
Rise of the Aether Empire

Drake Black was an aspiring genius engineer never seen before on Earth. He led the world into a new age with his inventions of flying cars, holographic screens, and many other miscellaneous things. When one day, at the age of 21, after the invention of flying cars he is captured by a criminal organization to divulge some of his schematics and businesses he refuses. For 5 years straight he is tortured in many different ways that a human can come up with but he never bended. The only thing that changed was his attitude turning from a cheery lass to indifferent person. The organization tried one more time with a new genetic torture method but it ended up killing him. Drake is reincanated to a young boy of age 14 in a small barony of the Proxima Empire. The boy had undergone a traumatic experience and doesn't know who he is but Drake's memories fill in the gap. Drake takes this chance to make something of himself in this new medieval world. But when he starts to learn about the world he realizes that he is no longer on Earth but another planet with magic that he read about in novels. Set in a medieval time he decides to make the most of it and use the magic called 'Aether' to change the world in his own image.

KeyKraft · Fantasía
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Drake Black

Drake Black was a young generational genius on Earth that you see maybe in a generation. Drake's interest was in engineering and he quickly made his mark on the world. From flying cars, holographic screens that worked on phones, computers, and other small miscellaneous technology such as watches, clocks, and household appliances, Drake left his mark on the world.

Drake's early life was spent in a normal middle-class family household. His parents knew form a young age that he would be someone special because of his intense fascination with disassembling toys and sometimes the parents belongings giving them headaches. When he turned 3 he was already learning math and science problems. When he finished elementary school at the age of 11 Drake was already finishing up high school classes. When Drake reached high school he was taking college courses and rarely ever went to class. Drake's first invention was a motorcycle that looked like something out of the future gaining reputation among notable scientist and designers for his out-of-the-world thinking. When Drake entered college he got a job at JACOBS, a top engineering company in the world.

After 2 years and at the age of 20 he created the holographic screens and his own company HOLO which made him one of the richest people in the world. A year later he created the flying car and at the age of 21 became the most wealthy bachelor in the world.

While Drake may have been a genius he was not so good in his social aspect of his life. It could be described in one word; lacking. Although Drake did not go out much because of his constant studying he did have two assistants that helped him on his day to day schedule and work load. These two were females, one was his childhood and next door neighborhood friend Tia and another one that joined in on during college, Jenny who in all sense of a word was a bodyguard. One could say the only people he really worked with were these two females which in turn made Drake sort of a flirt.

At the age of 21 during Christmas Eve ball for large cooperate business's, Drake and his two females assistants Tia and Jenny were enjoying a wonderful night out. When Drake went to take a leak he got abducted by an unknown criminal organization.

When Drake awoke he was in a pitch dark cell where he couldn't even see his hands or feet. Drake had no idea how long he was down there but with his rough estimation Drake guessed a week. Utterly exhausted, famished, and parched the food and water began to be pushed through a slit that would let rays of light shine in hell. He would eat like a ravenous wolf scarring down all the food he was given which wasn't much. Drake lived his life like that for the next year with no other social contact.

After a year Drake was finally approached. His mental and physical capabilities were spent. When approached they began to ask for Drake for clearances into top secret projects he had been working on for governments. With what little mental fortitude he could muster he refused. When the men in all black heard that they began to torture him in different ways he could have never imagined. This continued on for 4 years which left Drake mentally broken. Drake knew that if ever gave in the men would get access on some extremely sensitive material that could risk the whole world. Never giving in they tried a different type of torture.

Drake was moved to a lab with lots of different types of syringes. When he arrived there were two other people there; his assistants Tia, his childhood friend and Jenny whom he in college. The scrawny and boney bodies looked exactly like him. When all three were tied down after a few brief glances and wide eyes, the test subjects were induced with the serum. It was a soul splitting pain that broke all their minds to the point of being vegetables. The serum was induced once more but no sounds came out of their mouths. Only blood which indicated they had died.

Once the researchers of the organization collected their data the collective conclusion was a fail. The serum was tossed along with the bodies. The world never saw what Drake was working on in secrecy and governments never mentioned a word about the disappearance of Drake or his assistants.

Hey guys! The is my first real try at a Novel and im kinda nervous haha, so please bare with me if you see grammar mistakes or spelling mistakes. Im trying my best to catch them but since I have never edited a book before it feels new. If you have something to comment on please be nice to this onii-san. Hope you have a wonderful day! And thanks for giving the book a try!


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