
Rise of the Blood Sage

The noble family Limerick was massacred leaving only the weak and talentless youngest son of the family head with one of his concubines. He attends the magic academy that teaches their students to become a Mage, but because of his poor talent and weak body he is always being bullied and without a family to support him he was left alone to fend for himself, but he had enough, he suffered enough he is ready to leave this cruel world. But it seems like the heavens do not agree with his decision. The old ring that his mother gave him on his eighth birthday, gave him a new lease on life and this time he is determined to take revenge, to get back to those who hurt him, rebuild his ruined family, and stand on top of the pinnacle of magic.

MidnightLetter · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Lucius Limerick

" Take this " a young man with white hair wearing a neat and expensive-looking suit and a red robe punched a kid with pitch black hair and black dead looking eyes.


The white-haired youth's fist hit the black-haired youth's face, and the black-haired kid who is already sitting on the ground spit out blood that came from his mouth caused by the white-haired young man's punch.

After the white hair, haired youth punched him the other kids surrounding him started beating the black-haired youth.

" Here take this! "

" You don't belong here!"

" Yaaa! "

"Just die already!"

Insults that target his feelings, punches and kicks that hit his body, the black-haired kid's vision is starting to get blurry and his head dizzy, a few seconds later he finally passed out.

" Pwee " the white-haired kid spat at the black-haired kid's unconscious body.

" Let's go, before one of the teachers found him here " the white-haired kid walks away.

Hours have passed and the black-haired kid slowly regained consciousness, he open his eyes whit difficulty because his face is now extremely swollen from all the punches and kicks he received, but he quickly stood up as if nothing has happened, during the time he was unconscious no one found him, or no one bother to look for him.

The beaten young man is from the Limerick family, he is of noble descent, but his status declined when a tragedy hit his family.

The Limerick Family was once a military family, the former family head who was a General at that time made a great contribution and was awarded the title of Viscount and a fief, not far away from the capital, his achievements were highly regarded since his time was filled with wars and bloodshed, it is the age of conquest.

The Viscount title is inheritable, that is why when the former leader of the family who received the title of a Viscount died his oldest son who is also a soldier at that time inherited his title, and now a few hundred years have passed but the glorious military family Limerick is no more other than the sole survivor, the weak and talentless Lucius Limerick who is the youngest son of the family head with one of his concubines. Although his title is that of a Viscount, without a family he is just a noble in name without actual power or authority, his family's lands and businesses are taken away by surrounding greedy nobles only leaving him their worn and torn mansion, where Lucius resides.

" Shit" Lucius cursed as he felt great pain all over his body when he stood up.

The sky is already dark and the academy is already closed so he decided to go home to his old mansion.

' I survived another day in hell, how about that ' Lucius mocked himself, he hate the people who bully him, the people who gave him disgusted glances, the people who destroyed his family, but most of all he hates himself for being weak. His whole family was massacred in front of him, and his mother, the only person who loved him truly despite being weak and having a poor talent in magic his mother never treated him badly, in fact, she loved him unconditionally, but he was unable to protect her, now he was left with nothing but an old mansion and the old ring that his mother gave him on his eighth birthday.

Walking aimlessly led Lucius in front of a rusty metal gate, it is the gate to his mansion, if someone walked by his mansion they will think that it is an abandoned building, since Lucius is the only person living here he cannot maintain the mansion and over time it slowly deteriorate but Lucius could not be bothered with that.

He entered the gate and head towards the main door of the house, there is no light and the pieces of furniture are covered in dust and webs, he directly went up the stairs to one of the countless rooms inside the mansion, and he quickly jumped towards the bed to lie down as return his aching body.

" Why is all of this happening to me? " He asked in a whisper as he slowly fell asleep.

Morning came and Lucius woke up because of the sound of his grumbling stomach, he forgot to eat dinner at night and directly fell asleep.

When he managed to stand up he head towards the kitchen and prepared a small but filling breakfast, although he is now a noble without land he still has enough money to feed himself for the rest of his life. After he finished having breakfast he started to clean up and prepare to go to the academy.

The academy he attends is where the son of nobles and wealthy merchant family send their children to study the art of magic and eventually become a Mage.

To be able to enter the academy one must have the ability to absorb the unique energy of the world called 'mana' it is the energy that allows Mages to summon their grimoire and use the spells written on it.

To qualify as a student you must be able to absorb mana at the age of ten because that is the most optimal age to start absorbing mana and build Foundation and eventually construct their mana heart and become a Mage.

Lucius managed to enter the academy because despite his poor talent his family is quite rich, they provided him with resources that will help him feel the existence of the mana, despite being a son with a concubine his family still splurge a lot of money on him since it will be an embarrassment if the son of a Viscount is unable to enter the Academy.

Lucius despite having his family's support only managed to feel mana on his tenth birthday which greatly disappointed his family, although they know that he has a poor talent in magic they still expected him to feel the mana at a younger age because most noble children can feel the existence of mana at the age of five, and those who are extremely talented can feel mana at the age of three or two there is even a case that shocked the whole kingdom, when a daughter of one of the noble family gave birth to a baby 'loved by mana', when the child was born it is wrapped in white light, the family of the child celebrated for a week, other nobles congratulated them, even the royal family sent one of their family members to congratulate the noble family, and their title is also promoted, increasing their influence and power.

Lucius walked out of his mansion wearing his academy uniform, he is of the same age as the white-haired kid who beat him up but unlike the white-haired kid he is not wearing a robe, he is now twelve years old and should be at the third year class but he is stuck in the first year for two years now because he cannot summon his grimoire.

Summoning a Grimoire is the indicator that a person has taken his or her first step toward being a Mage since the spells that use is written in their respective Grimoire, but with Lucius' poor talent despite being in the academy for two years he is still unable to summon his grimoire and move up to a different class unlike other kids of his age, he is the oldest first-year student in the academy, and if he still failed to summon his Grimoire this year he will be expelled.

The first year in the academy is thought about the history of the Mages, the various uses of mana, the summoning of their Grimoire, and other topics that will help them take their first step toward becoming a Mage, and Lucius has been attending this classes for two years now so he practically remembers every lesson that is why evening he does not attend the classes it's fine he just has to attend the yearly assessment where the academy professors assess the progress of the students and for first-year students, it is the time where they will try to summon their Grimoire.

Though Lucius is not obligated to attend the classes he never missed even one lecture, but he does not have high hopes for himself he is just doing it in hopes that a miracle will happen and he will be able to summon his Grimoire.

He entered the academy premises and the moment he took a step he is already hearing whispers of gossip and insults about him, some of them does not even bother to whisper and openly insult him in front of everyone.

" Hey don't waste your time coming here "

" You're a disgrace to all nobles "

" Just die already, your family must have been waiting for you "

Hearing the words of the last person who spoke, Lucius' expression turned ugly, he glared at the young man standing on the stairs.

" What's with that look? Do you want to fight me? Come here " the young man on the stairs said confidently.

Lucius was about to approach him but when he saw that the young man is wearing a green robe he dismissed the idea of fighting instead he turned towards the direction of his classroom.

This story is my entry to WPC, help me by supporting my work by voting with your power stone

Thank you for reading, have a good day.

MidnightLettercreators' thoughts