
Rise Of The Broken Sun

“Dada, the sun is rising again,” “Uh? Oh, it always rises,” “Won’t it get weak and broken?” “I don’t think so,” “I wonder what happens if it gets broken?” “Well, I think it’s going to rise,” “What?” … Hiro wakes up on a battlefield with no memory of anything. He manages to survive but ends up extremely wounded. Adopted by the Lu family’s patriarch, Hiro gets to have a family. A father, a mother, a sister and a grandfather. When he meets Seraphina, a phoenix that takes him as her parent, he becomes a father. Her growth surpassed that of any phoenix. “Wasn’t she just a four year old? When did she…?” He became friends with Tanji, who unknown to him was living his second life after dying years into the future. Shin, a talented boy in the way of the sword and Mia, a member of Tanji’s household. Somehow she has a relation to Hiro’s past and it is by no means in a simple way. “Long time no see, hus…” His origin beckons him and with that comes a threat to his life and that of his new family and friends. As time goes on Hiro’s memories slowly returns and he realizes his origin isn’t as simple as he thinks. Was it possible to be born twice? It wasn’t, right? “It means none of these were placed in here by someone else. These two set of memories belonged to the owner of this soul space, you.” Several great evils seek his life for reasons unknown to him. “Find Me, Before They Find You!” When, faced with both old and new threats to his life, Hiro is determined not to let them prevent him from achieving his goals. He seeks immortality, total strength and honor to his family. He was going to get them no matter what, those were his goals. Well, it was easier said than done.

_King_Ace · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
71 Chs

7. Let Her Be.

~A Few Days Later~

"Greetings young lady,"

"How are you, Xue Li?"

"Fine ma. I will inform the patriarch and matriarch of your awakening,"

"Wait, I don't want to see them yet,"


"There's someone I want to see first,"

"Umm, okay ma. I'll prepare you some simple outing clothes,"

"I'm okay like this, I'm not leaving the Lu manor,"

She got to her feet and walked out of the room. Xue Li followed behind quickly and quietly. They made their way out of the courtyard and continued walking.

Not long after they arrived at a gate. She knocked on the gate and waited for a response.

"Ohohoh, I didn't expect you today, little one. Come in,"

A voice came from behind the gate. She opened the gate and the two of them walked in.

They came into a small courtyard with a humble setting and two lovely trees, planted to the east and to the west of the courtyard.

Old Sai stood at the entrance of one of the rooms. He had a bright smile on his face.

"This child greets grand godfather,"

She bowed slightly and then ran towards him. With arms wide open, he received her and embraced her.

"It's good to see you are alright. I told your mother you were just exhausted but she wouldn't believe me,"

"Haha, I'm sure mother must have been worried. I'll go see her later,"

"You haven't seen her yet?"

"No, I came to see my savior first. I haven't gotten the chance to thank him,"

"Sorry to disappoint you Elta, he hasn't woken up yet,"

"Oh, are his wounds that severe? Is he going to be okay? Is he…?"

"Relax, he is fine. He just haven't woken up yet. I assure you, he is the most healthy person in this manor, haha ha,"

"Stop joking. That's a relief, I thought he…"

"You don't have to worry. I wasn't joking by the way. He… hmm, he seems to have woken up,"

Old Sai faced a room to his left. "Let's go see him,"

He led the way into the room. In the room, Hiro was seated on the bed. He looked up at the trio who walked into the room. Two of them were familiar faces.

One was an old man, with white hair, brown colored eyes and long white beard that stretched from his chin. This was the man that had treated him. The other was a girl, like him, she had black hair, but unlike his, she had ocean blue eyes, a medium sized slender nose and a smooth skin.

"How are you feeling, lad?"

"I'm feeling well old man, thank you. Where's the other old man?"

"The old ancestor! Went to heal his wounds,"

"Oh, noted. Old ancestor, haha,"

Hiro scratched his head and turned to the person beside Old Sai. She had gotten on her knees and had bowed completely for me.

"My name is Elta, I thank you so much for saving my life,"

"Huh? You didn't forget what you promised, right?"

"Of course not. I will get you as much pills as I can,"

"Then get up, this is uncomfortable,"

"Why are you getting him pills?" Old Sai asked.

"On the battlefield, I promised him pills. He ate a lot of pills on the battlefield and asked for more,"

"Lad, you can't have pills without asking me first,"

"What? Why?" Hiro roared.

"Your body isn't strong enough to take high rank pills. You might blow up if you do,"

"Then I need to get stronger quickly, so I can take sweet round balls again,"


"That sounded so wrong, but anyway get some rest," Old Sai said.

"I've been asleep for sometime now, that's enough rest for me. I want to get stronger,"

"Hmm, you won't listen to me?"


"Alright, too lazy to deal with you. Elta, will you go to the battlefield anytime soon?"

"No, mother wouldn't allow me,"

"Alright, go greet your parents first. You'll be the one to teach him,"

"Wait, teach me? Does that mean she'll be my teacher? I don't agree," Hiro voiced.

"Huh? Why?"

"She's so small, what does she know?"

