
Chapter 4

A month Later.

Somewhere South of Canada.


Alex stayed in the woods for a month just acclimating to the increase of power that came from becoming an Alpha werewolf. His powers were so enhance he could barely believe it.

He was almost ten times stronger than he was before, he was faster, his reflexes were better, he could shift into his wolf form almost instantly...all that and he didn't even have a Pack yet!

"I wonder if this is how all Alpha's feel?" Thought Alex as he ran, in his human form for once, through some woods. In his hands he had his and Clark's duffel bags while the bag from Deaton was on his back.

He was quickly making his way south towards Beacon Hills. The reason for it was the pull he could feel towards the town.

Now that grief wasn't clouding his judgment, every time he turned into his wolf form, he could feel the pull from the town. He guessed it had something to do with his wolf form being more in touch with his instincts but he wasn't going to ignore it.

He had taken his time while getting used to his new wolf abilities but now that he had he was making his way towards Beacon Hills as fast as he could.

As he jumped over a fallen tree he decided to change to a wolf so he could get there by tonight and as soon as the thought entered his head he had instantly changed into a wolf, unfortunately tearing his clothing as he did.

"Damn it I forgot about the clothes again." thought Alex as he grabbed his bags with his teeth and kept running.

A couple of hours later

Beacon Hills

He manage to reach Beacon Hiss just as night was falling over the town. He stopped at the edge of the woods at a clearing that overlooked the whole city. There he dropped his bags and changed back into a human teenager.

"I'm back." said Alex as he stretched his arms and back.

He dressed quickly, tired of strangers seeing him naked, fortunately for him Clark's duffel bag also had his former Alpha's clothes as his no longer fit properly. In the month since he had become an alpha he had put on almost twenty pounds of muscle.

And while he was a bit annoyed his old clothes had become useless to him he was quite happy with how he looked now.

"Becoming an Alpha werewolf has made me a very pretty man." thought Alex amused as he got dressed.

As he started walking into town he was dressed in the same pair of sneakers Deaton had gifted him, navy blue jeans, a dark red t-shirt and Clark's black leather bomber jacket.

"Well I guess its my jacket now." thought Alex as he walked towards the town.

"First chance I get I need to go clothes shopping." said Alex as he pulled his wallet out of the bag and checked to see if it had money inside, it did.

As he got near the town a strange scent started invading his nose, it smelled musty, like death and dirt. Having no idea where his friends where at this time he decided to follow the smell and to his surprised it took him towards the local high school.

"I guess Stiles wasn't kidding when he said much of the bad shit happens at the school." thought Alex as he heard a loud roar coming from somewhere up ahead.

"Scott?" asked Alex as he recognized the roar of the True Alpha, without hesitation Alex threw his bags behind some bleachers and took off running towards where the roar had come from.

When he reached Scott he found both him and Malia on the floor before a huge muscled... thing, it had some sort of bone armor and its head was covered by the skull of...

"Is that a bear skull?" thought Alex as he saw another of the things come out of nowhere and throw Kira towards where Scott and Malia were on the floor.

As the Bone Monsters got closer to his three downed Friends he saw just how big and muscled they actually were, Scott, Malia and Kira looked tiny compared to the monsters... luckily for them Alex was just as big and just as muscled as the two bone monsters.

"Alex Smash." thought Alex as he ran towards the closest Bone Monster, the one standing just before his friends.

"Get away from my friends you big bone motherfucker!" snarled Alex as he ran towards the first of the big bone monsters and slammed into him.

The force of the slam was so strong it created a shock wave that sent the other bone monster and Scott, Malia and Kira skittering away.

"Alex." he heard three voices behind him say but he was too busy fighting the bone monster to turn and pay attention, out of the corner of his eye he saw a teen, who looked a hell of a lot like Derek, tussling with the other Bone monster.

"Can't talk right now, busy opening a can of whup ass." said Alex as he ducked under a massive clothesline from the monster and punched it with all his strength in the stomach.

