
Rise of the Hollow Family -HP Fanfic

From the world of united star systems and advanced technology to the realms of magic. Cotton Hollow starts in the world of Harry Potter gathering his bearings in a foreign UNKNOWN world. After a life as a Planetry-class Warship Commander, he finds the wizarding world intriguing and a breath of fresh air. That is until a Dark Wizard arises and pisses him off. Then a Time Magician appears, along with beauties, wealth, war, jealous old men, Greedy Goblins, and more. The cover does not belong to me but is how I picture Royal Hollow, the Main Character's Father.

Player_Tenason · Derivados de obras
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21 Chs

Three Dark Lords and A Boy To End Them All

NOTE: Pay attention to and remember the small details. And remember the time that Ron held onto Voldemorts Horcrux for too long.


Night came quick and Mr. Filch arrived with Ron, Draco, and Harry.

In the Forbidden Forest, the group walked along a path to a tree. Hagrid stops, bends down, and dips his fingers in a silver puddle. He pulls out his fingers and rubs them together. A silver trail appears between his fingers.

"Hagrid, what's that?" Harry asked

"What we're here for. See that? That's unicorn's blood, that is. I found one dead a few weeks ago. Now, this one's been injured badly by something"

Harry suddenly sees a large cloaked figure walking through the trees. While Cotton can sense the same man. Harry looks at Hagrid.

"So, it's our job to find the poor beast. Ron, Draco you'll come with me," said Hagrid.

"Okay," Ron replied

" And Harry, you'll go with Cotton."

Cotton grimaces and Harry nods. Cotton could already feel things going bad.

"Okay…" Cotton spoke then whistle into the air.

A moment later, Leo zipped through the trees and landed on Cotton's shoulders.

Harry and Cotton are walking through a part of the forest, with Leo leading. Cotton has his wand out with the tip of it lit to light the way.

"Hey, Cotton…"

"Its Hollow, to you, Potter," said Cotton.

"Uhh, Hollow, why are you here? You don't ever get detention, you're first among the first years."

Cotton sucked his teeth, "Hagrid asked me to help. He saved Leo, so I'm helping. Any more questions, Po...Shhh!"

Cotton grabbed Potter by the chest to stop him from moving. Harry and Cotton were standing over flat ground with gnarled roots all over.

" What is it?" Harry asked as he follows Cotton's gaze.

Up ahead is a cloaked figure who is crouching over a dead unicorn, drinking its blood from its wound. The figure raises its head, silver blood dripping from its mouth. Harry gasps and grabs his scar, which is hurting.

Cotton flexes his palm and for the first time ever he uses wandless magic due to his hyper-aware state. It was the first time in his new life that he felt true danger. Harry was banished a few feet away as Cotton cast a stinging jink.

His spell is blocked with ease and the cloaked man literally flys across the distance for Cotton. Cotton transfigures the roots into chains with spear tips at the end. Flourishing his twin-core wand crafted by Rufus Amos, Cotton controlled the chains to attack the cloaked man. The man dodges everything with ease.

Suddenly Cotton sensed a large gathering of magic. The tip of the man's wand starts to glow green and the world slows down. 'Unforgivable…' Cotton thought.

He points his wand at the ground and quickly shouted, "Levicorpus!"

The spell rocket Cotton in the air, effectively dodging the Kadavera curse. A curse that kills the target the moment it hits. Harry Potter is the only person known to survive it. Cotton didn't want to test his luck.

Now Airborne, the cloaked man looks up as Cotton's wand is pointed downward at him. Cotton was smiling as he says, "Bombarda Maxima!"


The man casts a protection charm but the collision hurled him into the forest. When Cotton landed a centaur was helping Harry to his feet.

"Wonderful job, young warlock." said the centaur.

"Yeah yeah." Cotton waved him off then walked away to retrieve the unicorn's body. "I claim this by right of conquest."

"Nana!" Cotton called and the young yumboe appeared from thin air.

"Take this to Gringotts and let them know I want it dismembered and sold at a premium price and I want a detailed inventory and receipt of every sale and labor cost." Cotton explained.

"Right away, Lord." Nana nodded, then vanished with the unicorn.

