
Rise of the Hollow Family -HP Fanfic

From the world of united star systems and advanced technology to the realms of magic. Cotton Hollow starts in the world of Harry Potter gathering his bearings in a foreign UNKNOWN world. After a life as a Planetry-class Warship Commander, he finds the wizarding world intriguing and a breath of fresh air. That is until a Dark Wizard arises and pisses him off. Then a Time Magician appears, along with beauties, wealth, war, jealous old men, Greedy Goblins, and more. The cover does not belong to me but is how I picture Royal Hollow, the Main Character's Father.

Player_Tenason · Derivados de obras
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21 Chs

Place Cachee

"Lord, please wake up," Sabine spoke softly.

Cotton's eyes fluttered open and saw the maiden fair leaning over him with big lilac eyes.

"Sabine, what is it?" he asked.

"Your parents are calling for you. They want to take you to see Paris. Madame Rosier is here to escort you three to Place Cachée." Sabine explained.

"I'll be right down,"

Sometime later, Cotton appeared on the bottom floor of his suite. His parents were waiting on him along with his four sisters, three tutors, and Vinda Rosier.

Royal Hollow tapped the floor with his walking stick. It was adorned with a golden dragon's head that was the handle of a secret sword within the stick. "Are you awake?" he asked.

"Yes, shall we?" Cotton asked.

Moments later, Vinda Rosier led the group through the streets of Paris. It was a nice little stroll and the weather wasn't bad. It was nearing the end of March and the air was still cool.

"Madame Rose." Royal referred to her by her allies.


"Was it hard, living amongst humans all these decades? Not able to venture into the Wizarding world." Royal was curious as he read about the man she followed in the 20th century.

"Hmm, take no offense or do, Monsieur Hollow. I care not." she replied, "Over the decades, I've learned plenty of things. I no longer hate nonmagical people, but I pity them. I now believe that wizards and witches aren't prisoners but free. We just need to be properly educated and know how to defend ourselves."

Vinda exhaled. "After I became Vera Rose, I found myself attracted to education. Educating the young and building up generations of precious french wizards. Do you know, unlike the British, much of France's magical world is integrated with the non-magical world? Only places like Beauxbaton, Place Cachee, and the likes are heavily warded. Other than that we live peacefully and unnoticed amongst the world."

"So why do you pity us?" Vanessa asked.

"Because your son's magic has brightened your lives. The majority of the nonmagical people of the world aren't as lucky as you two. I pity that majority because they struggle against their inferiority by making weapons of mass destruction and killing the world to give their lives meaning and a sense of grandeur. Wizards have magic that warps reality and makes the impossible possible. This is not an entitlement as I once believed, but a privilege. I could have just as well been born a squib. Once I understood this, I viewed my magic differently and put myself in their shoes. Who would Vinda Rosier have been without magic? I can tell you without a doubt, I would have been much worse than Garrick Grindelwald."

Vinda's words made the tutors think of their magic in different ways.

"Do you think our two worlds could ever openly coexist?" asked Vanessa.

Vinda smiled. "oh yes, but first wizards much change how they view magic as I did. and Humans must get over their inferiority complex and fear of difference. Your kind still murders over the color of skin and religion. Imagine if wizards revealed themselves again."

"Ahh, we're here," said Vinda. "Place Cachee."

Place Cachée was the wizarding section of Paris, France. It was accessed through a Magical Bronze Statue in the Montmartre district of the city. The statue is located at the juncture of Rue Richer and Rue Girardon.

The moment the group approached, the statue came to life and moved. Its leg and dress were moved away from the pedestal it was set on, opening the passage at the base. Once the group walked through, it was like stepping into a modern Diagon alley. It was more spacious and everyone didn't look like they were trapped in the medieval era.

"Ahh, it's been so long." Quinn stretched her arms to the sky. "Cotton, if we have time, I'll take you to see a show that will blow your mind. It'll be a duel you would never forget."

"Ah, first we should take care of the second half of his school list." Said Katleen.

"Hmm, you plan to attend Hogwarts?"

"Yes, Ma'am." Cotton replied.

"I'm sure a teacher would have taken you to Diagon Alley for the basics. So you must be in need of the items allowed to nobility." Vinda deciphered.


"Then follow me." Said Vinda.

Sometime later, the group arrived at an open shop with forge going. In the shop, was many items ranging from weapons, armor, amulets and talismans, rings, and other magic gear.

"I was sorted into Ravenclaw."

"But you're french," said Cotton.

Vinda chuckled. "My mother and father divorced. I lived in France with my mother. However, I was born in Britain and received a letter from Hogwarts. I attended for three years before transferring to Beauxbaton to be with my mother again."

"Ahh, how complicated." Cotton added.

"Life is complicated. Now listen, Gryffindors like their swords, Slytherins are similar to your father, they hide their sword in walking sticks but they're fond of the discreet protective gear. Ravenclaws are fond of Daggers and knives. Hufflepuff is a mix of it all."