To his shock, while the punch was strong enough to push the monster back a few feet away from him, it didn't seen to have phased the Bone monster, since he just walked back up to Alex for more.

"Holy Shit, what are these things?" questioned Alex as he went on the defensive doing his best to not get hit.

"They're Berserkers." said Scott like that should have explained everything...it didn't.

"The fuck are Berserkers?" asked Alex before the Berserker he was fighting got the drop on him and punched him in the face. The blow was strong enough to make his whole head vibrate and he wanted to throw up from the pain.

"God damn, one hit and it almost gave me a concussion." thought Alex as he fell backwards towards where Malia, Scott and Kira where laying on the floor.

"I feel like I just got punched by Mike fucking Tyson." said Alex as he shook his head trying to get rid of the ringing.

"You're back." said Malia and Scott at the same time, while Kira was still frozen in fear staring at the Berserkers in front of them.

"I said I would...now excuse me while I try my hardest to take that fucking things head off." growled Alex before he jumped to his feet and ran full speed at the Berserker nearest to him.

While the others weren't able to see, his eyes glowed bright red as he slammed into the Berserker and sent it flying away.

"Surprise Motherfucker, I can hit hard too." taunted Alex before he was clothesline from the side by the second Berserker. Apparently it had knocked back Derek's younger clone and had come to defend its...sibling? Mate? Ah who the fuck knew.

"Oh punk move bitch." slurred Alex as he wobbled to his feet and moved under the next punch from the Berserker and grabbed him around the neck before slamming him down on the ground.

"Boom! Rock Bottom son, who knew watching wrestling would pay off." thought Alex before a loud snarl was heard from the distance.

It made the two Berserkers on the floor stand up and run away.

He watched as they got farther and farther away with the Derek clone coming to stand beside him, then, much to his shock, the young Derek started aging before his eyes until he was back to being the Derek he had come to know.

"That's a nifty trick.' said Alex before his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he fell to the floor passed out.

Deaton's Veterinary Clinic.

20 minutes later.

Alex for the second time in his life woke up on the examination table on Deaton's Clinic.

"Oh did someone grab the license plate of the truck that sucker punched me." grumbled Alex as he sat up and rubbed his head, the left side of his face was throbbing in pain and he was sure his jaw was broken or at the least bruised.

"Unfortunately that particular truck managed to get away." Alex heard Deaton's voice say from his left, when he was finally able to open his eyes he saw not only Deaton but the whole McCall pack standing around him.

"Hey there doc, we have to stop meeting like this." quipped Alex as he rubbed his head wishing his werewolf healing would kick in already and take the pain away.

"At least you're not naked this time, I would call that an improvement." said Deaton as he handed Alex a glass of water and a handful of aspirin.

"Yeah, I grew tired of strangers seeing me naked a few weeks ago." mumbled Alex after he drank from the glass of water.

"WHAT HAPPENED WITH THE DEVIL'S PACK?" shouted Stiles getting glares from everyone in the room, Alex because it hurt his head and the rest cause of his lack of tact.

"What, don't act like you're all not dying to know." said Stiles and while they remained glaring at him for a few more second they all eventually turned their questioning eyes back at Alex.

"Haven't you all heard what curiosity did to the cat?" asked Alex trying and failing to be funny, when the questioning eyes just grew annoyed but no less questioning he decided to put them out of their misery.

"I got my revenge." said Alex as the group around him, even Deaton, groaned.

"Stop being vague and tell us what happened Alex." said Lydia with a firm tone.

"What happened to Agatha?" asked Deaton seriously wanting to know if they should expect some type of payback from the female Alpha.

"Does this answer your question?" asked Alex as he looked from Deaton to Scott his eyes glowing a bright red that had the pack in front of him gasping in shock.

"You're an Alpha." said Scott in shock. The rest of his pack apparently too shock to speak.

"I am, and the Devil's Pack is leaderless. " said Alex looking at Deaton, for his part the doctor just smiled at the new Alpha and moved away to give the group some privacy.

