

"When one reaches a certain point and also has enough mental strength to accompany that point they will not even need to imagine a spell structure. They would need only to imagine what exactly they wanted and the mana would bend to their will. This is, of course, the stuff of legends though.

No one has been able to reach such a level of mastery in the area of magic to allow for something like this. Normally I wouldn't even hope for a disciple to reach this state but thinking about how mana is already drawn to you I dare to think of the possibilities. I very much look forward to seeing your future development, Alex." Azavius said with an expression of anticipation as he imagined the future.

Lucas had been focusing on the spell structure in his mind and thus had not heard much of what Azavius said but he did hear the important parts. He may eventually be able to cast spells only by imagining what he wanted the spell to do.

He could only imagine what power he would wield at that time. As he thought of this he thought of the arrogant student from before causing the motivation in his heart to surge. With this newfound motivation, the light in the middle of the room began growing brighter and brighter before it was already nearly as bright as the lights made by a grand council magician.

Azavius smiled as he witnessed this affirming the possibility of the heights Lucas may reach in his mind. Azavius could not bring himself to be too excited though as he was still puzzled by the demonic aura that had clashed with the magic from before.

If the situation was not adequately resolved there could be trouble in the future. Azavius was wise and experienced thus he did not act on anything yet but if another mage were to know or even god forbid a bishop it would spell disaster for Lucas.

Azavius wanted to straightforward ask Lucas about what had happened but this would not be wise. If Lucas was really somehow a demon who could pass as a human on the surface more investigation would need to be done.

If the demons had really created such a convincing technique to deceive than it could spell disaster. He would need to find out what Lucas's purpose was and if he was the only one capable of this so far before acting.

If he didn't his actions could simply alert other demons who may have been since long ago. He could not allow the tragedy of The Kingdom of Dawn to repeat itself! As he thought of this he wondered if he should really continue teaching magic to someone who had so much potential that may also be an enemy.

As he thought of this though he thought of another confusing thing. Never in all of history had there ever been reports of a demon who could use magic. This was too contradictory to his own knowledge of magic.

Everyone knew of the balance between the three realms and that Avaar was only a meeting place between heaven and hell. He also knew that according to the legends magic was granted to the mortal race as a way to defend themselves from the wars between the divine and the demons.

Although he knew the old legends were not completely accurate as information was lost or exaggerated as time went on. It was commonly accepted though that all the old legends had a seed of truth no matter how far fetched they sounded they originated from something.

Azavius was snapped out of his thoughts when Lucas had finished practicing his spell and had become too mentally exhausted to continue. Strangely enough though to Lucas even though he felt that he was mentally exhausted and couldn't concentrate as anymore his body felt energized.

He was puzzled by this as he knew very well that given the demonic energy in his body the mana should not be able to travel throughout his body and have such an effect. He thought of asking Azavius about this but he couldn't as he does not know of the demonic energy and would likely find something suspicious about his question.

Thinking of this Lucas sighed as he would have to wait to speak to his father again before he could get an answer to his question or even ask the question in the first place. Thinking about this he started wondering how his father was and what he was doing at that moment.

Lucas proceeded to the first floor of the temple swiftly and silently avoiding any and everyone. He did not want to draw more attention to himself than his robes were already bringing. As he was nimbly moving through the halls of the temple towards his room he was stopped by a hooded figure.

Being inside the temple it was light only by the braziers on the walls resulting in him not being able to make out the face of the figure. He worried that he messed up somewhere along the lines and the arrogant student from before had found him.

He would not let himself be humiliated again if such was the case even if it resulted in him being exposed! Just as he was thinking this though, the figure spoke up. "So you're the one everyone has been talking about hmm?" The figure asked with a teasing voice.

Hearing this Lucas let out a sigh of relief as the voice was that of a young woman. As such he elected to ignore her question and try to pass by the side. Just as he stepped to the side though as saw a light flash at the tip of the figure's hands.

Lucas reacted quickly and ruthlessly to this as he sprinted his forward with all his physical power. Although the student from before was powerful they could not all be that way was his thought process, and he was correct.

