
Rise Of The Chaos Embodiment

An old Earth is falling apart. A new Earth is rising together. The Spheric Embodiment finally reached their hands towards Earth, awakening the dormant mysteriousness that sleeps within. The result was palpable. An apocalypse descended. Abilities awakened. Animals became terrifying Spheric Beasts. Towers ascended into the surface. Those unable to withstand the wave of this mysteriousness became mindless, soulless husk with only a goal: Kill. Amidst this chaos, Damian, a fairly unpopular student of the Northernshire University from a normal background, after having his hope dashed by a girl he crushed on, turned out to be an unmatched genius of an extremely powerful House. Now, with this advantage at hand, he swiftly rose through the ranks, becoming an existence the entire cosmos had no hope to match. He became the Chaos Embodiment! ****" Cover is not mine.

WeaverOfNightmares · Fantasía
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116 Chs


The cohort stood among the wrecks of one of the Outer Settlements. To their back, the Battleship floated silently, to their front however, easily a hundred meters from their position, a massive Tower jutted out of the surface of the earth, its very peak shrouded by the white clouds in the bright sky.

The journey had taken longer than they expected. But then, this was to be expected. While the Tower had appeared close to them when they were in Methampton Stronghold, the truth was, it was extremely far away. The only reason it had looked so close was because the Spheric Tower itself was simply colossal.

Had Emery not arrived just at the right moment to aid them with her Battleship, Damian was certain they would have spend days, most of which would be spent battling Nulls and Spheric Beasts, to reach the Tower. Which was a detriment in and of itself.

Fortunately, that hadn't happened.

"So, are we all ready?" It was Damian who asked.