
chapter 19

The announcement of Rhaenyra's sudden disappearance had spread through the kingdom like a wildfire, igniting a sense of urgency and concern among the people. William, who knew this was his chance to win the heart of the Rhaenyra.

William politely excused himself from the nearby individuals, and swiftly made his way towards the exit, However, just as he was about to leave, his father's voice called out to him, stopping him in his tracks.

"William, where are you going in such haste?" His father inquired, and his curiosity was piqued.

"To find Rhaenyra," William replied.

Without waiting for further questioning, he continued on his way, The Kingswood awaited him, its dark and mysterious depths holding the key to Rhaenyra's whereabouts. Memories of her and Criston Cole's secret hideout flooded his mind, guiding his steps through the winding paths.

As he emerged into a small clearing, William's gaze fixed on a figure in the distance. There she was—Rhaenyra—fending off a boar with nothing but her wits. Without hesitation, he rushed forward, unsheathing his sword with precision. The adrenaline surged through his veins, his every movement fueled by a desire to protect and impress the object of his affection.

In one swift and graceful motion, William cleaved the boar in half, effectively freeing Rhaenyra from its relentless charge. Surprised and momentarily disoriented, Rhaenyra turned to face her rescuer. A familiar figure stood before her, bathed in dim light that cast intriguing shadows across his face. For a brief moment, she mistook him for Criston Cole, her loyal protector. However, the glow in his captivating green eyes dispelled her confusion, revealing the true identity of her savior—William Baratheon.

"It seems that fate has led us to meet again, Princess," William spoke, his voice oozing with a charm that sent a shiver down Rhaenyra's spine.