Cotton turned around to see that Hagrid had arrived and they were all discussing something. Cotton just stared into the dark forest and wondered why Professor Quirrel needed to drink unicorn blood. He had bumped into the man on Halloween and discovered a second life force in his body. It was too odd for Cotton to ignore.

On this night, Cotton recognized the very same anomaly and immediately identified the cloaked man as his Defense Against the Dark Arts professor


The next day, Cotton went to figure out the mystery. As Professor Quirrell's fifth-year class was leaving. He waved his wand, the door shut and sealed.

"Professor… Why did you attack me?" Cotton asked with a wand in hand, Blue Crest in the other.

"Let me see the boy…" a low hiss filled the room. Cotton frowned.

"But master…"

"Silence! And do as I say!" the voice ordered the Professor.

The professor unwrapped his purple turban and garlic cloves hist the floor. He then turned around to reveal an ugly face attached to the back of his head.

"You know muggles have surgy for stuff like that," said Cotton.

"Shut up, boy! Do you know who I am?" the face asked.

"No, Idea. But I'm assuming you're the reason the philosopher's stone is guarded by a massive Cerberus in a school that had Albus Dumbledore as a headmaster," said Cotton.

The face sneered, "I am the Dark Lord, Lord Voldemort."

"So? And technically I'm the Dark Lord of the Tides, Murder, and Mayhem. Legacy of Blackbeard." Cotton replied.

When Voldemort saw no fear in the kid he was shocked. Cotton had faced way worse and he was confident that he could escape at the very least.

"You don't know who I am? You haven't heard of my deeds?" Voldemort asked like a narcissist with a damaged ego. Why else a person curse his name to be tracked.

"I heard you got killed by an infant. And honestly, Grindelwald is my favorite, that guy had style. And he actually fucked shit up. I have no idea what your reign was about." Cotton spoke with unfiltered candor.

Voldemort was flabbergasted.

"To purge…"

"The wizarding world, yes I know. And after that, you probably want to kill the muggles. Here's the problem. Grindelwald lived in a time where purebloods outnumbered muggle-borns. And half-bloods were mostly products of rape and cared nothing for their muggle parent. And yet he still had the audacity to build an army and quietly take over MACUSA before making his move. You… you were tactless in time when muggle lovers were on the rise."

"W-well, what would you do, Dark Lord of the Tides? Which doesn't even exist anymore as muggles rule the seas now." Quirrell spoke as if he was defending Voldemort's honor.

"Yeah, I really don't care about the tides. Honestly, I say kill the fucking dog. Blow the traps to shit and find out where the stone is. I will also find out what piece of the puzzle you're missing. Because a dog isn't much against magic." Cotton explained.

"You're right…" Voldemort hissed, "Then why--- ah, Potter."

"Yeah, that makes sense. In potions, we were taught to make sleeping droughts. Herbology we were taught about the mandrake scream, we learned the binding charm. Honestly, any first-year can make it past the goddamn dog."

Voldemort was actually feeling a bit stupid.

"Kid, I hear the Muggle-born girl is your plaything. Are you a sympathizer?" he asked.

"I guess so. I mean, she's a family friend, ya know? No matter what faults everyone thinks she has, she's almost perfect for me... Have you ever been in love, Voldemort?"

Voldemort was speechless again as he thought of the basket case woman that used to hang on the back of his cloak. "L-love is for the weak…" he hissed.

"I guess you have then. Look, I've been around a while now. The only thing that matters is the people we share the love with and a place we call home with them. So I'll help you, in hopes that you find whoever it was that you were thinking about and make up with them no matter the cost. Make a window of opportunity and call me."

Cotton walked to the door and Voldemort called out, "Boy! Even if I return, If I go after this woman it can break my alliance. How would you say I should get her?"

Cotton stopped. "Voldemort, I think your problem isn't blood purity, it's loneliness. Tell me this woman's name, she has to be noble if loving her can break a Dark Lord's alliance."

"Bellatrix Lestrange."

Cotton remembers everything with his photographic memory. During his study of Wizarding politics, he remembered every family tree of the sacred twenty-eight and more. The pureblood families that ruled wizarding Brittan and had Peerage titles to back them.

