
Rise of the Gamer of the Void

Reborn as Akimitsu with some wishes and a gift he didn't want, in exchange for fighting against omniversal enemies. Is it really that simple? Who arranged all this and why? Omniverse Fanfiction!! Gamer Fanfiction!!

Nobody75 · Cómic
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13 Chs

Shape Transformation - Part 1

In the past 4 hours, Akimitsu hurriedly completed the quests in [Genin Ninja ID], [Chakra Beast Chunin Level ID] and [Chunin Ninja ID] gaining many levels, Shadow Soldiers, Jutsus and skills. Right now he is at level 50.

[Sword Combo (Level 1): With this technique, One makes a sequence of slashes with her sword and finishes with a powerful slash that badly injures the opponent. +5% Slashing Damage]

[Tornado High (Level 1): The Gamer and a shadow clone string a series of attacks at an opponent, finishing by creating a small tornado that lifts the shadow clone as it performs an upper kick. +2% Damage]

[Calorie Control (Level 1): This technique grants the Gamer the ability to freely convert the calories he stores in his body into chakra. +1% precision in converting Calorie into Chakra.]

[Yang Nature Transformation (Level 1): An advanced form of chakra control that entails the molding and defining of the nature of one's chakra as Yang, altering its properties and characteristics for use in Yang techniques. Passively +0.125% Yang Nature Chakra control]

[Multi-Size Technique (Level 1): When performed, the Gamer grows in size, proportionately increasing his weight and strength and thus making his physical attacks more powerful. Clothes he's wearing will change in size to accommodate him, as will certain weaponry, such as the Bo. Such a significant change in size places a great burden on the Gamer's body until mastered. -100 CP per KG increase in weight, -100 HP per minute]

[Demonic Illusion: False Surroundings Technique (Level 1): This technique layers an illusion over a location, causing it to look like a different location. Because of how wide an area the illusion can be placed over, that in turn makes it easy to trick others: any who enter the area will be affected by the illusion and see the false location. +1% chance of success in placing illusion, -100 CP]

[Demonic Illusion: Double False Surroundings Technique (Level 1): This technique places another illusion within another illusion created by the Gamer. When the target dispels the first illusion, they will not realize that a second is in place. +1% chance of success in placing illusion, -200 CP]

[Wind Release: Great Breakthrough (Level 1): The Gamer breathes wind from their his, blowing away whatever is in front of him. The technique itself is quite simple, but its power varies significantly depending on the Gamer's skill and how strong they make the winds. -500 CP per use]

[Wind Release: Divine Mountain Wind (Level 1): This technique creates a vortex of wind to blast at a target. It can be used in a combo with the [Fire Release: Running Fire] and the [Earth Release: Earth Corridor] to release a massive inferno at the opponents while they are trapped within the confined space of the earth. -500 CP per use]

[Fire Release: Running Fire (Level 1): This technique creates a stream of fire that can be manipulated into several forms before striking the target. It can also be used in combination with [Wind Release: Divine Wind] and [Earth Release: Earth Corridor] to release a massive inferno at opponents while they are trapped within a confined space of earth. -500 CP per use]

[Earth Release: Earth Corridor (Level 1): A technique that causes the surrounding earth to rise up over a target, creating a cavern. The Gamer can either leave an opening to allow attacks to enter through the exit, cutting off any way of the target to avoid the being hit or close it up completely to prevent escape. -500 CP per use]

[Earth Release: Hiding like a Mole Technique (Level 1): This technique changes earth into fine sand by channeling chakra into it, allowing the Gamer to dig through it like a mole. This effect goes around the body (not just the hands), making it just large enough for a person to move through. The Gamer can pinpoint where he is, despite being underground, by sensing the magnetic forces. He can also sense what is happening on the surface and use that information to launch a surprise attack on the enemy. -500 CP per minute of use]

[Water Release: Water Body (Level 1): This technique transforms the Gamer's entire form into water and back at will, granting the Gamer free control of their shape, including slipping through small cracks. This technique allows for high-level infiltration and stealth. By travelling down a target's mouth, even a recently deceased one, the user is also able to possess them, controlling the body's full range movements and actions as if his own personal body, even talking. Due to this form's fluid and malleable nature, physical attacks will harmlessly pass through him. However, this technique is very vulnerable to Lightning Release and still vulnerable to chakra disruption by an opponent. -500 CP per minute of use]

[CP Regeneration (Level 1): Passively Regenerates CP of the user. The greater the skill level the greater the regeneration rate. 0.01% of total CP regenerated per second]

Seeing the number of techniques he has to master, Akimitsu got excited. But before that he wants to create one of the most iconic Jutsus, [Rasengan]. For that he needs to first start of with 3 steps each helping to hone Shape Transformation to its peak.

Anticipating such a day, he had already ordered water balloon and clay ball. Unlike Naruto in the original, who used shortcuts to learn the Rasengan quickly, Akimitsu has too much time to waste and thus intends on mastering each step to the Max.

'Before starting the first step, one must know which direction their Chakra is flowing. Based on the direction my hair is growing alongside checking during [Meditation], my Chakra is rotating clockwise.'

Akimitsu then held the water balloon in his hand and started applying Chakra in his hands.

'I need to spin the water in multiple directions to make the balloon pop. But first, I should spin in a single direction to get the skill.'

The water in the balloon started rotating clockwise direction and after sometime, hi favorite ding~~ was heard in his head.

[Chakra Rotation (Level 1): A skill that helps the Gamer master his Chakra and use it more proficiently. This skill is an advanced Chakra Control technique that helps the Gamer improve their Chakra Control and Chakra Movement. +0.0625% Chakra Control, +1% Chakra Movement and +0.5% Chakra Form]

Having succeeded in making this skill, Akimitsu created a Shadow Clone and let the Shadow Clone continue practicing this skill with him. After 1 hour of continuous practice, Akimitsu cancelled the Shadow Clone.

[Shadow Clone Level Up] x3

[Chakra Rotation Level Up] x20

[CP Regeneration Level Up] x2

Seeing that there was no mental strain, Akimitsu started his 1 hour practice once again. Surprisingly there wasn't much strain until 4 hours later after which Akimitsu felt a little tired signifying the need of a break. Luckily his two skills leveled up quickly.

[Shadow Clone Level Up] x12

[Chakra Rotation Level Up] x80

[CP Regeneration Level Up] x8

Akimitsu decided to have a good and proper rest before continuing the other two steps.

Hey guys!! Hope you are enjoying this so far.

I kind of copied the Rasengan training idea from another fanfiction called [Naruto: Gamer Ninja] (Great fanfic by the way. Highly recommended), due to the great detail it was described in so heads up, I guess.

Moreover another timeskip will come after the Shape Transformation Training, till MC is 7 and then the journey will start.

Thank you for staying patient and if you have any ideas you want to share regarding his journey/travels then please comment.

Nobody75creators' thoughts