"Well I for one and glad that you're back, you really help saved our bacon back there with the Berserkers." said Kira before smiling and giving Alex's arm a squeeze.

"Yeah you were amazing, I still can believe you Rock Bottomed a Berserker." said Scott in awe apparently having gotten over his shock that Alex had killed someone.

"He did what?" asked Stiles as he looked from Scott back to Alex.

"And I missed it?" Stiles almost screamed as he pouted at having missed the wrestling move.

"I promise the next time I fight a Berserker I'll do it again." said Alex trying to get Stiles to stop pouting at him.

It was creepy.

"Awesome." muttered excitable boy before smiling at him o ok and moving back next to Malia and Scott with a big grin on his face.

"Don't promise that, those things are dangerous and have to be taken seriously, you could get hurt if you mess around while fighting them." growled Malia as she glared at both Stiles and Alex, Stiles for asking and Alex for agreeing to Rock Bottom such a dangerous foe.

Even as Alex hated himself for it, he couldn't help the butterflies in his stomach from seeing Malia worry about him.

"Don't worry about me Malia, I can take care of myself." said Alex as he stood from the table and looked around for his bags, when he didn't see them he remembered having left them behind the bleacher when he went to fight the Berserkers.

"Shit, I left my bags back at the school." said Alex as he grabbed his bomber jacket that was folded on the counter next to the table and put it on.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow, I have to get my bags and hit a motel." said Alex before he left.

"Malia, Lydia could you please go with him." said Scott, they had earlier agreed to not go anywhere alone in case they were attacked by either Kate or the Berserkers.

"I'll take Stiles and Kira home." said Scott when he saw Malia looking at Stiles.


"Hey Alex wait for us." the shout came from Malia as her and Lydia exited the Clinic after him.

"What's up?...did I leave something behind?" asked Alex as he patted his body making sure his iPod, his phone and his wallet were on him.

They were.

"No, Scott wants us to travel in groups in case of Berserkers attacks." said Lydia as he grabbed onto Alex's hand and lead him towards her parked car.

Why walk if they could just as easily drive there.

Malia copied Lydia and grabbed his other arm causing Alex to blush like a little boy. Thankfully Malia didn't notice since she was too busy scouting around for threats.

The drive to the school was filled with questions from both parties, Alex asking about what he had missed and the girls asking about his fight with the Devil's Pack Alpha.

"So she just kissed you?" asked Lydia while doing her best not to laugh.

"Yep bit my bottom lip and everything, it was very sensual." said Alex causing Lydia to finally break and start laughing, Malia was suspiciously quiet during the whole story.

"I can't believe my first kiss was with some psychotic hillbilly werewolf." said Alex shaking his head, from beside him he could see Lydia looking at him in shock.

"Your first kiss?!" asked Lydia as he parked the car on the side of the road so she could pump him for information, she wasn't called the gossip queen for nothing.

"I don't believe it, you're so...well handsome, I would've thought some girl would have dragged you into some closet to have her way with you by now." said Lydia, and as she did she saw Malia frowning from the back seat.

Alex for his part just burst out laughing, when he saw Lydia glare at him he calmed down enough to speak.

"I never told you guys what I was like before I became a werewolf did I?" asked Alex with an embarrassed grin on his face. When Lydia and Malia shook their head he just grinned and told them.

"Well imagine me about a hundred and fifty pounds overweight, very and I mean very shy with no friends and the social life of a dung beetle and you might start to understand why I only got my first kiss a month ago." said Alex thoroughly enjoying the shocked look on Lydia's face, Malia not fully understanding how normal high school life worked didn't comment.

"I can't picture that...well maybe the overweight thing but not the timid part, you're too boisterous for that." said Lydia as she started her car back up and went back to driving.

"Well its all true, becoming a werewolf was just great for my self-esteem. Becoming an Alpha was even better, it made me sexier." joked Alex and was rewarded with both Lydia and Malia laughing at him.