"Bellatrix Lestrange, nee Black. Wife of Rodolphous Lestrange, Lord of Lestrange family. If you steal his wife, then you lose Lestrange and House Black. That means the Malfoys as well, Everyone knows Lucius Malfoy was a real death eater, I read the articles from the year of your fall.. How about you, Lord Blood Purity. What is your ancestry?"


Cotton smiled. He remembered what Myrtle had told him before she moved on. "You're Merope Gaunt's boy. Gaunts once owned Little Haggentown, but when they fell, the Riddle family bought everything under the sway of the imperious curse. But when your grandfather and uncle were imprisoned, she bewitched your father, though he fled when he was free. They got married you know, you are legitimate, Tom. And your wealth is vast."

"The Gaunts were broke. Piss poor! And do not call me, Tom!"

"You are an idiot like your ancestors. Not once did your family claim their Slytherin ancestry at Gringotts. Hell, you even own a fourth of Hogwarts! I heard Dumbledore brought you here. They headmaster! isn't that a bit suspicious? He didn't even pick up Harry bloody Potter...

Look, first, you have to separate Malfoy from his wife, the Black Daughter, Narcissa. Divorce. Then you kill Rodolphous. Make sure he dies in azkaban. Gather your strength and followers. Then claim your ancestry at Gringotts and a fourth of the school. Then you get Bellatrix out of Azkaban, marry her, and claim the Lestrange fortune. You'll be so bloody powerful the ministry couldn't touch you... And make sure Sirius Black dies in Azkaban as well. With Bellatrix being the oldest, and Narcissa divorced, you take House Black as well. The third sister was disowned. Lord Regent until you have a son is a pretty good deal."

"Blimey! This kid might actually be a Dark Lord." Professor Quirrell commented.

"I am a Dark Lord!" "He is a Dark Lord!" Voldemort and Cotton snapped in unison.

"Hmmm. Good, mate. Partners then?" Voldemort asked.

"I'm not a fucking idiot. I'll bring a magical contract in three days. Sign it and then we'll be partners. And stop with the fanatic bullshit. Once you control wizarding Britain, you can cull the population and use the muggle-borns as breeders. And before you say no, I'll introduce you to a muggle science called genetics and a theory known as evolution. Oh, and this won't come cheap at all."

Cotton then took his leave and Voldemort felt his odds of winning had just skyrocketed. Not only would he win, but the possibility of love was also on the horizon as he thought of his precious little thing, Bella.

However, he couldn't help but be wary of Cotton Hollow. It was something about the kid that irked him the wrong way.

In the hallway, Cotton scolded himself as he blamed the Curse for being so keen to help that crackpot Voldemort. The Bodhi necklace was putting up less of a fight and the curse was corrupting him.

But now that the ball was rolling, it seemed fun. Murder and Mayhem are what the warning said. But Cotton also felt a grand scheme of his own forming in his mind. Voldemort had helped him realize something that was staring him in the face the whole time. Harry Potter.

'Queen Anne's revenge was meant for someone else. Potter. Dumbledore wanted me in the school and plays nice. Backup. Two houses of conquest, groomed by one old wizard. However, I know have the House of Teach, but, if Harry managed to kill that soul of Voldemort's... No, he hasn't claimed the Duke House of Slytherin yet. I'm still missing something... Either way, that old man is tricky, and I think Snape is in on it. I need to start making moves.' Cotton thought to himself as he walked through the halls. Something snapped inside of him and Blue Crest hummed on his waist.

When Nana returned and handed Cotton the paperwork from Gringotts, he handed her a detailed letter to give directly to Agnok. When Nana returned for the second time, she deliver a detailed magic contract to Cotton.

During a midnight astronomy class, Cotton snuck off and met Quirell in the room of requirement.

"So you found this place too," said Voldemort.

"Yeah, a house-elf helped. So, here's the contract read it over and sign. And the contract prohibits you from killing me or plotting to kill me."

"Seems unfair," said Voldemort.

