
Rise of the Hegemon

From a miner to a supreme leader of a continental super power... this is the story of a former outcast named Carillus. Carillus is an ordinary 16 years old boy living an ordinary peaceful life in the United States.. Well, what would happen if said boy was mysteriously sent in a planet billions of light years away from Earth?... Stranded, lost, and above all else: alone, Carillus must learn to defend himself and adapt in this new lands ravaged by war, bloodshed, and deadly intrigue. Watch as he creates allies and enemies along the way, battle the elements thrown at him by this unforgiving world, and lastly, trades his sanity and innocence in exchange for survival and... path to power.

Tabs_Kebriel · Fantasía
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31 Chs

Inside the quarry

As the guards ushered us toward the imposing gate, the relentless onslaught of the sun's rays bore down upon me, its searing touch unbearable. With each step, the weight of my body seemed to intensify, the air grew thick and stifling, making each breath a struggle, my throat felt parched, a dryness that consumed my senses and left me longing for even a drop of water to quench my thirst.

"Water, please..." The words left my lips in a hushed whisper.

I could only hope they would offer us food and water before they send us to work.

As we approach, the wooden palisade began to extend, its sturdy structure growing larger with each step, casting shadows over the ground. Atop the walls, sentries stood vigil, clad in suits of mail and gambesons, crossbows resting on their backs while gripping spears firmly in their hands, and furthermore, only half of the watchtowers were manned with the same guards, though I could see a few of them held bows.

A sense of vulnerability washed over me, a realization that I was at the mercy of these men... and I couldn't do a single thing about it, my fate and my life depended on these people, just the thought of this made me hate myself and the world even more

If I wasn't such a weak person... then maybe I wouldn't be in this place right now.

If such cruel people didn't exist in the first place... then maybe I wouldn't be in this place right now.

But alas, after witnessing what had transpired after arriving in this place so far, I guess being cruel is part of human nature... an instinct entrusted to us to be used in perpetuity.

And if I plan to continue surviving in this place, then such instinct must be embraced...

Wait no.. I-It's wrong

A small part of me still believes there's another way, a way to avoid a cruel fate without adapting to such changes, humanity has evolved from it's feral ways over thousands of years ago, I know evil exist, but evil can be swayed over to good if such efforts are applied.

We Humans are better than this.

Maybe if I've done good enough work, they'll take notice of it and let me go. Maybe a man from a high-ranking position in whatever society this place has, will discover the abuses inflicted on me by that fucking commander and punish not only him, but also this warden who seems to run this quarry with an iron fist, and replace him with someone more honest and morally correct.


The rhythm of pickaxes and the clatter of stones echoing in the distance grew clearer as we approached, while nearby shouting and yelling filled our ears. The ground beneath our feet shifted, each step stirring up pebbles and dirt. The air now seems to carry the scent of freshly crushed rock and an earthy aroma.

My gaze then drifted at the devasted hill beyond the palisades, Each tier rose like step of giants, each level carved in the hillside, a testament to the sweat and blood of the miners who had come before us. I could now clearly see the forms of men; miners and non-miners, moving around everywhere.

The sight was both breathtaking and bleak, a reminder of the constant moving of time and the unyielding demands of survival.

The guards continued to lead us forward, their gibberish commands cutting through the heavy air. I took notice at how close we really are to the gate, there are another dozen guardsmen standing by the wide opened gate, clad in armor just like the others, and all of their hands seems to rest on their swords and clubs.

My fellow prisoners around me were a motley crew, their expressions showed tiredness and defeat as all of us moved in a disorganized slow pace, it seems most of them had already resigned to their fate, their new life.

Well.. most of them.

Casting a small glance behind me, little Fish seems to be faring like the rest, panting, soaked in sweat, and covered slightly in dirt, yet despite this, I could see the flames of determination and defiance inside his eyes, most of us now thinks he's going to kill the nearest guard whenever he's presented an opportunity.

When we finally reached inside the gate, a stream of murmurs begin to scatter in our group as the sight of the quarry unfolded before us.

A massive courtyard stood at the center, encircled by a cluster of structures constructed from sturdy bricks and time-weathered stones. Among these buildings, a few stood proud as two-story structures. Towards the eastern expanse of the quarry, another expansive open area unfolded; a storage zone it seemed, filled with towering mounds of freshly mined stones. In a designated section nearby, a collection of a dozen wagons was neatly arranged.

Standing within the farthest corner of the courtyard, a stable emerged, providing shelter for a handful of horses whose presence was unmistakable, the clear sound of the mounts neighs resonated from within its confines.

Yet all of it were infused with a sense of community, like a bustling city, wagons maneuvered with a sense of purpose, navigating diverse pathways, while a bustling mix of conversations and footsteps filled the air. Among the crowd, a majority of them comprised of armed guards, their vigilant presence palpable. Interwoven with this martial contingent, a tapestry of individuals donned an array of attire; distinctive jackets and cloaks layered over elegant kirtles and adorned with jewelry, while a more unadorned assembly appeared, clad in modest tunics that spoke of simplicity.

All of this creating a cacophony of noises that seems to slowly overwhelm me, I notice my heart skip a beat as I take in the sight before me.

Furthermore, encircling the entire buildings and courtyard complex, a second wooden palisade establishes a boundary, separating the sector my group presently occupies from the expansive mining domain that spans the quarry, this perimeter serves as the origins for the resonating clang of metal meeting stone, mixed with the voices of struggling and exhausted men, echoing throughout the expanse.

Now that I noticed it, I didn't see a single miner within the vicinity... perhaps all of them were also sentenced to slave labor like me? unable to leave the mining sector until their sentences end.

Well, knowing that certain commander's personality, most of them miners would probably end up dead before they see their sentences ended.

He probably don't have any plans on a single miner leaving this quarry alive, that would probably explain the unreasonable extensive sentences he would give to his unfortunate prisoners, including me.

This outrageous judicial system must be abolished no matter what!

I then shifted my gaze beyond the second wall, cranes loomed like towers across each tiers, their scrappy frames a stark contrast to the natural beauty that once graced this hill, not to mention the frequent scaffoldings that clung desperately to the edges of every clear hillside. There are also the occasional shacks and makeshift tents that dotted around the areas.

Before I could take in more of the sights before me, the guards forcefully ushered us toward the heart of the courtyard. There, a table stood at the center, flanked by two men seated with an air of authority, awaiting our arrival.

Upon arrival, the guards directed us into forming a line.

I then turn towards Little Fish and sighed, he seemed to notice the uneasiness in my expression when he place one of his hands in my shoulder before smiling.

Is he trying to reassure me?

I smiled inwardly at this, it's really a good thing that Little Fish is with me right now, such thoughts are making me very selfish, but I think such thoughts doesn't matter anymore right now, this is where fate brought us and we don't have any choice but to accept it.

"I appreciate it." I responded, by the look on his face, I can tell he understood the message behind my words despite not knowing the literal meaning of it.

With a smile, I turn away from him before moving my gaze back towards the proceeding unfolding before me.

It looks simple actually, one by one, a prisoner would write something on the parchment sitting atop the table before the other man would inspect and search the prisoner's clothing, probably to search him for any contrabands.

The entire process would take a full minute before one of the guards surrounding us would lead him towards a designated area and leave him there standing.

Few minutes had already passed and there is one more prisoner being inspected before it's finally my turn.

I look towards the designated area and saw several prisoners from our group standing, aside from the occasional movements and fidgeting, none dared to leave their places.

When the prisoner in front of me is finally led towards the designated area, I now find myself facing the two men beside the table, their faces a mix of surprise and curiosity as they oddly stare at my clothing.

Here we fucking go..




