
Rise of The Fallen Hero

Once hailed as the world's hero, the protagonist sacrificed everything for the sake of humanity—family, friendships, and even love. His relentless training and countless adventures were undertaken without regret, driven solely by the belief that humanity's survival was paramount. But after vanquishing the once-invisible Demon King, betrayal struck. His own allies, driven by jealousy and fear, plunged a blade into their back, revealing the depths of humanity's dread. As their soul dispersed into the void, a desperate roar reached the ears of Satan himself. A pact was struck, and he was granted an opportunity for vengeance. Reborn at the beginning of their hero's journey, his heart harbored no hope for humanity, no reverence for gods. Only the power of darkness remained, coupled with an unquenchable thirst for retribution. Guided by the malevolent Dark System, the fallen hero embarks on a relentless quest for vengeance, and his path marked by shadows and treachery.

Sayyid_Novels · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Gone Rogue

Now that I had received this audacious quest, it was time to plan the heist, even though the very idea of theft went against my principles. But the lure of the rewards was too powerful to resist. I needed to create a diversion, a scene that would draw attention away from the shop and its prized possession—the "Forgotten Cloak of Vilgraran."

I roamed through the bustling market, buying various items to aid in my scheme. Though I was still committed to completing the side quest, I couldn't afford to be empty-handed. Among my purchases was a bow and a set of explosive flame arrows, a costly investment that promised to create chaos and draw the attention of the ranked individuals who frequented the area.

Prepared and determined, I positioned myself in an alleyway, bow at the ready. The tension in the air was palpable as I aimed and, with unwavering resolve, let loose an arrow. An explosion erupted a block away, its thunderous noise unmistakable. It was loud enough to pique the curiosity of the ranked individuals, who rushed towards the source with worry etched on their faces.

As they scattered, only a few remained behind, and I knew I couldn't take them all at once. I revised my strategy, realizing that I didn't need to confront them head-on. Instead, I lured them away one by one, my arrows leaving a gruesome trail of gore and terror.

The impact of an explosive arrow was devastating. It reduced one of the ranked individuals to nothing more than lumps of flesh and meat, blood splattering in every direction. Despite their abilities, they were ill-equipped to resist such a gory spectacle, fleeing in terror with screams that pierced the air.

Soon, the town square was deserted, just as I had anticipated. This was my opportunity to seize the cloak. I dashed into the shop, swift and unnoticed, and snatched the precious artifact. The shopkeeper shouted at me to stop and return what I had stolen, but I paid no heed.

Running through the streets, my heart pounded with adrenaline. I couldn't help but wish for an invisibility ability or any stealth skill as I reached my humble apartment. With my legs crossed and a serious demeanor, I held the cloak aloft in both hands.

The side quest panel reappeared, confirming the completion of the mission.

Side Quest: Mission Completed (Receiving two Skills and a Title)

Relief washed over me, but a sense of curiosity nagged at my mind. Why had I received two skills when the quest initially mentioned only one? As I pondered this, another popup appeared—the Dark Gift Panel. It congratulated me on obtaining a bonus reward, presumably the second skill I had earned from the quest.

The first skill, "Absolute Dominion," was already impressive, but now it seemed even more formidable. And the bonus skill, 'Hide and Seek,' held the promise of making me practically invisible to living beings.

With the day's events behind me, I decided it was time to rest. Tomorrow, I would continue my main quest, fueled by the knowledge that I was one step closer to exacting my revenge.