
Rise of the Lord Black

Hey everyone, I have stopped publishing new chapters in this novel. If you like to follow this story, you could find more at "Harry Potter - Rise of the Lord Black" under fanfiction. I apologise for the inconvenience caused. A_JOY

A_JOY · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Harvey Miller

Main Street , Jacksonville

Harvey was out on his daily evening walk. He was alone today, as it was for the past how many so years.

As Harvey walked past the Belahous park and around the corner cafe. He found himself lost in his thoughts yet again, something he does often nowadays.

This street always brought him bittersweet memories. He sometimes still see his Sarah playing with little Cathy in the park. He can still hear their joyful laughter while he strolls the park.

The corner cafe downstreet was where he first met his beautiful wife. Sarah was everything he ever wanted in life.'True love', old-timers called us. If only they knew, how true they were.

Mr.Miller continued his stroll down the streets.

As Harvey came across the pathway to church he reminisced in his memories once again.Both the good and the bad. This place gave him the happiest day of his life when he finally married his Sarah. Sarah was the one who gave him a family which he never had before.

That was indeed a beautiful day, unlike the day when he was forced to come to this place again. Where he saw his Sarah and little Cathy for the last time. It broke him ...

Harvey shook himself and continued onwards.

Harvey knew the world was not a kind place from a young age.Growing up on the streets does that to one. But he knew he was one of the few lucky ones to make it out of it. During his military days, he understood how unforgiving the world can be.

Not that it did him any good when he got the wretched phonecall. The call that scattered his little heaven on earth.

He continued onwards, past the bridge towards Second Street.

Looking back on that fateful day. It seems quite the blurr to him. Four words that broke Lieutenant colonel Miller "They are gone Harvey". He remembers being on the plane towards home, with a heart full of regrets and broken dreams .

In a private viewing room in St.Marina Hospital he saw his Sarah.Her sparkly blue eyes was dimmed forever and it pained him to even look at her. So many regrets. His little Cathy looked like she was fast asleep. How much he wished she was.He knew his little family was shattered for ever.

For how long he was broken and depressed, he dont know. The world was indeed an unforgiving place.

Deep down,Harvey knew Sarah wouldnt want him to be like this. She understood me the best.She could help someone find joy in even the little things. Sarah had that effect on people.

Sarah had a lot of dreams, so did little Kathy. Sarah wanted to be teacher who nurtures others.She wanted to help as much people she can and little Cathy wanted to fly. I was sure both would have done it. They had a fire within them which I seldom found in others.

Harvey crossed the road and walked onwards.

Sarah and Cathy's dreams were what helped him push onwards. Harvey too found the fire within him to fulfill the dreams and wishes of the only family he ever knew. He got Honorable Discharge for his services in the military and he worked towards being a teacher.And a good teacher he became for years to come.

He stopped his stroll as he came across their memorial.He knew what happened here vivdly.He saw the fatal footage,just once.But he remembers every single detail as if its carved into his mind.

Sarah was driving towards home with little Cathy in the back when a truck ran into their car. They never stood a chance. It was found later the driver was quite intoxicated. Not that it mattered. My Sarah and Cathy was gone. So close to home, yet so far away.

Harvey walked onwards towards home.

Meanwhile Little Emilie was playing with her ballon across the street alone.This caught his eye.She was around the same age as little Kathy. Wind caught the ballon and it flew towards the road. Unaware of her surroundings she went after it.

Harvey notices a car rushing towards little Emile. His instincts kicked in. He bolted towards Emile in an effort to save her. He managed to push the child away before the car crashed into him. He was in a world of pain. Harvey knew he will probably go into shock soon. When he opened his eyes he saw the hazel ones of little Emile,just like Cathy's. He was content.

"Everything's gona be alright Cathy" He said trying to calm the littleone.He closed his eyes with pleasant smile and all around him he saw bright golden clouds.

Mr Harvey Miller, beloved School teacher, a favourite of many was no more.

Have some idea about the story? Comment it and let me know.

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