
The discovery

On the first of January, a meteor crashed into earth which caused a big crater on the earth surface. Then magical energy began to flow through out the world and every one later had this magical energy but no one knew about this.

The discovery began from Henry and his classmates (young ss1 students) when Henry got angry at a reckless driver who almost hit his car which cost 345 million naira. When Henry shouted at the man, little blue flames began to come out of him which controlled him to lazer of the tyre of this man's car then the man smiled and apologized to him. Henry got to Jenny's house (his girlfriend's house) and narrates everything that happened but jenny pretended like she never believed then she laughed and said what will you like to eat then Henry said anything you have she stood up and ran with red flames which made her faster than the fastest then Henry said when she came back "you're a speed god"

Jenny:you're suprised

Henry : yeah so why didn't you believe me

Jenny: I believed but I pretended am sure there is more to your powers

Henry:yeah I guess there is.

Next Day In School

Gabriel: Henry I can bring out electric flames from my palm

Henry : wow that's awesome

More of Henry classmates came to show teachers and him too which means the powers have been discovered unknown to Henry, his mom is a white witch.


magical energy began to flow through out the world

Shorey_Olawuyicreators' thoughts