
Rise of the Dragos

A trip to the local antiques market, opens up a new world to Scarlett. Her ancient bloodline is awakened and she's propelled into the unknown. She will become the leader of her clan and the biggest challenge for her future mate.

RougeDraco · Fantasía
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11 Chs

A beautiful day, the beginning of a new destiny.

"Ah! It's a perfect day to go antiquing, isn't it Bubbles?" Scarlett Drago smiles sunnily at her tiny Pomeranian pup. The tiny energetic bundle of fur barked happily as it ran towards the apartment door. Scarlett laughs at her silly pup, "Okay okay I'm coming let me get your leash and my purse and we can go baby." Scarlett quickly grabs her belongings, leashes Bubbles and walks out of her home. She greets her neighbors as she walks toward the antiques street and the parking lot that turned every weekend turned into a a small flea market for the city. Many of the people who had stalls were familiar with the cheerful girl, as she was an antiquities student at the local university and she frequently came to the different stalls to polish her skills. In fact there has been a few times that she had found real antiques and had helped the stall owner find a buyer for the items. She had even declined to charge any fees since she was only a student and she believed that she wasn't qualified enough to be paid as a professional.

She waves at a few stall owners as she walked towards a small shop. "Mr.Lee! Mr.Lee are you here?" A slim older man sighed and slowly made his way to the front of the store. "Ah, little girl, you're back again. Why are you here on such a beautiful day instead of spending it here with this old man? And I told you a hundred times before call me grandpa Lee" Anthony Lee gently smiles at his best friend's granddaughter. She reminds me so much of Klaus when we were her age. Two archaeology grads fearlessly traveling together around the world, meeting their future spouses, getting married and starting their families. Sigh, it's such a shame that he died when she was just a baby, she had been the apple of his eyes and he would have been thrilled that she shared his love for antiques and history.

"Why would I waste my time hanging out when I can take a peek at the wonderful treasures you have? Grandpa Lee has the best looking collection I have ever seen but I have a feeling he's holding out on me." Anthony laughs, "Why do I have a feeling that my grandchild bribed my shop assistant into telling her when I get a new shipment? Tobias come out of hiding and tell me that you're not a sell out." Tobias Langston was Scarlett's classmate and her "informant" was Anthony's shop assistant. Tobias scowled at Scarlett, "I'm not a sellout, your good granddaughter is a little spy, who likes to read other people's private text messages. Shameless!"

Scarlett fakes a surprised look, "What!!! Who would do something so shameless!! Tsk, tsk ah what a world we live in." She couldn't stand it anymore and she giggles as she looks at Tobias incredibly incredulously facial expression. "Really Scarlett! I can't believe you didn't tell Mr.Lee that you have been spying on his shipments using my cell. That's it, I'm changing my phone password!" Anthony chuckles at Scarlett's bad acting and at Tobias outraged face, "Alright children, we can check my new treasures after we close for the day. Scarlett, why don't you go to the office grandma Lee is there doing paperwork and she's a little stressed, you know how much she hates to do paperwork." Scarlett nods and as she passes by Tobias she pinches his side, "Ouch! Brat wait until we close. I'm going to get you." She laughs and merrily walks away from the two men.

Hello my lovelies! I'm going to be trying out my writing skills for a fantasy novel. Let me know what you guys think about it. It's a slow read, so the main character will be butting heads for a bit before they find happiness.

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