
Rise Of The Greatest Sword God

Long Chen a heavenly blessed once in a life time prodigy in cultivation died a premature death under the very hands of his beloved. A woman whom he trusted. he reincarnated 1,000 years later into the body of a young master and found out that his beloved was the woman of his best friend. They destroyed his family and stole his family heirloom 'Heavenly Splitter Xinshu' an emperor-grade weapon. They took over the world dominating it with the great power contained in the sword. Now they are revered as The Emperor and Empress. Knowing what happened, the fire of rage burned deep in his heart as he swore to be their worst nightmare. He vow to avenue his family and raise it back to it former glory. He goes on a journey to cultivate hard and reach the level of a god and have his revenge on them. But to do so, he has to keep the identity of his last life a secret till he is strong enough. In this new life, he finds out that he is the useless son of the great Long Family, due to his weak physique and stagnant cultivation. Will he later have his revenge? Will he die before his quest is completed? Is his reincarnation related to him or due to faith

Prince_charming57 · Oriental
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18 Chs

Acceptance Ceremony

As Long Chen sleeps, a bright multicoloured symbol appears on his forehead.

The Mark was a hexagonal-shaped multicoloured symbol emitting a wave of energy.

Long Chen who knew nothing about the changes in his body met himself in a dream.

Long Chen's dreams were filled with visions of the untamed chaos and the secrets it held.

As Long Chen slumbered on, the mark of chaos on his forehead continued to emit its mesmerizing multicoloured light. Its brilliance seemed to wax and wane in rhythm with his dreams as if it were attuned to the depths of his subconscious.

In his dreamscape, Long Chen found himself in a realm of swirling chaos, surrounded by ethereal visions and arcane symbols. He reached out instinctively, feeling the chaotic energies respond to his touch, dancing and swirling around him in perfect harmony.

It was as if this place defied the laws of gravity as Long Chen felt weightless and his body moved freely.

Fire flames flicker and sway in a fiery dance, water flows letting out of waves and current, wind swirling and twirling in a rhythmic dance lightning fierce force zigzagging a crackling letting dazzling bright white light across the sky, and the soil gives out a strong but peaceful aura.

There was no form of repulsion and all the elements moved freely without any obstruction.

"Chaos" Long Chen muttered.

"No, this is the heart of Chaos Father told me about"

As Long Chen's dreams delved deeper into the mysteries of chaos, the mark on his forehead pulsed with increasing intensity. It was as if the mark sought to guide him, to awaken his latent potential and unlock the secrets of the chaotic realm.

In his sleep, Long Chen's expression shifted from one of peaceful rest to one of intense focus. His subconscious mind was at work, absorbing the wisdom of chaos, and his connection to the mark on his forehead grew stronger with each passing moment.

"You are here" A mysterious voice was heard in the world of chaos.

"Who are you?" Long Chen asked looking around to find the source of the voice.

"I called you here, this is one of the best places to cultivate, the energy here is dense and fit as a perfect place to cultivate your chaos qi," the mysterious voice said.

"Who are you and why do you want to help me?" Long Chen asked.

"Because I have chosen you as my successor," the voice said.

"I am the guardian of chaos," The voice said.

"Guardian of chaos?" Long Chen said trying to figure out the owner of the name but couldn't.

"Feel the energy that surrounds you, feel the qi as it moves and capture it"

Long Chen was on guard, a mysterious voice without a source was speaking to him.

"You should know that I am not here to help you, but instead to guide you through your path of chaos," The voice said again.

"Start with the second level in the path to heaven scripture, Heaven and earth devourer" the mysterious voice shrouded in darkness said.

"Wait, you know the scripture I cultivate?" Long Chen asked.

"How will I not know when I created the technique" the voice said again.

"Enough talk, start cultivating"the mysterious voice said again.

Knowing that the mysterious voice wasn't going to hurt him and instead guide him Long Chen sat cross-legged in his dream, and he started cultivating in reality.

"What pure chaos qi, where are you?" Flux Fire asked.

Now, Long Chen is cultivating pure chaos qi and holy qi at the same time.

The more he cultivates, the brighter the multicoloured hexagonal mark on his head shines brightly.

He felt connected to the world qi, as he entered a state of enlightenment.

"Third level awakener"

"Fourth Level awakener"

"Fifth Level awakener "

Long Chen continues to achieve rapid breakthroughs as his cultivation level surges.

*Ding* A loud noise was heard which awakened Long Chen from his meditative stance.

He saw a Gigantic hand that looked like it was about to descend on him.

What is strange is that the hand emit different colours which bask him in multicolor light.

After some minute, the colourful hand disappear and the colourful background of the dream turns black and Long Chen wakes up in reality.

Long Chen awoke from his vivid dream, his heart still racing from the intense cultivation experience within the chaotic realm. He couldn't help but wear an expression of wonder mixed with determination, as he pondered the significance of the mysterious voice and the colourful mark on his forehead.

With a furrowed brow, Long Chen couldn't help but wonder about the true identity of the voice and the guardian of chaos. Questions swirled in his mind like the chaotic energies he had encountered:

"Who was that voice, and why did it choose me?"

"What is the Mark of Chaos, and how does it connect to the untamed chaos I experienced?"

"Was that gigantic hand a sign of divine intervention, and if so, what role does it play in my cultivation journey?"

As Long Chen contemplated these questions Flux Fire came out of him.

"Where were you?" It asked looking at Long Chen with a curious gaze.

"Where was I? I was right here, I never left" Long Chen answered looking at the fiery red chicken.

"I felt it, you are lying to me," Flux Fire said.

"Felt what?" Long Chen asked getting tired of Flux Fire questions.

"Pure Chaos qi" Flux Fire said.

"I haven't felt such chaos qi in eons, I can feel my cultivation base increase a bit" Flux Fire said.

"I just had a weird dream where I saw colourful lights and the elements of nature, then there was this gigantic hands. That all I remember" Long Chen said.

Flux Fire ponders the meaning of the dream silently before letting out a shocked expression.

"That's an acceptance ceremony," Flux Fire said.

"Acceptance ceremony?" Long Chen asked.

"Yes, you were officially accepted by chaos and it was not a dream. Your consciousness was summoned" Flux Fire explained.