
Rise of the monster slayer

The world has been taken over by a horde of fierce and powerful monsters, leaving humanity on the brink of extinction. Every human has been issued a weapon and armor and trained in the art of monster-slaying in a desperate attempt to combat the creatures. Our hero, Jack, is a small and scrawny 15-year-old boy who is constantly getting bullied at school. But when the monsters invade his hometown and kill his parents, Jack discovers that he has a destiny to fulfill. He sets out to fight the monsters, using his wits and agility to outmaneuver the beasts. As he fights, Jack gains a reputation as a skilled monster-slayer, and people begin to look up to him. He leads a group of monster-slayers, and they fight against the creatures with everything they have. Little by little, they drive the monsters back, until they are finally able to defeat them. The world is saved, and Jack has proven himself to be a true hero. He returns to his hometown and rebuilds it, working to make it stronger and safer than ever before. And from that day on, he is no longer the boy who was constantly bullied. He is Jack, the monster-slayer, and the hero of the world.

1GYALLIS_Murder · Fantasía
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3 Chs

The monster arrive

The world had once been a place of peace and prosperity, but all that changed when the monsters arrived.

No one knew where they had come from, but they were unlike anything humanity had ever seen.

They were fierce, terrifying creatures with glowing eyes and razor-sharp claws, and they left nothing but destruction in their wake.

Jack, a small and scrawny 15-year-old boy, had always been an outcast.

He was constantly bullied by his classmates, who teased him for his lack of size and strength.

But when the monsters arrived in his hometown, everything changed.

Jack watched in horror as the creatures attacked his neighbors and friends, leaving destruction and chaos in their wake.

With no other choice, he picked up a weapon and joined the fray.

At first, he was no match for the monsters.

They were too fast, too strong, and too relentless.

But then something strange began to happen.

A bloody image of a man appeared behind Jack, and suddenly his physical attributes doubled.

He felt a surge of power coursing through his veins, and his senses became heightened.

With his newfound strength, Jack was able to dodge the monsters' attacks and strike back with incredible force.

He felt more alive than he ever had before, driven by the image of the bloody man behind him.

After a grueling battle, Jack emerged victorious, having slain his first monster.

As he looked down at the creature's lifeless body, he felt a sense of pride and accomplishment wash over him.

The taste of victory was sweet, but the battle was far from over.

The monsters were still out there, and Jack knew that he had to get stronger if he wanted to defeat them.

With his bloody double image skill, he felt more confident than ever that he could do it.

He continued on his journey to fight the monsters, never once looking back.

The world was a dangerous place, but Jack was ready to face it head-on.

With every monster he defeated, he grew stronger, more determined, and more skilled.

And as he fought, he knew that he was not just fighting for himself, but for the entire world.

Jack's victory over the monster had given him a newfound sense of confidence, but he knew that he still had a long way to go before he could truly become a monster-slayer.