"Well, she's talented and almost as strong as me. I'm sure you'll gain a lot learning from her,"

"Absolutely not. She's weak and my pride won't let learn from someone weak,"

"Says the lad who is still a mortal,"

"You! Just you wait I'll get my strength back,"

"If you want to do that, then let her teach you,"

"Absolutely not! There's nothing you will tell me that would make me agree to…"

"I'll make some pills that even you can take,"

"Deal! Let's start right away," Hiro smiled.

"Well, you have to reach the fifth stage of the body tempering realm first, before you can take them,"

"What's the body temper… whatever. What is that?"

"Haha, it's the lowest realm for cultivators. Elta go greet your parents while I teach him the Qi refinement scroll. You'll take over when you get back,"

"Okay," Elta said and ran out of the room. Xue Li followed after her as quickly as she could.

"Sometimes she behaves like an adult. Good to see she's still childlike," Old Sai said and turn to Hiro. "This is the Qi refinement scroll. Try your best to comprehend it,"

He placed his index finger on Hiro's head. It glowed slightly and Hiro saw lots of characters in his head.

"This is weird, yet amazing,"

"Really? Well, try to comprehend it I'll go make pills,"

Old Sai left the room and Hiro sat crossed-legged on the bed. He closed his eyes and read the characters that had appeared in his head.

"Grand-god-father! I'm back," Elta yelled and rushed into the courtyard. "Mom and dad are here too,"

Old Sai stepped out of a room. Elta had rushed into Hiro's room leaving her parents, Xue Li and Old Sai in the courtyard.

"Greetings uncle," the parents bowed slightly.

"Welcome, welcome,"

"We heard he was awake, so we came to thank him,"

"Let's go in then," Old Sai said and led the three into the room.

"Oi, you are bullying me," Hiro's voice greeted them.

"I just want to check your aptitude. Since I'm going to be your teacher I need to know. Now stay still let me check," Elta said.

She grabbed his arm firmly and placed her other hand on his head.

"Old man, why is she different?"

"She's just excited to be a teacher,"

Old Sai replied Hiro with a wry smile. He understood Elta being excited, but he didn't understand why she climbed his body to check his aptitude. Even her parents and Xue Li were dumbfounded by what they walked in on.

"Hmph, just you wait when I get my strength back, you'll be sorry,"

"Stop yapping. If you had just let me check, I wouldn't have to restrain you,"

"You are not allowed to check or do anything to me. I have not acknowledged you as my teacher yet. For now you are only one in name,"

"So annoying. I am not as strong as you were before, but I am very strong. I am one in a thousand genius. You won't find anyone my age with my level of strength easily,"

"I don't care…"

"Okay that's enough you two. Elta come down from the bed,"

"Alright!" Elta jumped down and turned back to her parents. "This is my father, the patriarch and my mother, the matriarch of the family,"

Hiro turns to the man, who was as tall as Hiroshi, but had an average build. Unlike Hiroshi he wasn't too slim and he gave out a presence of one who was in control. Beside him was the beautiful woman, who had ocean blue eyes like Elta. Her skin was as smooth as the finest of jade. She had a beautiful smile on her face that brightened the room.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Hiro. Your daughter is rude,"

"Sorry about that, she's just excited. Nice to meet you too. We came to thank you for saving our daughter, we are really grateful," Elta's mother said and pinched Elta's pouting cheeks.

"It's alright,"

"I heard you are cultivating all over again because of your wounds?" Elta's father said.

"Sadly, I have to,"

"I will make sure to provide all the resources you need during your cultivation. So don't be shy to ask for anything,"

"Anything! Then I want pi… right, old man said I will blow up if I take pills. Well, can I ask some other time,"


"Alright, I'll…"


Hiro's stomach growled interrupting what he had to say.

"Haha, seems you are hungry. Xue Li could you get him something to eat,"

"Yes patriarch,"

"Why don't I take him to my courtyard. I'm also a bit hungry. We can eat together and I can start teaching immediately we are finished eating," Elta said.

Not waiting for a reply from anyone, she grabbed Hiro's arm and pulled him from the bed.

"Oi, wait!" Hiro roared.

"Xue Li let's go," Elta yelled ignoring.

"Elta, wait…"

"It's alright mother, see you later,"

She dashed out of the room with Hiro. Xue Li followed after her quickly, leaving the three elders together.

"This little girl," Elta's mother sighed.

"I'll talk to her later,"

"Don't you think we should let her be?" Old Sai said stroking his beards.

"Uncle you…?"

"It's just my thoughts, but I think we should leave them. Being a talent, Elta hasn't had anyone around her age nor did she have the time to play. Just a year ago, she turned fifteen and came of age. A month later she had to go to the battlefield, because the situation over there was intense. Don't you think she deserves this as a reward. She almost died too, let her unwind and have fun. Even if her realm is high she's still a child,"

"Alright uncle,"

"Right, remember to let them know about old ancestor's decision,"

"Yeah, we will. I don't fully understand father's intention, but I made sure to hide everything about him," Elta's father said. "The boy who fought the ancestor beast is dead. Hiro over here is my adopted son. We'll let him know later,"

"What about those who saw his face?"

"I traced every one of them and made sure they kept their mouth shut,"

"You didn't kill them, right?"

"Absolutely not uncle. They are perfectly fine and living their lives,"

"That's good,"

"We'll be on our way, uncle,"
