come from? And why did his past seem so shrouded in mystery?

Theo pushed aside his thoughts and got dressed for school, slipping the pendant around his neck. The pendant was a constant reminder of his past and the only thing that gave him a sense of belonging. He buttoned up his plain white shirt and pulled up his navy trousers, checking his appearance in the mirror. With his black hair and blue eyes, his slim, well-trained body was apparent as his shirt fit him snugly.

The contrast of his white skin complexion against his dark hair, along with sharp angles defining his jawline and cheekbones, gave him a slightly serious expression. He laced up his shoes and glanced at the clock on the wall. It was 7:35 am, and he had forty minutes until his classes started. He grabbed his blazer from the hook on the door and slung it over his shoulder before heading out.

As soon as Theo stepped outside, the cold morning air hit him, and he took a deep breath, savoring the freshness. The sound of birds chirping and the distant hum of traffic filled his ears as he made his way toward school. However, as he walked, a sense of unease crept up on him.

It was as if someone was following him, watching his every move. He spun around, scanning his surroundings, but there was no one in sight.

'Am I losing my mind?' he wondered, feeling a chill run down his spine. 'Let's not think too much about it.'

When Theo approached the school, he could hear the noise level rising. The sound of chatter and laughter grew louder with every step he took, and it hit him like a tidal wave as he entered the classroom. His classmates were all talking at once, their voices blending into an indistinguishable jumble of noise. It was overwhelming.

Theo's head throbbed as he searched for a quiet spot in the back of the classroom, but the noise only seemed to intensify, worsening his headache. He felt frustrated as if the entire world was conspiring against him.

High school was never something Theo enjoyed, particularly the social aspect. He preferred keeping to himself, often leading others to label him as a loner. To him, the excitement around discussing favorite things was just meaningless chatter.

Suddenly, the classroom door creaked open, signaling the arrival of Mr. Darren, their math teacher. Theo's classmates stood up to greet him, and Mr. Darren responded with a warm smile.

It was the final day of high school, and no lectures were scheduled. Instead, the teachers planned to engage the students in casual conversations. Though the idea of interacting with them in a less formal setting made Theo uneasy, he decided not to let it bother him.

The day wore on, but not much happened, and before he knew it, the final day of high school had come to an end. On his way back, Theo walked along the streets. While walking, he couldn't help but notice the countless beggars huddled in the alleys with outstretched hands, pleading for spare change from anyone who passed by.

The sight was a stark reminder of the poverty that had befallen the Freyln Empire since the outbreak of "The Shadowfall War." The once great empire had been reduced to a mere shadow of its former self. The beggars' shabby attire, coupled with the crumbling infrastructure and dilapidated buildings, hinted that the foundations of the empire were on the verge of collapse.

One particularly emaciated beggar approached Theo with a desperate look in his eyes. His ragged clothing hung loosely off his frail frame, and hunger seemed to be consuming him. "Can you spare some money?" he asked weakly, barely audible above the street noise.

Without hesitation, Theo reached into his pocket and handed over some money. The beggar's face lit up with gratitude. "Thank you! May God bless you, sir!" he exclaimed.

Theo nodded in acknowledgment and continued on his way.


In the murky alleyway across the way, a figure cloaked in black stood, his piercing gaze fixed intently upon Theo. He leaned casually on a sleek, ebony cane, his striking red hair and beard.

"You have certainly grown into quite the remarkable young man, boy," he remarked, a sly smile etched on his face. He turned to leave when a voice from behind called out.

"I knew someone was spying on me."

The old man looked back to find Theo standing there, his gaze fixed unwaveringly upon him. With an amused glint in his eyes, he retorted, "Ah, it seems your senses are as sharp as ever, Theo."

"Who are you?" Theo pressed.

The old man's eyes shone with a hint of mystery as he answered, "I am someone who has been keeping a watchful eye on you, boy."

"Why would you do that?" Theo's curiosity peaked.

"Why indeed?" the old man replied with a wry grin. "We weren't meant to meet today because 'that man' is also looking for you, and his shadows lurk in every corner."

"Can't you simply answer my question?"

"Patience, young man. The right time and place to answer your question will reveal itself soon enough," the old man responded cryptically as he strode toward the darkness.

"So, until that time, farewell. Theo, son of ******."

If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments. Thank you for taking the time to read my work.

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