"What happened after she kissed you?" question Malia from the back seat, as Alex told them what happened Lydia looked back at Malia from the rear view mirror to see her frowning.

They talked all the way to the school, Lydia filling him in on what he had missed on the two months he was away and him telling them the rest of his story and what he was like before Clark had bitten him.

"So he doesn't have Benjamin Button disease?" asked Alex a bit disappointed, Malia looked confused by the reference by Lydia understood it and shook her head with a smile.

"Nope just some good old fashion Aztec Ritual to turn him back to an age were he still trusted Kate." said Malia boggling Alex's mind.

"Benjamin Button disease it is." aid Alex as he smiled at Lydia. Before Lydia or Malia could say anything else they reached the school.

"Wait for me here, I hid them just over the bleachers." said Alex before getting out of the car and running towards the lacrosse field.

The second Alex got out of the car Lydia took the opportunity to speak to Malia about the things she had noticed.

"You know, for someone with a boyfriend you got awfully jealous when he talked about the way that woman kissed him." said Lydia as she stared at Malia with a smirk on her face.

"What?...I don't know what your talking about." said Malia defensibly as she glared at Lydia through the mirror.

"I'm talking about the fact that you have a small crush on our new Alpha werewolf." said Lydia causing Malia to splutter in denial.

"No I don't, I like Stiles remember?" said Malia as she looked at Lydia like she had lost her mind.

"Oh I'm not saying you don't like Stiles, I think you like him very much, I'm just suggesting you might like Alex as well." said Lydia causing Malia to shake her head in denial.

"I do not, I only like Stiles." said Malia and Lydia felt she was talking to a small child. She suddenly got a devious idea in her head and decided to try it out.

"So you don't mind if I take him home with me and have my wicked way with him do you?" asked Lydia and she almost cried in victory when she saw the way Malia's eyes flashed blue for a second.

"You two can do whatever you want, its not any of my business." Said Malia before looking away.

"Whatever you say Malia, oh and honey..." called Lydia quickly since she could see Alex coming back to the car with three bags on his arms, when she saw Malia looking her way she smiled at her and continued speaking.

"...you might want to put away the claws." Malia looked down shocked and true enough her claws were indeed out.

Alex put the bags in the back seat which allowed Malia to use one of them to hide her claws behind.

As Alex got in the car Lydia stayed looking at Malia for a few more seconds through the rear view mirror before she started the car and started driving out of the parking lot.

"So...what's Mexico like?" asked Alex not knowing why it had become so awkward in the car all of the sudden.

"It was nice if you ignore the fact that we got kidnapped, almost electrocuted and hunted by a pair of massive Berserkers." said Lydia with a grin making Alex laugh.

"You people have the weirdest adventures." said Alex as he laid back in the car seat and closed his eyes. As Lydia sat driving she decided to stoke the fire a bit more.

"So now that you're back are you going to continue helping Malia learn how to fully shift into a coyote." asked Lydia while looking into the rear-view mirror to see Malia's reaction.

The werecoyote looked on the verge of panicking as Alex turned around on his seat to talk to her.

"I don't mind helping you if you still want to learn." said Alex with a smile as he looked at Malia. Unfortunately like any cornered animal Malia reacted badly.

"I can't, between Stiles and catching up at school I don't have time to waste with you." said Malia harshly before looking out the window of the backseat and not looking back.

"Oh...OK, if you ever get some time I'm here." said Alex and Lydia instantly felt bat since Alex now looked like a kicked puppy. Unfortunately things were about to get a bit worse for the Alpha werewolf.

"We're here Malia." said Lydia as she parked in front of the Stilinski house.

"Hey nice house, is this where you live Malia?" asked Alex but Malia didn't respond she just got out of the car and walked away.

"Did I miss something?" asked Alex as he watched her climb a tree and jumped into an opened window.

"Why is she sneaking in to her own house?" asked Alex and Lydia unfortunately had to tell him.

