
Rise Of The Monarch

"The one to stop the Great Cataclysm shall be you." This is a story about a defective, corrupted 'character'. Lucas was an anomaly to the world. He was an alchemist who lived in the town known as the Player's spawning point. Batches of humans would come through a spatial rift formed in front of the town's gates, calling themselves Players and bearing a mission to subjugate the last floor of Eve, the Tree of Origin that stood in the middle of the world. Every time the Players fail to reach the apex of Eve, everything would be 'deleted', and then 'updated' into a newer copy of the world. Lucas was powerless to do anything other than watch as countless Players fail to complete their mission. No one succeeded, no matter how many versions of the world was created and destroyed. One day, he met Regina, an angel who told him that he was the key to unlocking the world's secrets and breaking out of the cursed loop. He was given freedom- the status of a 'Player'. The trick? He had to clear Eve and prevent the Great Cataclysm from happening! _______ What happens when a puny character is given enormous power and a grand mission to complete? Watch the journey of the puny alchemist Lucas as he rises to glory!

illeannne · Fantasía
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29 Chs

Hidden Gem

"Ah.. no. It just feels like the shop owners are always open to buyers, so I wondered if you ever leave your post at all." Lucas tried to fall back on an excuse, noticing that the alchemist was starting to send him some weird looks.

"Ahahah! So that's how it is. There's no such thing, I assure you. It's not like we're confined to the store or anything. It wouldn't make sense if we couldn't leave our shops. How are we going to fulfill our daily necessities if that was the case?" He broke into a fit of laughter and dismissed Lucas' worries.

"Yeah.. I thought so too. Hahah." Lucas could only dryly laugh.

After all, what the alchemist was dubbing as 'impossible' was what he went through in the past.

Sometimes, if the door-to-door sellers didn't visit his store, he would have to go on without resources for quite some time. He always had to make sure that he stocked up enough things for at least a month to avoid misery.