
Rise of Lycan King

I always heard be careful what you wish for you just might get it.

Dragonreed · Cómic
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7 Chs


/House-elves talking/

'Mind thinking'


^ Parcel tone^

[Wolf talking in the mind]

Rharo Syko was in a deep meditation. About all that happened to him and his family. Unlike just Jedi counterparts, he knows there was more to the change. He was thankful to his new King. His wife and daughter were looking up software for games and biological information. He had already gotten the slaves and droids. He is just waiting for everyone to get back. The new insights on the Force were truly awesome. He never would have thought it possible. To be at balance between the two sides. The magic he learned from his king was just as awesome as the force. He wanted to practice but knew now was not the time.

Time Skip Two weeks later

Harry was sitting in his new spaceship. Was thinking about all he and his crew have done. From getting the spaceship. To the development of a virtual reality gaming system. With they been using for training and learning new things. The biggest gain from that was when his slaves figure out how to get more time. The system allows you to get 7 days in one night. So, you get eight days in one. Making things like learning the force and magic easy to learn. Now he has seven Lycans, 200 crew members (former slaves), and 300 droids. Following him as they making, there way back to Earth. His new ship looks like a small star destroyer. Harry could wait to see the look of everyone face when he pulled up to Hogwarts. In his spaceship. After taking with his fellow Lycans. He decided to take over Mars and start a new kingdom.

Earth same time

Fenrir Greyback was upset by the change of events. After the world knew what happened to Harry Potter. The fact that he managed to cure himself of lycanthropy. A lot of werewolves that supported him started to leave. With the new stands on werewolves. Getting jobs where now easy for them. As long as they followed the rules. He was preparing to fight one of his most hated enemies, Romulus Lupin. When he was contacted by Peter Pettigrew. Knowing that the Dark Lord was alive made him step back and wait. He would help him out and get his revenge later.

Albus Dumbledore was sitting down with a group from the ICW, Goblins, and Dwarf. They all were getting things ready for the Goblet of Fire. To be used to select new champions. The only problem was that they could not free Harry Potter from his contact. When the door opens, walking into the room is Minister of Magic for France, England, and Bulgaria. "Good evening gentlemen is there something I should I can help you with." Albus looks at them, waiting for a response. Before the ministers could say anything. "WHAT ARE THESE SUPHUMAN BEING DOING HERE?" Dolores Umbridge shouted out. Making everyone look at her as if she was a dumb. As two different weapons were now at her neck. Albus knew he needed to get things under control. "Ladies and Gentlemen let introduce to you King Nogotroc Silverforged of the Dwarven Kingdom Darnkuhm, to his right King Agkor, the 6th of the Goblins, and last but not least Paul Smith, Head of the Hit-Wizard for the ICW. He was here to make sure everything would turn out right." After introducing everyone, Albus sat down. Waiting for the ministers to respond. Only to see both a Dwarf and Goblin guard standing behind Dolores Umbridge. She didn't even know they were there. The Aurors that came with the Ministers could only shake their heads. They were there to keep the Ministers safe.

"It is an honor to meet both of you. My name is Baptiste Pueyrredón. I am the French Minister of Magic. King Nogotroc Silverforged, is your race of Dwarves coming out of hiding?" The other ministers did not understand what Minister Pueyrredón was talking about. The hold room got quiet. Waiting for King Nogotroc to speak. "So, some stories still are told about us. I would not have thought that. We have a reason to come back to the surface world. Witch is why I am here, but let get to the manner of disrespect that the young lady just said. According to the Treaty, we have all human wizards. We shall treat each other with respect or face the consequences." Before he could continue talking, Dolores started to yell. Everyone watches as the Dwarven and Goblin guard cut her head clean off her shoulders. Albus just shook his head. Things could have gone better. Paul Smith stood up and apologized to both kings. Then he took control of the meeting so they could save the four lives that hang in the balance of the tournament.

