
Rise of Edwin Von William Highland

Edwin Von William Highland is a prince and the only heir to the Kingdom of Highland. As a reincarnated person from Japan, he aims to use his knowledge to help his poor Kingdom get stronger. His loving father has already taken steps to aide his son to become a great King but everything changes when the Demon King arrives. How will Edwin Von William Highland deal with betrayal, loss of loved ones, political opponents, and the demon kings army that marches across the land?

Hitori_Kanoko · Fantasía
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53 Chs

Chapter 53: Behind Every Great King, Are the Queens!

"Where am I?" Those were the first words Demise uttered as he got up. "I was attacked!? Yes, by that human. Where am I?" Just as he collected himself he heard Ermengarde scream.

"Lady Ermengarde!" he yelled before attempting to return to her side only to jump back as four blades pierced the ground, where he was standing.

He looked towards the sky where he saw a woman clad in armor.

"I, Margarita Prigent, will be your opponent." She uttered towards him

"Who?" he uttered before realizing he didn't have time for this, "Look… I have no time for this. Step aside and I will spare your life."

"Surely you jest. Someone who betrayed humanity could never be trusted. I will end your life here and present it to Edwin-sama."

"Edwin? Don't tell me that you are from Highland?" he asked before realizing that the person who attacked him was probably the same Edwin. "No way… that little shit dares challenge me? I will teach him a lesson he will never forget..." he uttered before smirking at Margarita, "I know, I will drag you bloodied naked body before him and…"

Before Demise could finish his words, the four blades attacked him. He managed to deflect two while dogging the other two, however, he failed to notice Margarita who had rushed him and landed a punch on his face.

Demise was sent flying for a second time today. He coughed out blood before glaring at Margarita as she slowly walked towards him. The four blades floated around her, the aura she emitted was that of a predator attacking its prey.

"You dare disrespect my king in my presence, Hero Hans… No… Former Hero Hans…"

"My name is Demise…" He angrily answered back

"A fitting name for someone who is about to face their demise," she replied before charging


"This is nothing Nya… I will kill everything in front of me Nya." Hitomi yelled as she killed demon after demon.

She was using a combination of <shadow lock> and <shadow movement> to lock her enemies in place before quickly appearing from their shadows to behead them.

The demon army was in a panic. Their numbers were dropping rapidly and there was nothing they could do to stop her rampage.

"Hmmm…" Hitomi uttered before using <shadow movement> to avoid an attack, "Who are you?" she asked her attacker.

"I am the commander of this attacking unit. Vampire Drake."

"A vampire?"

"Indeed. I am from the noble blood of vampires. For a long time, we have served the demon king and… Uuuuuuuu…"

"Tch! I Missed"

"OI… Who attacks an opponent that was introducing himself?"

"But it looked like it was going to be a long story, Nya."

"You uncultured little girl…" he yelled before flapping his bat wings and flying into the sky. "Humph… You will be unable to disrupt me from up here. Now then… Tch"

Drake avoided two daggers that were thrown at him. After seeing the knives fly by he turned towards the spot Hitomi was standing.

'Where did she go!' he asked himself.

A chill ran down his spine as he sensed danger from behind him but it was too late, Hitomi slashed away at his exposed back.

Drake screamed as he too evasive maneuvers, to get away from her. As he looked at Hitomi who had landed back down on the ground, only one question came to his mind, 'How did she do it?'


"You must be the banished elf prince of Everwood, Theodemar Inanala."

With his green eyes, Theodemar looked at the maid who stood before him.

"A maid on the battlefield?"

"I am the maid of King Edwin-sama, as well as, the commander of the spirit planes, Eve."

"I see… What does a maid and commander want with me?"

"I couldn't help but notice you here and after confirming with the temporary head of the guilds... I found out that you are no longer recognized as a mercenary."

"...Is that so? I take it then that you are here for my life."

"I am glad you understand the situation. It saves me a lot of time."

"Hmm… I don't want to sound pompous, but do you have the skill to kill me?"

"Whether I have the skills or not doesn't change the fact that I will be taking your life here."

"I see… Then it can't be helped."

"Master Theodemar." An elf uttered with a worried face.

"Don't call me that. I am not part of the elves remember? Join the others in observing my father and sisters battle."


"Do not argue with me… This is a personal matter… Now go!"

"Understood," the elf uttered before he and the others left.

"Sorry for the delay," Theodemar apologized

"No need to apologize. Shall we?"



"As long as I am alive, there will always be tension between the Everwood and Highland. Truth be told, I was already ready to give my life for peace, therefore…"

Theodemar didn't have a chance to finish his sentence. In flash, a fist came rushing towards his face. He managed to dodge the attack, but he couldn't avoid the shockwave that the punch had produced.

He jumped to the side and away from Eve. The shockwave left him a little disoriented.

As he regained his composure, he noticed Eve was wearing two silver gauntlets on her arms. Each had two spirit cores attached to it.

"Give up your life? Do you really think I will allow such a thing? Theodemar Inanala… your life… I will take with force." She angry declared


"My Queen. Half of the city is under our command and there are reports of His Majesty fighting the abyss King in the castle. What are your orders?"

"Hmm… Focus on defeating the demons inside the city for now. We will come to the King's aide if or when he calls for it."


"One more thing… How many times have I told you to call me mother?"

Cecelia blushed when her mother reminded her of the request she had given her.

"How can you say that on the battlefield? You need to focus on your duties right now, besides, you were the one who went all panicky when Duchess Rania, suggested you start calling Edwin-sama casually."

"But… But… We haven't known each other for long. It fells too weird to do it so soon."

"Humph… you are just making excuses. If you were serious enough then…"

"Look out!" Maureen cried before pushing her daughter away.

With her trident, she blocked the attack that came from the hammer of a giant orc.

"Oh… You are strong." The orc uttered

"Have you ever considered the possibility that you are just weak?" she teased before pushing him back.

"Me? Weak? Don't be ridiculous. I am the Orc King, Greed. Apart from the demon king and abyss kings, there is none more powerful than me."

"Self-belief is important for a worrier, however, when that belief turns into stupidity it leads to an early death."

The Orc King laughed at her words, "You dare look down on me? I will teach you the errors of your words by having you give birth to my children."

Maureen smirked at his words before giving her orders,"Cecelia, I leave the command of the forces to you. I need to send this pork to the afterlife."

"Understood." Cecelia replied

"Pork!? You dare call me that!"

"Oh... is the little pig angry? Too bad! Because this little piggy is on his way to the butcher!" she cried before rushing Greed.