
Rise of the Mana Prodigy

Hey there! my name is Zane. I have no elemental affinity or aptitude. My body cannot generate and or retain mana. The god of the human universe hates me..oh yeah and I am blind. Watch me as I take over the multiverse.

Wevara · Fantasía
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121 Chs

Chapter 100 -- I want her

The three unlucky students walked onto the stage with determination written on their faces. They knew they didn't have a chance at first place but they wanted to show others what they could do.

They also wanted to impress the few nobles who were watching by the side, Old man Reed was currently conversing with them while pointing at his students time after time.

It was obvious that the nobles were talking about them so they wanted to make a good impression. Who knew they might be lucky enough and get hired to work for them.

Working for a noble might not sound fun, but one has to remember that nobles wouldn't want some weak people to work inside their mansions so they would naturally train their employees and support their growth.

A good example of this was Percival, who was already at the seventh rank because of Charles. Not everyone wanted to Cultivate for power, most wanted long life and Cultivation was key.

As the three students made their way to the stage, it was quite clear what their strategy was going to be. The three consisted of two young men and a lady.

Before the fight even started, the young men where standing side to side, staring at the lady, it was clear to see that the two men would team up to get rid of the lady.

However, the lady wasn't fazed by this as she eyed down her opponents with unwavering determination. At first, she didn't know that there would be nobles watching the fights, but now that she knew, she would do her best to impress, her family depended on it!.

Before Buck could call for the start of the fight, a Mage suddenly called for the lady to come to the edge of the stage.

The lady, being called by her instructor did as told amd went to speak to her teacher.

"Last minute tips?" Ken said.

"Probably, this won't be an easy fight for her" Charlotte commented with a sigh. She was good friends with the lady.

"I don't think so" Zane suddenly commented. Everyone looked at him as if to say 'go on'.

"Look, those boys teamed up against the girl right?. That means they are afraid of her, meaning she isn't a simple fighter" Zane explained.

The group nodded in understanding before focusing on the stage once more, the girl had finished speaking to her instructor and the fight wad about to commence. 

"Ready?" Buck asked, and the three fighters nodded.

"Begin!" he shouted.

Immediately, one of the boys dashed towards the lady. Instead of focusing on the dashing man the lady first checked what the other one was doing, and she saw that he was slowly circling the stage.

The lady then engaged the young man who was a few meters away from her. A furious fist fight then ensued.

The young man's punches were powerful and each hit pushed the lady back a few inches, however she held her ground and focused mainly on evading the powerful blows.

She knew that trying to block wasn't a good idea, given the power behind them. The fight continued and the lady was always on the back foot. The spectators also noticed that the lady barely attacked and focused on dodging.

"Reed what is she doing?, there was an opening i saw which she could have capitalized on" One of the nobles next to Old mam said.

Old man didn't answer but motioned for the lady's instructor to come to their position before asking him the same question.

"Her attention is divided teacher, she is too wary of the other opponent" the mage said. The nobles then nodded and continued watching the fight.

It didn't take long for the man fighting the lady to see that his opponent wasn't taking him seriously, he then started attacking with even more fervor.

The lady internally smiled at this and continued dodging, she was faster than the young man. After a large right hook, the man was left open as he was too late to withdraw his arm.


A powerful punch from the young lady landed in the open ribs of the man. Using her momentum, she quickly swept his legs and the man fell to the floor.

However, instead of capitalizing and attacking the downed man, the lady dashed towards the other young man, who was conveniently close to her. This was because this man was planning a sneak attack but the lady saw him because she was watching his position the whole time.

The man was shocked to see a foot heading towards his head and he quickly put up his hands to block. Due to the force behind the kick, the man was thrown off balance and the lady delivered a flurry of punches on his exposed mid section.

"Wow she's fast" Zane exclaimed, the lady had punched the man a dozen times in two seconds!.

Before the man could recover the lady swept his leg and as soon as he fell, she stomped on his ankle, breaking it.


As she turned around to face her other opponent she was met with a powerful punch slamming against her jaw. The lady was sent flying a couple of meters but the quickly got back up, blood dripping from her mouth.

The man who had punched her quickly ran to her and continued his assault, the lady was still reeling from the punch so her coordination was slightly off, because of this, she resorted to blocking instead of dodging.

Each hit she blocked produced a loud thud and she was getting pushed back about two meters per hit. She knew that she was now close to the edge of the stage and if she was thrown off, she would lose.

Thinking fast, she sacrificed a hit to her back as she dove between the man's legs. While on the floor, she quickly held the leg which was about to slam onto her chest and used her own leg to kick the man's other foot, bringing him down to her.

The lady quickly rolled in the direction of the center of the stage before standing up and delivering a kick to the man, who was still on his knees, about to stand up.

The man saw the lady's kick and raised his arms to block, however the power behind the kick sent him back a couple if meters, those couple of meters were enough to send the man off the stage.

The lady knew that she couldn't celebrate too soon and she quickly turned around to look at her last remaining opponent. However all she saw was fist and the next second, she was flying off the stage.

The whole arena went silent and only the sound of the lady's heavy breathing was heard. Despite her best efforts, she still lost.



Surprisingly, Zane was the one who broke the silence as he stood up and started clapping. Everyone knew that he wasn't clapping for the man who won the match, rather he was clapping for the young lady.

Kieth followed suit and soon the whole arena was clapping, on their feet. The lady had fought an impossible fight and almost won, that was definitely worth a stand innovation.

"I want her" one of the noblewoman who was sitting next to Old man Reed said.