
Rise of the Eromancer

Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, and many others—every human has the blood of gods running through their veins, it decides their fate. But Rhys, ever since he was born, showed absolutely no abilities. But at the age of 18, when his world had given up on him, the blood that remained dormant in his veins finally awakened… …The Blood of Eros, the God of Love, Desire…and Coitus.

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339 Chs

Chapter 130: A Calamity Before the Calamity

Esme Jordan.

Considered to be the strongest Explorer in the entirety of the country, and second in the entirety of the world. Not much is really known about her, other than her slightly wild and unpredictable power. With the blood of the goddess Demeter flowing abundantly through her veins, she had the ability to completely lower the temperature in almost a mile radius — but that wasn't all, she also had the ability to summon and control plant life.

The blood of Demeter flowing through her veins has a purity level of 66%, making her the third purest Noble in the world; she will not even be able to hide her prowess due to her long obnoxious glowing white hair that completely contrasts her dark skin.

And right now, unbeknownst to a completely distracted and dumbfounded Lowborn, the strongest Explorer in the country was already slowly making her way toward him.

"Is there something on my head, Black Hair?"
