
Rise of the Mana Prodigy

Hey there! my name is Zane. I have no elemental affinity or aptitude. My body cannot generate and or retain mana. The god of the human universe hates me..oh yeah and I am blind. Watch me as I take over the multiverse.

Wevara · Fantasía
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121 Chs

Chapter 5 --See

Two years later

"Lunch time! get it while I still want to give it to you !" Olivia shouted.

"Come on bud let's go eat you know your mother's not kidding" Owen chuckled as he stood up. Zane held onto his father's leg as they slowly what towards the house.

Zane was now two years old and he had finally accepted that he was blind. When he hadn't seen anything for over a year his parents asked for a favor from the local physician and he was happy to check on Zane's eyes.....for a price of course.

Zane had screamed for two days straight when he found out he was blind. He knew this was all the work of the Celestial and he vowed to one day find a way to pay her back.

When Zane was a six months old he greatly surprised his parents. Most children would say 'Mama' or something for their first word, however Zane said "Good morning mother". 

Zane had began walking at six months and running at one year. Although running was kinda hard since he was blind.

Zane's parents where stupefied by Zane's intellect. They thought he was possessed by a demon or something when he started writing strange symbols in the ground, calling them Mathematics.

Apparently the people of this world knew numbers but nothing of advanced math. They only used basic math when buying and selling goods. If Zane said 'If i had two gold and someone else gives me another two gold, how many would i have ?' his parents would answer 'Four'. However when he says 'two plus two' they would look at him weird.

One day Zane talked about the square root of twenty five and his parents immediately took him to church so his demons would be cast out.

Zane still hadn't had any luck with doing magic, however he did get somewhere with his skills. Zane had tried the mana gathering skill on a flower one day and the flower immediately died. When he looked at the system screen (which was always in front of his vision by the way) he saw that the number which specified how much mana he has had gone up by two.

However that number then went back to zero after two seconds. Zane thought this was because he had 'stole' that mana so it decipated. In order to confirm his suspicions he directly broke in half the next flower and his mana points went up to 2 and stayed like that.

A week later his mother beat him up for destroying all her flowers. After the flower massacre, his mana had gone up to 50, so he thought the ass whooping was worth it. However he then realized that he still didn't know how to do magic.

He once thought of asking his parents but then decided against the idea. He had obviously never seen or heard of anyone using magic so his parents would be curious as to how he knew about it.

He had also tried the inventory skill and was very impressed. Zane could put any non living thing into his inventory by just touching it and willing for it to be stored, and it would disappear. 

However he had to be careful that he was not seen doing this otherwise he would be taken to church to get 'cleansed' again. Zane was looking forward to using this skill to steal stuff in the future.

Zane's senses had grown even more. Especially his hearing, he could confidently hear someone whispering from 25 meters away. Taste was not really that helpful, it's not like he could go around licking everything.

His sense of smell was his second most used after hearing. He could actually distinguish between his mother and father through their scent. Maybe it was because his father almost always smelt like sweat though. 

Zane spent most of his time in the fields helping his father. He actually liked farming as in his second life he never even got close to a field. He thought he would be annoyed to be part of a low income family, however he was actually living a happy life for a two year old.

Three more years in the future 

Zane was now five and everything was going smoothly until one day his mother fell very sick. Owen hoped that she could get better on her own because the physician charged 5 whole gold coins for a check up and it was not even guaranteed that she could get better afterwards.

Owen forbade Zane to go anywhere near Olivia, he couldn't risk Zane contracting the same sickness so Zane couldn't see his mother. They only talked through the door, which hurt them both.

After two weeks, Olivia got worse. She was now even having trouble speaking. Owen finally sent for Carter. He was the physician assigned to their village by the noble family in control of the region.

That afternoon, the physician's carriage arrived. Zane and his father stood at the porch to welcome Mr Carter. He could hear the carriage pull up, he could tell from the sound of the horse's gallop that there where four of them. 

Footsteps came from the carriage and arrived in front of Zane and Owen. Zane couldn't hear anything for a few seconds until he heard the sound of coins falling into something, probably a hand.

"Hello Mr Owen. It's a shame we have to meet under such circumstances. When did she start being ill?" Zane heard the same voice which had told him he would never see anything in his life.

Xane had also learnt that only noble families had last names. The commoners only used their first name. It was apparently illegal to have a second name as a commoner.

"Welcome Mr Carter, it's been two weeks now" Owen replied.

"Please take me to her" The physician beckoned and Owen led the way to the room which had confined Zane's mother for the past two weeks.

Zane slowly followed behind the two men. He didn't have any trouble walking alone in the house as he had memorized every aspect of it, he even asked his parents not to change anything or move around furniture. 

When Owen opened the door, Zane skillfully snuck inside without being seen. He had a hunch that Owen wouldn't allow him inside. Zane could now hear his mother's breathing anf it sounded like she had trouble doing so.

'Asthma' Zane thought 

Owen and the physician had noticed Zane at this point but none of them said anything as he slowly walked over to his mother's side and fumbled around to find her hand. Which he held firmly.

"Mother ?" he weakly said and received no answer. It seemed she was asleep.

"Come here Zane, let Mr Carter help your mother" Owen said as he pulled Zane away. The physician walked over and took out a stethoscope looking device and listened to Olivia's breathing. Of course Zane couldn't see all this, he was just hearing some random sounds.

"She is having trouble breathing" the physician announced.

'Yeah no shit Sherlock' Zane thought.

"Her lungs are failing her, we need to treat this as soon as possible" 

"What is the plan Mr Carter ?" Owen expressed his concern.

"You were too late to call me. There is only one thing that can save her life now" Mr Carter said as he took out something from his briefcase.

Zane's eyes widened in shock as he followed what was in Mr Carter's hand. That was because he could actually see it !.