Janet had constantly been hearing people talk about some new guy that had been taken as a disciple by the grand council magicians themselves. When she heard this she immediately became pissed off as she had been someone who was presented before the grand council due to her potential.

She had always been treated with respect by her peers and even elders granted her some face due to her talent but when the grand council magicians looked at her they hardly even spared her a glance before rejecting her.

This was not all though, the grand council magicians did not have much time on their hands for such events so anyone who was thought to have enough potential was rounded up and shown to the mages for consideration all at once.

So when she was not even spared a glance she was forced to walk to the side and watch as other teenagers were shown for consideration. Right after her came a man who the mages actually took a whole twenty minutes examining before rejecting him.

Although in the end he was not accepted she felt as though this was a slap directly to her face. She hadn't been spared a seconds glance but he had been given a whole twenty minutes?! So when she heard that they picked a disciple she set out to find him for two reasons.

One to make sure he wasn't arrogant just because he was their disciple by establishing her own superiority. Second, to teach those old men a lesson by humiliating their prized disciple and possibly even making them reconsider taking her in.

Her hopes were dying out though as she searched for this new disciple but he seemed as though he was a ghost or did not even exist. Just as she was going to say forget it she saw a figure with robes different from the rest go down a hallway.

She knew the temple well and went down a different hallway eventually cutting him off thus leading to the current situation. She was very pleased with herself when she found him and rage returned to her when she saw he was attempting to leave without responding to her, 'Coward' she thought in her mind.

She channeled a spell preparing to teach him a lesson when she found he seeming became a shadow rushing towards her. She knew she would not be able to cast the spell in time, she knew she lost. She flew across the hallway for a large distance before sliding across the ground.

She found that was not that injured even though she expected to have to be with the healing mages for quite some time. When she looked up she found that the figure that was the disciple of the grand council mages had disappeared.

Lucas finally reached his room and heaved a sigh of relief. He thought about the encounter from before and anger swelled in his heart quickly followed by worry though. He had tried to spread the impact across her abdomen to keep her from being heavily injured.

The reason he did this was that he could not risk hurting the child of someone important leading to more eyes on him. Little did he know though that almost everyone worth note in the capital city had their eyes on him due to his accidental actions in his sleep.

Lucas found himself eating a seventh plate of dinner that night before he even felt satisfied not even full. Lucas was deeply puzzled by this as in the past two plates of food would have him on the verge of throwing up everywhere.

Lucas figured that it may be due to him using his physical abilities to his fullest extent but if this was true then this raised a frightening question. He only used his physical abilities for a single moment and had to eat seven plates of food to satisfy him as a result.

What would happen if he used his abilities for a longer amount of time as would be needed if he was fighting in a war? Wouldn't that mean that he would need to eat tens of plates of food before he would no longer feel hungry?

Lucas shivered at the thought as he knew food needed to be eaten sparingly during times of war to make sure there would be enough to allow all the troops to regain their strength after the battle. If he was part of an army would he simply have to deal with the sensation of hunger until the end of the war?

Lucas shook his head removing the thoughts from his mind as he proceeded to meditate once again before going to sleep. This time though Lucas did not fall into a state of sleep meditation as he did the night before.

Azavius was relieved that last night did not repeat itself as he was given the responsibility to talk to Lucas about his meditation considering he was his primary teacher. He had remembered not long after Lucas had left that he had forgotten to mention it while he was lost in his thoughts.

He had planned on going down to the room Lucas was staying to tell him about it but quickly got distracted by other thoughts as the night went on. He had been thinking of a way to try and confirm whether or not Lucas had any connection to demons or if he may even be one himself.

He was very conflicted about this though as he had come to like Lucas as time went on. Not only that but he showed no signs of aggression that a demon was known for. He spent a large amount of time wondering what he would do if his suspicions were confirmed and Lucas was a demon or had ties to them.

Would he turn him in condeming him to a horrible death? He moved these thoughts to the back of his mind as he decided to focus on one detail. His motivation. If he found out he was connected to them but had not motives to hurt anyone and truly did want to learn magic only for his own sake then he would keep it a secret.

Whatever he ended up discovering he knew that he couldn't be rash.