
Rise of Idan: Nigeria's Reign

[DING!!!! CHAPTERS ARE UPDATED DAILY!!!!] In a world on the edge of destruction, an extraordinary event alters humanity forever. As the Earth shakes with an apocalyptic cataclysm, people awaken unique powers, while a mysterious System emerges to govern and rank their abilities. Meet Ebuka Olayinka, a young Nigerian whose life takes an unexpected turn when he manifests incredible powers amidst the chaos. Joined by a diverse group of power-wielders, Ebuka embarks on a journey to comprehend his role in this world-shattering event. Ebuka and his companions are thrust into interdimensional arena battles where the fate of the planet hangs in the balance. The stakes couldn't be higher, and the thrill of these epic clashes becomes irresistible. As they navigate this tumultuous journey, one question looms large: Can they unravel the truth behind the cataclysm and save not only their world but also the very essence of humanity itself? With secrets, alliances, and perilous challenges at every turn, YOU will be captivated, eagerly awaiting the explosive climax of this gripping tale. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WSA 2023 Entry! Please show your support if you enjoy the story! How can you show your support? Gift Power Stone! 100=1 bonus chapter 150=2 bonus chapters 300=3 bonus chapters Bonus release will drop the following week!

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81 Chs

Awakening: Status Unveiled

As the first rays of the morning sun gently filtered through the curtains, Ebuka Olayinka emerged from his slumber, greeted by a sense of anticipation tinged with nervousness.

The house was quiet, his parents were already off to work, and his siblings hurrying to school, leaving him alone in the silence of his room.

Today marked a momentous occasion, as the system would activate for all individuals like himself.

In the center of his room, Ebuka stood, his heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and trepidation.

The countdown timer he had been anxiously watching had finally reached its culmination, and a palpable energy permeated the air, crackling with untold possibilities.

The display before he illuminated the room, the numbers declaring in bold,

"[SYSTEM ACTIVATION - 00:00:00]."

This was the moment Ebuka had been waiting for. He took a deep breath to steady himself and commanded, "Status screen."

In a mesmerizing instant, a translucent screen materialized before him, casting a shimmering holographic glow.

It revealed his current status, presenting the key details of his newly awakened system.

Status Screen

Name: Ebuka Olayinka

Rank [Africa]: 600 million

Level: 0

Physical Power: 1

Elemental Power: 0

Weapon: None

Skills: None

Ebuka's eyes scanned the screen, absorbing the information displayed before him.

His rank, currently limited to Africa, humbly placed him among the vast array of individuals who had received their systems.

The level indicator remained at its initial point, a beacon of unexplored potential waiting to be unlocked.

His physical power, slightly above average, hinted at the untapped strength that resided within him.

As he marveled at his status, Ebuka couldn't help but wonder about the countless others who had also awakened to their systems.

Conversations reverberated across social media platforms and within homes worldwide, as individuals discussed their rankings and the profound implications of their newfound powers.

Meanwhile, in a distant part of Africa concealed within the depths of an untamed jungle, a man named Ogami Baaddo grappled with a formidable opponent, a rhinoceros.

Raised within an uncivilized tribe, Ogami had honed his skills in the unforgiving wilderness.

While engaged in a fierce struggle against the powerful creature, the timer ticking down to its final moments, Ogami's eyes widened as his surroundings suddenly changed. Seizing the opportunity, he shouted, "Status screen!"

Status Screen

Name: Ogami Baaddo

Rank [Africa]: 1

Level: 3

Physical Power: 5

Elemental Power: 10

Weapon: Spear

Skills: Jungle Arts

The translucent screen unveiled Ogami's impressive achievements.

His rank soared to the coveted number-one spot in Africa, a testament to his unparalleled power among those who had awakened their systems.

His level and physical power stood as a testament to years of relentless training and dedication, while his elemental power alluded to his innate connection to the surrounding energy.

Yet, amid the jungle's untamed glory, Ogami's surprise at the appearance of the status screen was quickly overshadowed by his primal instincts.

The system, recognizing his unfamiliarity, displayed a brief message in his native language, offering a concise explanation of the screen's purpose and significance.

With a shrug of indifference, Ogami dismissed the message, for his focus was on the fierce opponent before him.

Summoning his raw power, Ogami unleashed a devastating blow, launching the rhinoceros through the air with an awe-inspiring display of strength.

With almost casual ease, he hoisted the massive beast onto his shoulder, a testament to his indomitable might.

His triumphant return to the tribe village awaited, and he carried his trophy with effortless grace.

Across the vast expanse of North America and South America, the rankings were dominated by individuals with their own unique stories and extraordinary powers.

Kevin, the unrivaled number one in the region, served as a soldier in the special forces, operating under the direct command of the President of the United States.

His status screen revealed his military background and weaponry, with his physical power and elemental power prominently displayed.

His weapon of choice, the formidable M249 SAW, symbolized his unparalleled firepower.

Status Screen

Name: Kevin

Rank [North America]: 1

Level: 1

Physical Power: 3

Elemental Power: 4

Weapon: M249 SAW

Skills: None

Meanwhile, in the rankings, Sergio Messi from Argentina secured the second position in South America.

Though his power levels paled in comparison to Kevin's, Sergio's status screen unveiled an intriguing weapon, the versatile grappling hook.

His physical power remained modest, but his elemental power exhibited remarkable potential.

Status Screen

Name: Sergio Messi

Rank [South America]: 2

Level: 1

Physical Power: 2

Elemental Power: 4

Weapon: Grappling Hook

Skills: None

As the rankings extended to other continents, a diverse array of individuals showcased their prowess.

In Asia, Gustavo Putino from Russia stood unchallenged at the top, his physical power and elemental power indicative of his rigorous training in the harsh and unforgiving wilderness alongside bears.

Status Screen

Name: Gustavo Putino

Rank [Asia]: 1

Level: 1

Physical Power: 5

Elemental Power: 3

Weapon: Titanium Knuckles

Skills: None

In China, Lin Fan claimed the second position in Asia, his status screen displaying a formidable weapon, a gleaming sword.

His physical power, though modest, was complemented by an impressive elemental power that attested to his mastery of qi.

Status Screen

Name: Lin Fan

Rank [Asia]: 2

Level: 1

Physical Power: 2

Elemental Power: 6

Weapon: Sword

Skills: None

As the rankings extended to Europe, Arnoud Bas from the Netherlands took the number one spot, his physical power and elemental power reflective of his unique capabilities.

Status Screen

Name: Arnoud Bas

Rank [Europe]: 1

Level: 1

Physical Power: 2

Elemental Power: 4

Weapon: None

Skills: None

Vanessa Porsh from the United Kingdom secured second position in Europe, wielding a deadly dagger as her chosen weapon.

Status Screen

Name: Vanessa Porsh

Rank [Europe]: 2

Level: 1

Physical Power: 3

Elemental Power: 2

Weapon: Dagger

Skills: None

As the rankings unfolded across continents, the President of the United States convened a special meeting, recognizing the need for an organization to unite system users—the World Fighters Union.

Kevin, the distinguished number one in North America, received the call, signifying his vital role in shaping this new era.

The awakening of the system not only bestowed unimaginable powers upon individuals but also reshaped the hierarchy of the world.

As Ebuka, Ogami, and the top-ranking system users delved into their potentials, a new chapter unfolded—one where alliances would be forged, rivalries would ignite, and the fate of humanity would hang in the precarious balance of their abilities.

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