
Rise of the Dragon Shaman

After starting his first year of college, a young student discovered an incredible power within himself that sent shockwaves throughout the entire realm of shamans. His newly unearthed abilities surpassed even the most experienced and revered practitioners, and he quickly became a force to be reckoned with in this mystical world. The revelation of his hidden power not only transformed his own life but also had a profound impact on the future of shamanism as a whole.

All_Knowing_Parrot · Ciudad
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25 Chs

Double Awakening: A Blessing or A Curse

I sat in my homeroom class, staring at the board with the utmost concentration as Maria, my homeroom instructor, taught us about the principles of shaman awakeners. She was my fiancé, and seeing her teach with such passion and vigor made my heart swell with pride.

"Rahu, can you answer the question I just asked?" Her voice cut through my thoughts, and I jolted back to reality.

"Ah, sorry. Could you please repeat the question, Ms. Maria?" I asked sheepishly, trying to hide my embarrassment.

She smiled warmly at me, "It's alright. I asked what is the most important thing a shaman awakener should keep in mind when controlling their aura?"

I paused for a moment to gather my thoughts before answering, "I believe the most important thing is to remain in control of one's emotions, as they can easily affect the aura."

She beamed with delight, "Exactly! You're really paying attention in class, Rahu. I'm so happy!"

As Maria said this, I felt a warm sensation spread through my chest, and I couldn't help but smile back at her. The mood in the room seemed to brighten as well, and I could feel the envious glares of my classmates as they watched Maria's praise.

However, the mood was short-lived as she transitioned to the second part of her lesson, which was physical training. This was where I struggled the most, as I was a double awakener, a rare occurrence that only happened once every thousand years. I possessed two auras, and controlling them was a constant battle.

"Alright, everyone, let's start with some basic exercises to control your aura," Maria said as she motioned for us to stand.

I followed suit, feeling the weight of my unique situation settling heavily on my shoulders. As we began the exercises, I focused on regulating my breathing and attempting to control both of my auras. It was a challenging task, and I could feel my classmates easily keeping up with the pace, while I was lagging behind.

"Rahu, are you okay?" She asked, noticing my struggles.

"I'm fine," I replied, trying to hide my frustration.

But as the training continued, I found myself becoming increasingly agitated, unable to control my auras as well as the others. I could hear the whispers of my classmates, some even going as far as to say that I wasn't a true awakener.

"Can you not keep up, Rahu?" one of my classmates snickered.

I gritted my teeth, trying to ignore the taunts and focus on the task at hand. But it was a losing battle, and I knew it.

"Ms. Maria, I'm sorry. I don't think I can do this," I said, feeling defeated.

Maria placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, trying to console me. "It's okay, Rahu. We'll work on it together. I'm here to support you, no matter what," she said, offering me a reassuring smile.

However, her efforts to comfort me were in vain. I had been overwhelmed by the expectations that everyone had placed on me, and I could feel myself sinking deeper into despair. The pressure of being a double awakener was taking its toll on me, and I couldn't see a way out of my predicament.

Despite my mental exhaustion, I knew that I had to continue training. I couldn't give up now, not when I had come so far. With a deep breath, I tried to shake off the negative thoughts and focus on the task at hand.

I stood alone in the deserted training room, gazing at the fading residue of the aura that lingered in the air. The other students had already departed, but I remained, determined to improve my skills and master my double awakening.

The pressure on me was immense, as I was labeled as a rare double awakener who emerges only once every thousand years. This unique ability enabled me to control two auras, but acquiring such power came with many setbacks, and mastering it was a daunting challenge.

Even though I was feeling exhausted, I turned to her and said, "I want to keep training. I want to become a true master of my auras."

Maria gave me an encouraging smile and replied, "Of course, Rahu, but we need to be strategic about it. As this is my first time encountering your situation, I am not sure how to help you. However, let's start by working on your stronger aura. Pretend that the weaker aura doesn't exist, and imagine yourself as a regular awakener with one aura. Once you have mastered it, we can focus on your other issue."

I agreed with her, knowing that Maria's advice was wise. My stronger aura was easier to control, and if I mastered it, I would have a solid foundation to tackle the weaker one.

Maria stepped back, gesturing for me to take my position. I closed my eyes and focused on my breath, attempting to calm my racing heart. I could feel the aura building within me, and I knew that I had to control it.

I took a deep breath and opened my eyes. The aura surged from my body, filling the room with a dazzling blue light. I extended my arms, feeling the energy coursing through me.

She observed me closely, analyzing my movements. "Great job, Rahu. Keep going, but don't let it overwhelm you."

I gritted my teeth, pushing myself harder. The aura grew brighter, illuminating the room with its intense radiance. However, I remained in control. Finally, I had mastered it.

I lowered my arms gradually, sensing the aura receding into my body. I opened my eyes and looked at her, feeling proud. "I did it."

Maria nodded, a sense of accomplishment in her expression. "You did, Rahu. And you will keep doing it until you become a true master."

A wave of self-assurance washed over me, knowing that I was making progress in mastering my double awakening. With Maria's guidance, I could conquer this challenge.

As we exited the training room, I made a vow to myself. I would continue to train and push myself to the limit. One day, I would become the greatest shaman that ever lived.