
Rise Of The Greatest Sword God

Long Chen a heavenly blessed once in a life time prodigy in cultivation died a premature death under the very hands of his beloved. A woman whom he trusted. he reincarnated 1,000 years later into the body of a young master and found out that his beloved was the woman of his best friend. They destroyed his family and stole his family heirloom 'Heavenly Splitter Xinshu' an emperor-grade weapon. They took over the world dominating it with the great power contained in the sword. Now they are revered as The Emperor and Empress. Knowing what happened, the fire of rage burned deep in his heart as he swore to be their worst nightmare. He vow to avenue his family and raise it back to it former glory. He goes on a journey to cultivate hard and reach the level of a god and have his revenge on them. But to do so, he has to keep the identity of his last life a secret till he is strong enough. In this new life, he finds out that he is the useless son of the great Long Family, due to his weak physique and stagnant cultivation. Will he later have his revenge? Will he die before his quest is completed? Is his reincarnation related to him or due to faith

Prince_charming57 · Oriental
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18 Chs

Seed Of Anger

A bottle containing 5 drops of sparkling holy water and a sword technique appears before him.

Long Chen took it with a smile, "I guess the more stairs I reach the more benefits I get"

"The other stairs are harder, you have to get to the next breakthrough before attempting to climb," The voice said.

"Is it that hard?" Long Chen asked.

"Yes, the more stairs the more different challenges you will face" The voice said.

Long Chen opened the cultivation manual he received and a bright light came out of it.

Long Chen closed his eyes to the blinding light but after some time it subsided.

What Long Chen saw left him amazed. He saw a great fire Phoenix, Storm Serpent, Lightning dragon, glacial yeti and earth Goliath.

Each in their elemental domain creates a whole world of elemental force.

"Fire, water, earth, wind and lightning" Long Chen called out as the book brimmed with energy.

Long Chen looked into the book but found it was empty, not a single word was there.

"Guardian, why isn't there a word in the manual you gave me," Long Chen asked.

"Because you have not unlocked the book," The Guardian said.

"Unlock? How?" Long Chen asked.

"Drip your blood on the book," The voice said.

"Okay," Long Chen said as he bit his finger and a drop of blood landed on the book.

Like a hungry wolf, the manual absorbs the blood before letting out a bright colourful light.

Long Chen opened his eyes and found himself in a new place. He was in between five elemental worlds.

He found the scroll in his left hand and Asura in his right hand which absorbed the limitless energy in the surroundings.


In front of him stood a realm of fire which let out scorching heat, an Ice palace at his back which let out bone-chilling air, an altar of rock at his left giving out a balance and stable feeling above him, a world of lightning cracking letting out thunderous roars and at his left a storm empire where wind blades roam freely.

Long Chen looked at the scroll and the sentence The Harmony of Chaos: Sword of Chaos appeared as if someone was writing it.

"Since I have not unlocked the other elements yet, I will take the path of fir,e" Long Chen said as he walked towards the direction of the flaming hell.

As he entered, he felt his inferno physique reconstructed by the fire serpent which seeped into his like a tiny fire snake.

Unbearable pain started again, Long Chen held his sword Asura tightly as he displayed the steps in the technique that mysteriously started playing in his head.

"Eternal Flame" Long Chen roared as he practised the sword technique in the flame. He became one with his environment as he danced in the flame.

His sweat immediately evaporates from the scratching heat which harasses his skin. Within 10 minutes, Long Chen's body turned red due to the intense heat that ravaged him from both within and outside.

The chaos core absorbs the Eternal flames which seep into his body as he cultivates.

Long Chen knew that with his low cultivation, staying too long was detrimental to him but he persisted.

A golden halo erupts from him and his body vanishes from the sea of fire. He found himself back on the green mountain.

"You are reckless," The voice said.

Long Chen who does not know if it was a compliment or an insult lay on the bare floor and the leaves around him burn to ashes.

This was due to the harsh ravaging heat he had absorbed.

"That was a good place to cultivate that I lose track of myself," Long Chen said.

"I like that you are daring, but you have to know one thing. Cultivation isn't built in a single day. You have to bid your time to survive in the harsh world" The voice said.

"Is there another reason why you chose fire as your first path of Chaos?" The voice asked.

"What do you mean?" Long Chen asked.

"Fire is born from rage and anger, the fact you unlocked 'The eternal Phoenix' as your first beast of chaos shows you have a bloody thirst for power and revenge," The voice said.

"You could have awakened any other beast first but the fire was the one which was awakened, if you continue down this path of revenge you will lose the true duo of cultivation," The voice said.

"Think about why you cultivate in the first place," The voice said.

"They killed and destroyed my family, I will not rest till I have my revenge on them. But first I need to get stronger" Long Chen said as his eyes turned dark in anger.

"If you have made your choice I won't force you, but make sure you don't regret your decision"

" Take this," The voice said as a milky white crystal pentagonal-shaped badge appeared out of thin air.

"This is called, with it you can unlock the rift between your world and the world of chaos, infuse your soul into it and you can come here," The voice said.

A white light engulfs Long Chen and his body starts to fade.

****In the real world*****

Long Chen suddenly opened his eyes as he came out from his deep cultivation state.

He felt profound energy coursing through his veins. "I have broken through a major level, I am now a first-level core cultivator," Long Chen said as a smile surfaced on his face. His hard work has finally paid off.

"You are awake now" Flux Fire said as it dropped the herbs with him on the floor and flew towards Long Chen.

"Where were you, I was looking for herbs when I noticed something strange was going on with you" Flux Fire said as it examined Long Chen.

"What!" Flux Fire said with wide eyes.

"What happened?" Long Chen asked alarmed by Flux Fire's sudden shout.

"You...." Flux Fire said Looking at Long Chen as if he found a terrifying monster. "You have unlocked a chaos core, you managed to cultivate Eternal Flame and upgrade your inferno physique to the next level in just a few hours," Flux Fire said.

"Few hours? I am sure it has been three days since I cultivated in the world of chaos" Long Chen said looking at Flux Fire with a confused gaze.

"I am sure of it, just a few hours have passed since I left," Flux Fire said.

Long Chen looks at the white badge in his hands before saying "I guess time flows differently in the world of chaos."

"You went to the world of Chaos?" Flux Fire asked with wide eyes.