
Rise of Power: Journey of Kingdoms

In a world where the strength of a knight is determined by their mastery of unique breathing techniques, transmigrator Ethan finds himself inhabiting the body of Ethan Darkwood, a newly crowned king of a weak kingdom. With memories of his previous life, Ethan must learn to navigate this strange medieval world while trying to understand his new identity. The kingdom of Verdant Vale is on the brink of collapse, plagued by internal conflicts, external threats. As the young king, Ethan is initially overwhelmed by the enormity of his responsibilities and the intricacies of the medieval political landscape. His saving grace is the discovery of a mystical system that would help him and his kingdom grow stronger and become more powerful. As he grows stronger, he begins to turn the tides for his kingdom. He introduces revolutionary laws, leads his knights to victories in battles, and fosters alliances with neighboring kingdoms. The once crumbling kingdom of Verdant Vale starts to flourish under his rule. As Ethan Darkwood charts his journey from a transmigrator to a beloved and powerful king, he redefines the concept of strength and leadership in the vast medieval world. With his kingdom building system, he not only saves his kingdom from ruin but also leaves an indelible mark on the annals of its and the world's history. ------------- My 2nd book: Legacy of Eldric.

Warrior_Blade · Fantasía
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165 Chs

Chapter 9: Food Crisis

"It's time, call the generals"


Ethan called upon his uncle, General Asher, and their family's trusted butler, William. The Darkwoods had been served by William's lineage for generations. They had a crucial discussion to undertake on the current situation in their kingdom, following a grueling war with the Blackthorn kingdom.

<Throne room>

Ethan sat on his throne listening to reports. Their reports began with the war's aftermath. The battlefield was littered with remnants of the brutal clash, Ethan gave the order that the remaining soldiers would receive compensation for their courageous efforts, and the families of the deceased would be paid tribute.

Ethan ordered William to distribute 1 silver to each deceased soldier's family, and for the surviving soldiers to get 5 silver each for their efforts. It must be noted that 30 copper coins is enough for a family of 5 to survive 2 months. As Ethan gave the order his heart ached at the sight of his money dwindling, thinking about their already poor reserves.

The burnt fields were a pressing concern. The once fertile and abundant fields lay charred and barren, threatening the kingdom with a severe food shortage. As they were discussing what to do the system gave Ethan a quest.




Resolve the Kingdoms current food crises

Reward: 1000 gold


Ethan scanned the quest almost jumping out of his seat in joy, when he calmed down and thought of how to resolve the crises. Ethan quickly thought of the system and went straight to the system Mall. The Mall was divided into many categories, food, armor, weapons, mounts, daily items etc. The food market, significantly cheaper than others, was a viable solution. He looked at the dazzling array of items before him.


System Mall

Food Market:

Bluemoon Barley: This crop has a soft luminescent glow, only visible under the moonlight. Its grains are used to brew a potent ale that can temporarily enhance one's strength. It can only be grown in open fields. 30 Gold per Kg

Sunblaze Corn: These golden stalks reach twice the height of a man and bear cobs that shine like the sun. Consuming the kernels can temporarily increase one's agility and speed. It can only be grown in open fields. 30 Gold per Kg

Frostroot Carrots: These deep-blue vegetables grow in the coldest regions. They have a crisp, sweet flavor and can resist freezing temperatures. Eating them grants cold resistance. It can only be grown in terrain with ice. 20 Gold per Kg

Silverleaf Spinach: This plant has silver-veined leaves. Consuming it enhances night vision, making it a favorite among thieves and spies. 10 Gold per Kg

Starbright Apples: These apples have a radiant glow and a sweet taste that is out of this world. Eating one can restore vitality and cure minor ailments. It can be grown anywhere. 40 Gold per Kg

Thundergrape Vine: A vine that produces purple grapes with a crackling energy around them. They can be used to make a wine that imbues the drinker with temporary thunder resistance. It can only be grown on high mountains near thunder locations. 20 Gold per Kg

Shadowberry Bush: This bush produces dark, almost black berries that are sweet but have a hint of bitterness. Consuming them can render one invisible in the shadows for a short time. It can only be grown in dark caves. 30 Gold per Kg

Dragon's Breath Chili: A fiery red pepper that is rumored to be as hot as a dragon's breath. Consuming it can provide temporary immunity to fire. It can only be grown in hot volcanic terrain. 20 Gold per Kg

Golden Grain Wheat: This crop shines with a golden hue and is used to make the most excellent bread. Can be planted anywhere. Eating bread can bring good fortune and prosperity. 50 Gold per Kg

Soulpear Tree: This tree bears pears that are pale and ghostly in appearance. Eating one of these pears can strengthen one's soul. Can only be grown in damp locations. 15000 Gold per Kg


It could be said that the system really is powerful, as Ethan looked through the products, he couldn't help but drool about some of the items. Knowing full well he couldn't afford them all he calmed his thoughts and found a crop that was perfect for the time being- Golden Grain Wheat. Considering the gold, he gave to his soldiers he only had about 108 gold left. Barely enough for 2 Kg, thankfully the system increases the food growth rate, and the wheat could be harvested in a week.

After making up his mind Ethan bought 2kg of golden grain wheat and asked William to take care of the seeds and make sure they were planted and looked after, reassuring his generals and butler that the food could be harvested shortly. They gasped when they heard the wheat was a precious- grade wheat. It should be known just like artifacts, armor and knights, herbs also had a ranking going from common, precious, rare, superior grade herbs. Most Kingdoms only had common grade herbs, knowing that it could cause chaos Ethan made them take a vow of silence. As soon as he handed the food over the food to William the sound echoed once more.



Congrats on completing the mission.

Reward: 1000 Gold coins


Ethan grew overjoyed and called upon his status.



Name: Ethan Darkwood

Level: Middle-stage Trainee

Equipment: None

Breathing technique: Celestial Life

Money: 1108 Gold


Kingdom Status

Kingdom Ranking: 6th-Tier

Military Strength: Conditions not met

Conditions not met

Unable to level up.



