
Do You All Really Know Damien?

"Exterminate us? You mean like they won't rest till they kill us all? Why are they doing this to us? Can't we form a peace treaty with them?" Lily asked in a worried tone.

She felt that since these ghouls except the fiends seem to have intelligence, then they could probably work out some sort of compromise.

Kena shook her head with a firm gaze as she said, "You don't get it. We don't get to make treaties with predators who consider us as prey. Don't you see…They consider us as their food. We are their most powerful source of energy to gain more power. They even capture us as slaves and forcefully make us breed just like pigs for slaughter. Even if we might not get extinct, we for sure would lose our freedom and be damned till we die if we do not fight back."

"So I suppose Farah's mission was related to gaining freedom for us humans? You expect us to believe that after knowing what she was up to over there?" Reva skeptically asked.