"I'll have a sword made later. So, I guess I'll go for the protective gear."

The group spent time at the local forge. Cotton had Hollow family signet rings made. He then purchased a talisman instead of an amulet. Talismans were meant to store and augment power will amulets were meant to protect. However, the number of enchantments on his clothing made it equivalent to armor.

Besides that, he purchased magic pens spelled to write his thoughts. Special parchment hides his words. A rune kit, and finally an elegant dagger made of the tempered Vampirean Tepes Steel with a handle of dragon bone.

When the Hollows received their rings, the group moved on when Cotton spotted Dr. Aziz Branchiflore. At this point, Royal splintered off to a bookstore and Vanessa spotted a clothing store.

Stepping into Dr. Aziz Branchiflore with Marcus, Quinn, Vinda, and Nana, Cotton took a deep breath and took in the scent of drying herbs hanging from the selling. His the landed on hard adorned with runes to preserve the contains. Potions filled the shelves and only the finest ingredients could be seen with price stages that would scare away most of the patrons in Diagon Alley. But in Place Cachee, patrons flocked.

"Boy, take your galleons to that man at the cheery oak counter. You'll need to exchange for more Bezants if you want to shop here." Said Vinda.

After doing just that. Cotton shopped to his heart's content as Marcus enabled him by educating him on herbs he hadn't known or the potential of some of the rarer herbs. time passed and Royal returned with a satisfied smile and full magical pouch.

Vanessa then joined with three rolled-up parchment and eyes sparkling with visions of the future. They both then frowned at Cotton.

"Boy, you'll be going to school soon. Do you really need more material? You and Severus just went shopping two days ago." Royal barked and the store glanced over at the frowning father. "That's it. We've done it. We've spoiled him with money."

"Monsieur Hollow, please keep your voice down. If... we need to go now." Vinda's brow furrowed.

"Oh! she's right." Marcus sang.

In a few breaths, the apothecary was empty as the patrons fled. And while the Hollows were being dragged away, Cotton walked towards the shop counter as the clerk downed a bottle of green liquid.

"Sir, I would like to purchase the lot. Wrap them properly or I will be back." Cotton spoke with ease.

The shopkeeper looked terrified. He didn't understand how Cotton was still lucid.

"Move, boy." a woman with a thick Bulgarian accent spoke.

"Excuse you, ma'am." Cotton turned around and saw the beautiful elderly woman. She was more beautiful than Vinda and Cotton didn't think there was another old lady in the world that could match Vinda at such an age.

Behind the woman were blonde, sliver, and white-haired beauties with fair skin and a powerful allure. There was one girl in particular that had an overwhelming allure and strong scent that was being combated by Cotton's bodhi necklace and his Warrior Avatar.

"You can all wait until I'm finished. I've been waiting in line for an hour now. And you! Girl! If you don't control whatever you're doing I'll turn you into a pile of ash." Cotton barked and now everyone was floored.

"Boy, how do you feel?" the old woman asked.

"I should be asking you that. You're the one closer to death." Cotton snapped. He then turned around smacked the countertop thrice. "Come now, tally me up."

"I'll be damned." the old woman spoke as the clerk rushed to get Cotton out of the way. His potion would wear off soon and he feared the consequences.

"Boy, you have a strong mind. You should join my Dobreva Family."

"He's fine, Rayna," said Vinda.

"Vinda, it's been a long time." said the old woman, Rayna.

"Professor," the young girls greeted Vinda.

"Do you know this boy? My Fleur is coming close to her first blood and he is able to withstand her allure." Rayna explained.

"I can see that. It's surprised me as well. But the boy is an heir of a Viscounty in Brittian. You can't take him."

"What a shame. My Fleur will definitely need an attendant in the years to come."

"Many of the boys at the academy fawn over her enough." Said Vinda

"But their minds are fragile. " Rayna added, "You know my Fleur is strong for her to only have a quarter of my blood."

"An incredible thing for the Dobreva family, I'm sure." Vinda finished and gave Rayna a look.

"Fine. Fine. I will not touch the boy. I'll take my Roanoke Roots, Chavis Powder, and Selkie whiskers and go." Rayna spoke loud enough for the clerk to hear as Cotton paid him.

But when the clerk didn't move, Rayna frowned. "Is your mind broken?" she asked.

"No," Cotton replied for the man as he put his items in his magical wallet. He then looked at Rayna and said, "He's out of Chavis Powder."

The women paled and looked at Fleur with worry.

Cotton sighed. "I take it you're all Veela. And that one there is about to step into womanhood. You want to make the Agamant Salve, correct?"

"Y-yes," Rayna replied with a curious expression.

"Substitute the Chavis Podwer with the powdered root of asphodel mixed with bloodroot, fire seed, and Extract of Gurdyroot. Mix it well before adding in the rest of the ingredients for the salve." Cotton explained. "Madame, we should get going now."