Harry Spaceship two weeks later

"Sir, we are coming up on the star system you mentioned. How should we proceed?" Harry was sitting in the conference room with his pack. He wanted all their input on how to approach the former home. "Have they spotted us yet?" Harry asked. "No, sir, but we have found the Primitive telescopes. We have already hacked their system." Harry looked at his pack and waited for one of them to say something. "My King, we can do approach in two ways. The first is to go in stealth. Not letting them know of our presents. The second way is to open Communications with them. The first way would get us to the castle faster and cuss no problems with the ruling class of the magic world. The second way is to alert the non-magical of the magic world. It'll also make the leaders of the magic world upset with you. I would go with the second choice because it not only lets everyone on the planet know. While it will make some of the Magic World government upset. It would look good on you because they are the ones in the wrong in the first place." Jaa Feles looked to Rharo Syko to see if he had the same opinion. "Like Jaa said, we are in the right to contact the non-magical nations. It will bring both groups together. We may be seen as a threat. To both groups so we have to be careful. Does anyone else have any input?" After Rharo said that he waited for anyone else to speak. Harry was thinking about what his to Batas said. It made a lot of sense, and he could not find any fault in it. Before he could say anything, a POP sound appeared in the room. Standing before them was an elf like being. /Master Harry, it good to see you back, sir. Dobby has been worried, sir. I was able to feel your approach, sir. Do you need Dobby to do anything?/ Harry was surprised at how Dobby looked. Dobby was now 4 feet tall with piercing black eyes and pointed ears. He was wearing a suit and looked like a butler. Harry was happy to see Dobby as it would make things easier for him. "Dobby, it is good to see you. Have you done all we talked about? Are you tired and when can you make a return trip?" Harry did not want to overwork Dobby. He was a good friend to him. The other Lycans looked on while listening. This was the first time they had seen Dobby. They were shocked by his condition. He looked nothing like they had seen from Harry memories. This must be a side effect of Harry's change. /Dobby good and strong Master Harry. This first time, Dobby could come to you. You were too far before, sir. Yes, sir, Dobby completed all you asked. The houses have all been restored, the building you wanted has been built, and you have more house elves to bind sir./ Harry sat there for a bit and then looked around. Realizing he did not introduce his pack, he felt embarrassed. "Dobby, this is in my pack. To my right, we have Jaa Feles, his wife Cora Feles, and their daughter Jaina Feles. To my left is Rharo Syko, his wife Zena Skyo, and their daughter Sabe Skyo. Everyone, this is Dobby, the house elf."

Dobby could feel the connection between all of them. He was glad his Master had strong friends to work with. After a few minutes of getting the run down on what happened since he left. They all started to plan what to do. Harry had Dobby take some droids with him. To get his news paper up and running. As well as make some changes. He was going to use it to inform everyone in the magic world. He already had a way to contact the non-magical nations. He is going to do both at the same time. Right now, his ship was in an orbit around Mars. Having the droids and crew do a full report on the planet. He wanted to know if there was any life on the planet. Meanwhile, while Jaa Feles was going over the speech he was going to do. His Lord felt he should be one to do it. As he had more experience in this field.

Dec 6, 1994

Everyone was going about the day. When all news channels, radio, and satellites. We were taken over at the same time. It will be a day, remember for all time. At the same time, a new newspaper was being delivered to everyone in the magic world. No matter if they were human or not. As long as they could read the paper, it was fine.

• Hello, my people of Earth. My name is Jaa Feles. I am speaking to you on behalf of my King. His name is Harry James Potter Peverell Gryffindor Slytherin Pendragon heir to the house of Black and Flamel. About five weeks ago, he was sent from this planet. By the Magic Government of this world. All he wants is permission to come back to the planet and finish some business. He was entered into a tournament against his will. The problem is that the tournament has a magic binding contract. If he does not participate in the tournament, it could kill him. We are currently in orbit around Mars. we look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.

All around the world, both sets of governments. Where in a pickle, they could not deny what had just been said of the TV, radio, and Newspapers. Now, for the first time since the Wizards went into hiding. Both groups of government we're setting up a meeting. The whole world was watching. Them to see how they would respond. The fact that both are non-magical and magical. Could see the spaceship from their telescopes. Was not helping the matter. It has been two days, and finally, both groups were going to sit down for a meeting. The press was invited to look at the big event. Meanwhile, Harry and his crew were watching everything. His godfather had reached out to him in the two days of waiting. Harry would meet him so after he entered Earth's atmosphere. That way, it would be safe for him to pop into the ship.

ICW Headquarters

The room was packed with the military and Auroras. The current leader of the ICW was a man named Edward Collins. The President of the Magical Congress of the United States of America. Sitting next to him was his counterpart, the President of the United States Bill Clinton. The hold world was watching. Another king was the presence of non-humans at the meeting. The non-magical got there first look at Goblins, Dwarfs, Centaurs, Werewolves, and Forest Elves. Some on the people watching could not believe what they saw. Others want them all dead. One thing was certain history, and the world has changed. Harry and his crew watch on. On their ship waiting to see what they decided. After a long discussion, they came to an agreement. They would meet Harry and his crew and watch over the tournament.