"It is. If one whiff of this got out, I'll be sent to Azkaban, or worse, me and my parents, killed. Trust me, I'm not talking to anyone about this deal, you're Gaunt impulsiveness is the only thing threatening this partnership." Cotton was a lot more aggressive than Voldermort remembered. But he brushed it off.

Voldemort hummed and finished reading over the contract. He then signed it and it was magically sealed. Cotton took the contract and threw it into his enchanted wallet. Voldemort had no idea that the contract was broad and only meant to instill a false sense of trust.

"My Account manager is getting the necessary paperwork in order for you to take over House Black and Lestrange. Now think long and hard, is there anything you need that can increase our chances of success because obviously, you had contingencies in place to keep yourself alive."

Voldemort smiled and extend his arm. A box then flew to him. He handed it to Cotton and said, "Rowena Raven claw's diadem. It's a Horcrux that I made. I need you to find a boy with a nice physique and strong magic... Put that on his head and the diadem will do the rest. Keep him close after the school year is over."

"And you meet me in Godric's Hollow after you get the stone. Oh, and you said, Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem. Do you know much about her?" Cotton asked. "This thing is supposed to be lost to time."

"Of Course, I used to fuck a pretty little Ravenclaw girl. She was all about Rowena. She believed that Every founder left an item and hidden room."

"Was she right?" Cotton's blood was boiling at the thought of more power gained from such legacies.

Voldemort smiled and said, "Salazar Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets can be accessed from the 6th-floor girl's bathroom. And Rowena's statue hides the map for traversing the moving stairs. Get the map and you'll find her private quarters. You know the spell to reveal hidden things, say it backward."

Cotton smile and the two dark lords chuckled together. All the while, the real Cotton watched from inside himself.

"Dumbledore will be recalled to the Ministry. I will be waiting for Mr.Potter and his friends to arrive. You make sure that they get there. But how will I get out?" Voldemort asked.

"I have a friend whose apparition isn't bound by the wards on the school," said Cotton.

"Good. Good. Operation Dynamic Return is a go."

Cotton just shook his head. " Under all of that aggression, you're a bit quirky, Voldemort."

Cotton snickered as he left the room of requirement.

"That boy is a sharp one. Sharper than I when I was his age," said Quirrell.

"Wizards are stupid. He was raised in the muggle world, so unlike you wizards, he has common sense." Voldemort chided the man.

In the hall, Cotton laughed. Voldemort had given him the final piece. Horcruxes. Dumbledore was absolutely positively devious. A true Chessmaster. But Cotton planned to keep himself out of the game and clean out the competition in one fell swoop.

"All headmasters are no good. Dumbledore, Tom Riddle, this dark lord is about to drag you to this abyss and watch you struggle as you choke on the tides and die."

Back in his Cottage, Cotton's father and mother appeared with Quinn and Moon Mother.

"Dumbledore is after the House of Conquest. He brought me to Hogwarts as a backup because he knew who I was from the beginning." Said Cotton.

"W-what?" asked Vanessa.

"Why didn't you tell us? Is that why you wanted us to meet with him?" Royal asked.

"I didn't tell you because I didn't have all of the pieces. I was waiting, watching, and learning. And I wanted you to meet be we made a deal. But it wasn't sealed by magic so we're fine." Cotton explained.

"That's good, but how could Dumbledore use you as backup? How'd he even know that you would end up in Britain, America, or some other place? Everything just seems a bit farfetched." Said Vanessa.

"But it isn't." Said Quinn. "There was always this rumor in the Ministry. It was about these things that the ministry hid that could tell someone's future. It was because of this that You-know-who targeted the Potters. It wouldn't be hard for Dumbledore to get his hands on them. I mean the man practically runs the wizarding world and has the ear of the queen."

"Wizards can tell the future too. Good," said Royal. "I want to know everything and I want to know what kind of plan you cooked up after all this time waiting, watching, and learning."

Cotton smiled. But inside of his mind, the real cotton raged and cursed as he watched his parents get dragged into a devious plan. " We are going to take his power by revealing his secrets to the world. Then we're going to kill Voldemort and reveal his secrets. Finally, we're going to release all of Harry Potter's secrets. This is called the Bermuda effect. Killing three key points to shut down a whole network."

"But how does this help us?" Vanessa asked.