As Cotton walked off, Rayna called out to his back. "What's your name boy?"

"Cotton Hollow. Pleased to meet you Madame Dobreva."

"You know me?"

"After I put the clues together and learned your name, yes. Veela are extant and you're one of the last pureblood Veela in France. You do know your name is in textbooks, right?" Cotton replied then left the shop with Vinda.

That day Cotton left a lasting impression on Rayna Dobreva. But to him, it was just a fleeting moment in time.

A week quickly passed and it was time for Cotton to receive his second wand. In the Rosier residence, Cotton stood before Amos as he stretched out his arms and handed over the wand.

"I figure you the old man sent you to me because of my treasured eye. My grandfather was a bastard of Ollivander. However, I awakened a dormant Ollivander ability. Sort of how Salazar Slytherin could speak parseltongue '' Amos explained.

"When I see, unlike talented wandmakers, I see your potential and a wand's compatibility to it. Ollivander sees the wizard or witch for who they are when he meets them. This is why many wizards and witches tend to outgrow their wands. But only Aurors ever buy new ones." Amos added.

"And this wand fits his potential?" His mother asked.

"Precisely. Mrs... I never did get any of your names." Amos tilted his head. He was a wand eccentric and his behavior reflected it.

"Hollow." Cotton told him.

"Well, Mrs. Hollow, Cotton's wand is 15 inches and rigid as they come. It will only change masters after his murder. Made of bodhi wood, it has an exquisite ancient finish. The wood blends well with both dark and light magic. The Asianic people have a belief called Taoism."

"I'm aware," Vanessa replied.

"This wand would hold true to that principle of the way. As long as Cotton is at peace with his magic, the wand will be unbiased and at peace with Cotton." Amos continued, "His cores were tricky, and played a huge part in the rigidity of the wand. Phoenix feather and Thunderbird tail feather. Lighting and fire, solitary birds brimming with magic and ancient prideful air. Their magic is as versatile as it comes. As wand cores, mastery over them is reserved for wizards of grand stature, a fortified mind as versatile as their magic. But, the wizard must never cower and always face his challenges or risk losing control of the wand. Take it."

Cotton didn't hesitate, he grabbed the wand and his magic surged. His arm swung and his wand aimed at the teapot. His wrist twisted and the tip of his wand flashed and the teapot exploded into shards. Amos then became solemn, but when Cotton twirled the wand the shards were transfigured into butterflies.

Vinda's eyes widened as she watched the scene. "Marvelous…" she whispered in her thick French accent.

"Yes! This is it. Perfect!" Amos' voice became high-pitched as his excitement grew.

"Boy, you should really consider attending Beauxbaton Academy," Said Vinda, "I'll make sure you get in if you're interested."

"No, I'm okay." Cotton replied as he enjoyed his new wand. A much better fit than the Methuselah wand.

"Wherever you go, I will be near to watch the show. Garrick Ollivander had Tom Riddle and I will have Cotton Hollow!" Amos sang.

Once Cotton left the Rosier residence with his parents, they returned to the hotel and then home. Once at home, they rested for two moments before an owl appeared with a letter.

" Who could that possibly be?" Royal asked.

"Oh, Ollivander!" Vannesa sang, "That old man want's Cotton to come by. Apparently, he needs to receive the Trace Charm. All first years receive the trace before the start of school."

"Ahh, that's how the ministry tracks their magic. Not entirely but for the most part. Hurry along, boy, or we'll get Ollivander into serious trouble. All underage wizards must have the trace. I always assumed it was placed on children when they attended Hogwarts. But, if Ollivander handles it, that would explain how the Ministry could track underage magic for children who are homeschooled."

"Because they all get their wands from Ollivander," Vanessa added.

"Or any other registered wandmaker for that matter. There must be certificates and by-laws that wandmakers must understand to sell wands. It must be ancient… I need to do more reading, come along! I'll go by the book store while we're out. This little mystery of wizard law has caught my interest." Royal was falling down another rabbit hole of wizard history and law. Vanessa and Cotton merely sighed to themselves.

After asking the tutors if they were interested in the trip, the Hollows left on their own.

Sometime later, the family was in Diagon Alley and Royal rushed off. Vanessa took Cotton to see Ollivander. The old man merely took the wand back and gave it to Cotton again. Cotton then felt a familiar surge.

"That's how you do it." Cotton was surprised.

"Your charm is placed during the synergy of a wand. Magic charm as strong as the Trace has to be felt, but this is why it's such a mystery to people."

Ollivander just smiled. "Not just here. Many young ones use family wands. So the Hogwarts Express is the second place where the trace is placed on a young wizard."

Cotton chuckled and shook his head. "The Ministry is rarely too sneaky."

Once he and his mother left Ollivander's, they went to look for his father. They found him in Flourish and Blotts speaking to another muggle with black hair that had a metallic sheen. Next to the man was a curly-haired woman, and a little girl with big wild hair.