
Rise of clan Goliath

A half giant in Harry Potter.

Bitterman2 · Derivados de obras
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8 Chs

A reluctant encounter part 1

Mc: 'It's been six months since I was proven right.'

'Spiders do speak'

'After Gargoyle spoke to me the first time, I quickly took her and ran to my mother.'


Mc: "Mother watch, Gargoyle is going to speak."

"Go ahead Gargoyle, tell mommy how stupid she was for thinking spiders don't speak."

Gargoyle: "~That's stupid.~"

Mc: "~I know right?~"

Mother: "Oh yes Antonius, I was mistaken earlier. Of course spiders can talk."

Mc: "It's ok mum. You just didn't know."

Grandmother: "Antonius, what does Gargoyle say about me?"

Gargoyle: "~She's nice. She gives me little treats.~"

Mc: "She says that you're nice."

Grandmother: "That's wonderful. I'll have to go ahead and order some premium spider treats for Gargoyle."

Mc: "~You hear that Gar? Gran-Gran is going to get you premium treats. What does that mean?~"

Gargoyle: "~It means that they're really good. Tell her I said thanks.~"

Mc: "She said thank you."

Grandmother: "Anything for you Gargoyle. You are Antonius' closest friend. You're practically family."

Gargoyle: "Purrr"

Mc: 'Hearing Gran-Gran call her family, Gargoyle purrs'

Mc: "She's happy."

Grandmother: "That's wonderful, Now why don't you go and clean your room.

Mc: "Yes, Gran-Gran. Right away."


Mc: 'After that, I spent a lot of my time learning more things and speaking to Gargoyle.'

'She's a nice friend.'

'She even tells me what people are saying in the house.'

'She's like a super spy.'

'That's how I know that we're going to the park tomorrow.'

'I don't want to go, but mother insists.'

'Something about real friends and all that.'

'Mother doesn't seem to realize that I don't want new friends.'

'Speaking of which...'

Mum: "Antonius, it's time for bed. You have a big day tomorrow."

Mc: "Awww, but I want to stay up and play. Besides, I don't want to go to the park."

Mum: "I understand sweetie, but could you do it for me?

Mc: "Oh alright, but only because you asked me to."

Mum: "Thank you little one, you're really helping mother destress right now."

Mc: "Anything for you mum."

Mum: "Alright sweetheart, it's time to rest. Goodnight."

Antonius: "Goodnight."


Mc: 'The next day was hectic to say the least.'

'Mum was running all around the house, making sure we had everything for the park.'

'Its like she forgot magic exists or something.'

'Calm down crazy lady, it's just the park."

'It's not like anything fun will happen there.'

Mum: "Antonius, come along! It's time to go to the park!"

Mc: "Coming mother!!!"

Mc: 'Racing down the steps, I bring Gargoyle on my shoulder.'

'Speaking of which, Gargoyle is super big.'

'Like, half my torso big.'

'And she keeps getting bigger by the day.'

'Maybe soon I'll be a Spider Rider.'


'I'd say 5... Maybe 6 years...'

'Oh, I'm so exited! I can't wait!'

'And just as I finished that thought, we pulled up to the park. '

'My first thought on the park is that it was really chaotic.'

'Imagine this, a whole swaddle of children, "Playing", on a plethora of torture devices.'

'Swinging devices, used to force kids into the air. unable to get off because they're going to fast'

'Sliding devices that causes the children to slam into the earth.'

'They seem to be brainwashed into doing it.'

'They repeat the action, over and over, with a smile.'

'Some from of scale device, used to try and launch the other children off the other end.'

'And most horrifyingly, A circular device that seems to reach speeds unnatural.'

'Trapping the rider in a perpetual prison of circular motion...'

'It seems... promising.'

'And there seems to be an energy about, drawing me in, ready to cause mayhem and rule the so called park.'

'Stupid adults, do you not see?'

'This is no park or playground.'

'This... is... WAR!!!!!!!'

Mc: "Raughhhhhhhhhhhh"

mum: "Oh mother, look he's having fun already!"

Gran-Gran: "Yes, he is. And he seems to have reacted just like you when you first came to the park."


Mc: "I am Antonius Goliath, and I shall rule this park!!!"

mc: 'As soon as I yelled those words, the park went quiet.'

'Everyone looked around as if they hear this everyday, yet they also grew excited.'

Some kid: "So you want to rule the park, huh?"

Some other kid: "You've got guts, coming around here, trying to take over this park."

Kid 1: "Yeah, big guts. I wonder what Wilson will do to you once he gets here."

Mc: "Who's Wilson?"

Another kid behind the mc: "The ruler of the park, and the person talking right now."

Mc: 'Turning around, I'm met with the sight of a kid a little taller than me.'

'Maybe an inch, and that's insane since I'm currently super tall for my age.'

'Like, 4 inches taller than a regular 3 year old.'

'He doesn't look no more than two years older than me.'

Mc: "How old are you? And why'd your parents call you Wilson?"

Wilson: "I'm 5. And my parents didn't call me Wilson, that's my last name. Only people as strong as me can call me my first name."

Mc: "What's your first name?"

Wilson: "I'll tell you, if you beat me."

Mc: "Beat you in what?"

Wilson: "The game of man-hunt"

Mc: "What's man-hunt?"

Wilson: "It's like hide and seek, but you have to touch the hider in order for them to be caught."

Mc: 'Ah, so bad mouth buggy.'

Mc: "Who's it?"

Wilson: "Both of us, there will be 2 net zones, and 2 safe zones. The ones with more in their nets and less in their safe wins."

"Oh, and cheaters go on the merry-go-round for 15 minutes."

"That means you guys!!!"

Mc: 'This Wilson kid seems to be an alright guy.'

'When I beat him, I'll make him co-king of the park.'

Mc: "Deal! How do we start?"

Wilson: "We count to 25 while covering our eyes."

"Everyone else has to hide in that time, and after we finish counting... We hunt!!!"


Kids: "Aye-aye captain!!!!"

Wilson: "I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!!!"

Kids: "AYE-AYE CAPTAIN!!!!!"

Wilson: "HIDE!!!!!!"