"By the end. I'll be able to go to school freely and Dark Lord Dumbledore will be dead if not on the run."

Royal sighed, "What do you need us to do, son?"

"Let's start by investigating, Harry Potter. I want to know why Dumbledore is using the boy to kill a man that he could kill himself. I also want to investigate a man named Tom Riddle. I want everything. Quinn, look into the Potter's will. They hold two seats on the Wizengamot. Their will should have been made public if it named a regent and heir. Let's get to it."

When he was finally alone. Cotton's mind was on a downward spiral. He just wanted to protect himself from the scheming old man. Now Blue Crest had taken that need and had him halfway through a plot of world domination. Blue Crest hummed in its sheath as its power drug Cotton into the abyss. Deeper and deeper than what he already was.

The real Cotton felt the changes. Two personalities at war within his mind. Due to the complete takeover of his body and the unbearable stronghold on his consciousness. Cotton realized that Blue Crest had played him. It was wearing him down for months, waiting for the right time to corrupt him.

However, Cotton wasn't the average kid. His mind hummed and he gained control over his limbs. Stumbling to the potion area, he searched the shelves for thick black liquid.

"African Dream Root." the real cotton trotted his teeth before drinking it all and tearing off his bodhi necklace. The necklace no longer fought Blue Crest, but it suppressed his mind and Cotton need all of the wild emotions to full his magic at the moment.

"Let's see what you're made of, Blue Crest. I destroyed planets! I'll be damned if I lose to a fucking sword!"

Cotton collapsed and he began to shake and roll around the floor as foam bubbled from his mouth. When his body relaxed. Real Cotton appeared in an open field as a type of dark blue fungus grew on the body of his warrior avatar that represented his mind.

In front of the Warrior Avatar was none other than Edward Teach holding Blue Crest.

"About time, boy! I thought I would take over your body before you ever realized it. You know that Bodhi necklace isn't good to wear all of the time." he spoke in a nonchalant manner.

"Say, how about you go to sleep and let me handle those two dark lords, and then we can have everything. I mean with your mind, why play the long game if we can have everything in a few months. That's if, you give me access to the knowledge that your avatar there is hiding."

"Teach, I want my body back. Yes, the old man is a problem. Yes, Voldemort is sort of a problem. But if I play my cards right, they can fight it and leave me out of it. 75 years of war. I'm tired of it if I'm being honest. I told myself politics is better than combat. That I had time to protect my interest and I was observing the board. Honestly, I was just procrastinating because wanted to live a few years, without conflict. And I had that until my life was touch by Dark Lords who managed to piss me off." Cotton groaned.

"I was diligent. The old man was playing nice. I stayed away from Potter. I had friends that didn't want to kill me! Despite the plots going on around me. This life was a breath of fresh air. And I planned on staying impartial for a very long time at least until I finished school. But it seems I have to become who I once was." Cotton finished and a curved blade appeared in his hand as a Galatic Armada combat suit covered his body.

"I want my body, back. And I when I get it, I'll crush Blue Crest." Cotton's mind scaped rippled as he vanished.

Pah! Boom!

Teach held his sword up in a guard, blocking Cotton's sword.

"How?" Teach was worried.

Cotton smirked. "Ligilimency and Occlumency are hard. Stretching and defended my mind is what that is. But, this is no different from VR training. Your biggest mistake is allowing us to face off."


Cotton's blade slide and his grip changed as he encroached on Blackbeard's personal space.

Pah pah pah pah crack!

Cotton delivered a combo with his left fist and but of his sword. The butt of the sword ended the combo by craking Teach's sternum.

The man stumbled back as he gasped for air. Cotton pressed again his blade moved like an arch of light and Blackbeard's head rolled. The manifested explode and the dark fungus turned to ash. All of the residue then became energy and assimilated with Cotton.

"Ahh, so Blue Crest was a Horcrux." Cotton sighed.

With the soul fragment gone, Blue Crest shattered within its sheath and its humming fell silent.

"No, let's go finish what this nut job started. Fucking Dark Lords... Mad Tyrants, the lot of em." Cotton growled but the world went blank as memories and traits of Blackbeard merged with Cotton.