
Rise of Jailer

Wang Zhengyu once a adopted son of Jailer of afterlife prison Huang Pengxi rise as the Jailer of afterlife prison after facing many hurdles. But soon he get to know about his long lost mother who abandoned him just after his birth. He wants to ask her mother about himself In his journey he met the great demon general Song Tianming who reincarnates in the body of his guard Shen Hongxi. his life turns upside down when he time travel in the past in the era of Great demon king Jiang Hui Fen with Song Tianming,his childhood friend Yan Yijian his guard Shen Hangsu and becomes the subordinate and study partner of crown prince of demon realm for protecting him in the imperial academy. Once the powerful jailer was now become a mere subordinates but slowly slowly all the secrets come out . Will Wang Zhengyu get to know about the secret of his birth?? Will he able to find his mother??? Many hurdles are waiting ahead of him?? What will happen to him??

Cloud_Diva · Fantasía
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13 Chs

The daring crown prince

Before they can see the sun of next morning they were thrown into a bullcart with two big bully demon soldiers.

"Hey, brother what did you think happen with them???" , one of the demon asked another sitting opposite to him.

"What could possibly happen?? With there strength they can't stand a day in the imperial academy", the other said while his lips curved into a smile.

Wang Zhengyu and Song Tianming were listening to them carefully but didn't utter a word as they thought that it will be waste of energy to talk muddle headed demons.

Soon the bullcart stop infront of the Large castle which was heavily guided by the demons .

"I never get the chance to see the demon crown prince??" Wang Zhengyu slowly whispered in song Tianming's ear.

"It seems you better not like being alive. Say it as your luck that you didn't see the crown prince otherwise you will not be whispering in my year", Song Tianming chuckled slowly and replied.

Soon they were taken into a big room full of luxury items, decorated with gold and gems . As soon as they enter they were pushed by the soldiers on their knees and very prohibited to see directly into the eyes of the crown prince.

Although they were on their knees but they can clearly see the crown prince in black silk heavily embroidered with golden threads.

The crown prince took the gold glass of wine and waved his another hand as signalling the guards to move out .

He took a sip of wine and said,

"So you're selected to assist me in the academy", he said while placing the golden cup on the table.

He slowly rise from his seat and move forward towards them. Wang Zhengyu and Song Tianming were still bending on there knees with there eyes on the floor.

Seeing the crown prince moving towards them send a chill down their spine.

Although they were older than the crown prince but there was a dominating aura from the man which prohibited them for seeing directly into his eyes.

Crown prince continued, " You will not follow anyone else order except me. Not did you bend infront of anyone as long as I not permitted you to do so. Last but not least , I don't like the people who are always ready to wipe ass***for money or anything else. Now that you're my subordinate always remember that if you want to breathe".

Wang Zhengyu and Song Tianming nodded their head in unison.

Someone take them and gave some clothes. I don't want embarass myself in the academy, as crown prince said this the servents immediately entered the room with new black silk robes in their hands .

Crown prince leave the room with his guard while the servants start stripping their clothes and in few minutes they were ready with the new robes and their hair were well combed.

At glance Wang Zhengyu and Song Tianming were shocked to see themselves in good condition ever since they came in past .

After they were all ready . They maids start to whisper with each other.

Sister don't you think that the boy standing in left( referring to Zhengyu) looks like familiar. , asked a maid to another while starring at them.

Yeah , he looks like the dancers who visited last month , the another maid whispered while laughing slightly.

"See , once a young master now getting compared to dancer. What a pity" , Song Tianming said while shaking his head and teasing Zhengyu.

Wang Zhengyu glared at him with a face full of irritation. If looks can kill Song Tianming probably be dead.

He than smirked and moved outside with the guards. Later they were taken towards the carriage which was prepared for them in which they were pushed like cattles .

Their journey was long so they stop in the forest for resting.

Wang Zhengyu and Song Tianming sat down under a large tree. While The crown prince was sitting on his chair with one leg on another on the bank of the river.

A servent came and gave them two buns for eating.

Wang Zhengyu starred at the buns before saying, "it seems that the crown prince only care for his reputation but in reality i never think he will be this stingy".

Song Tianming bite his bun before speaking," if you want to live than eat whatever you get. Although the demon kingdom is quite rich but food is always a problem for the demons . They usually prefer raw flesh and I don't think a human like you want to taste that ".

Wang Zhengyu make a annoyed face before taking a bite of the bun in his hand .

But before he can say further, a arrow struck the tree just above their heads .

Both of them immediately jumped aside . All the guards surrounded the crown prince who didn't have any affect of this unexpected attack. It seems he quite used to it.

Wang Zhengyu and Song Tianming also take two steps back for watching a fight seen.

"It seems that someone has arranged an entertainment for us" , Song Tianming said while leaning against Wang Zhengyu. "As he continued, who do you think will win ??".

"From crown prince behaviour it seems that he is quite sure that he will win, let's left everything else at time being", Wang Zhengyu said while waiting for the fight to start.

They were eagerly waiting and eating the buns in their hands when people wearing black mask come out of the bushes. With swords in their hands . Everyone was looking blood thirsty. The demon guards were also full of enthusiasm as for them it's time for party. They get their claws out and attacked them.

In minutes, the assassin and guards were giving each other tough fight but it seems that crown prince don't like to waste any more time.

He gets up from his chair and unleashed his sword. In blinking of an eyes the assassins were lying on the ground dead. The demon soldiers were enjoying their fresh meat and blood of humans.