
Rise of the Lord Black

Hey everyone, I have stopped publishing new chapters in this novel. If you like to follow this story, you could find more at "Harry Potter - Rise of the Lord Black" under fanfiction. I apologise for the inconvenience caused. A_JOY

A_JOY · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Harvey Miller

Realm of The One Above All

One moment he was asleep; the next, awake.

Harvey opened his eyes to see the endless oceans of golden clouds everywhere. Is this heaven he wondered? Where is his family then? Its not 'his' heaven, he concluded.

"Harvey Miller of Earth , I have been expecting you."

As Harvey turned around, he saw a being made of pure light.

'Who is this?' Harvey wondered.

"I am the One Above All. I am responsible for the existence of all life you know and beyond"

Harvey was not easily surprised. Yet he was now. Did the being just read what was on his mind? If he was who Harvey thought… was this God? So many things were on his mind. He wanted to ask many things. He needed to know about his Sarah and little Cathy. Where are they? Why was he here?...

Before he spoke.

"I am known by many names thoughout the universe. 'God', 'Above-All-Others', 'Supreme One'… I have been called all of them from time immemorial. All you see is my realm. As of your family, they too are part of my Kingdom.

You are here cause I wanted you to be. To be a variation. To cause changes , that may be worth observing. The Mysteries that it will make intrigues me" the being said serenely.

As Harvey contemplated what was said to him.

The One Above started moving away from him. Harvey found himself moving along.

"I will make a bargain with you, that you maynot be able to refuse. As a need has arisen for me.

A young human far away made a bargain with me. To stop the unstoppable. You see.. I find myself quite partial when it comes to love. She gave up everything she has, so that her baby could live on.

Even though the bargain was completed. Her child is now at risk of being preyed upon by the same person .

I find myself at an impasse. After all, sacrifice of Mrs Lily Potter must not be in vain when it was done out of such love "

Harvey stumbled when he heard the name. His mind was struggling to process the new bit of information he received. Mrs Lily Potter? Lily Potter?? As in the Harry Potter series? Those were real? What doe that mean for the rest of literature? Harvey was finding it hard to get his head around the sheer amount of possiblities .

"Mr. Miller, The reality is not what we often think or want it to be.I think you know that "

Harvey knew that. Better than most in fact. Harvey found himself lost in his thoughts of what his life could have been.

What do you want of me? Harvey finally asked after what seemed like an eternity.

"When the time comes you will know what to do.

In return when you are done with your duties. You shall reunite with your family which you honestly otherwise never would have. My Kingdom has many parts after all" The One Above All told Harvey calmly.

"What say you, Harvey Miller of Earth do you fully agree to my arrangement?"

Harvey who longed for his family back for more than anything, He didnot needed to be told twice. It didnt matter to Harvey if it took him days, years or decades to fulfill his duties to the The One Above All.He would do it.

Harvey could be back with his Sarah and little Cathy.That's all it mattered to him.

"I agree to the arrangement" Harvey readily agreed ,wondering what it meant .

"So Be It !" The One Above All spoke loudly.

The One Above All and the realm around Harvey Miller flashed in radiant lights…

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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