"Its nothing, she and I just had a small disagreement, and this isn't her house...its Stiles." Said Lydia as she drove again, doing her best to ignore the look in Alex's face.

"So you can just drop me off anywhere and I can find my way towards the motel from there." said Alex as he plastered a fake smile on his face.

"No motels, they're not safe, plus Scott said no being alone, you can stay with me for tonight." said Lydia as she turned the her car to head towards her house, when she saw Alex about to protest she quickly added.

"It would make me feel much better if I had an strong Alpha werewolf close by." said Lydia and almost smiled when he saw Alex's shoulders fall in defeat.

"OK you win Lydia." said Alex as he gave her a small smile, a real smile.

"I never slept over at a friends house before." said an almost giddy Alex with a smile on his face and in that moment Lydia saw not the strong and confident Alpha werewolf he had grown up to be but the young, chubby kid that wasn't invited to any sleep overs because he had no actual friends.

It sort of broke her heart.

"Sure, we can stay up and watch movies." said a grinning Lydia making Alex's small smile turn into a big one.

"Awesome but no pillow fighting...it wouldn't be fair." Lydia laughed at that and that's how the spend the time it took to get to her house.

Lydia's house was like what one would expect a person like Lydia to live in, big and beautiful. Since Lydia and her mom where the only two people that lived there the house was tastefully decorated and had many feminine touches that made Alex smile.

Lydia showed him to the guest bedroom where he would be staying. Unlike the rest of the house the guest room was rather plain, probably to not make any male guest feel uncomfortable.

"How about we leave the movie night for another day...I'm kinda tired." said Alex more for her benefit since he had seen Lydia yawn more than few times.

"OK...good night Alex and its good to have you back." said Lydia as he walked out, closing the room behind her as she left.

"Its good to be back." said Alex as he took of his jacket and shirt and laid down on the bed.

"Yeah, its good to be back." thought Alex before closing his eyes and falling sleep.

Martin House


The next morning Alex woke up to a scream coming from the kitchen of Lydia's house. Alex thinking the Berserkers had attacked again jumped from the bed and almost tore the door form its hinges as he ran out of the room and towards the source of the scream.

When he got to the kitchen he found not Lydia, but her mother standing on top of a chair as she pointed at towards the floor in front of the fridge.

As he reached the kitchen he saw Lydia sitting on the edge of the counter also pointing at the floor.

"What's going on?" asked Alex as he tried to make sense of what was going on.

"A mouse ran under the refrigerator." both Lydia and her mom screamed at the same time.

"What?" asked Alex as he looked at the floor and didn't see a mouse. At his second question both Lydia and her mom stopped staring that floor and finally looked at him.

"Who are you?" asked Lydia's mom as she seemingly forgot about the mouse under her fridge and got down from her chair to question him.

"I'm Alex?" it meant it to come out charming and suave but Alex was sure it sounded more like a question.

"Lydia honey, why is there a half-naked young man standing in my kitchen right now?" asked her mother, unfortunately Lydia was too busy staring at his chest and stomach to answer her mother.

So Alex had to do it for her.

"I'm a friend of Lydia's, I just got into town and had nowhere to stay so Lydia offered me your guest bedroom so I wouldn't had to stay at a motel." said Alex with a grin, this time confident he sounded charming.

Lydia's mom just stared at him for a few more seconds before finally smiling.

"OK then, Alex honey, please go put on a shirt before my daughter starts drooling." said Lydia's mom sweetly, shocking Lydia out of her trance and making Alex blush from head to toe.

"Will do ma'am." said Alex before almost running back towards his room to get on a fresh shirt.

"Tall, polite and not to mention handsome...wish there were boys like that when I was your age." said Lydia's mom to her already embarrassed daughter.

"You got yourself a keeper there honey." to make things even worse from the bump Lydia heard coming from the guest bedroom she was sure Alex had heard it as well.

Alex came back a few seconds later still wearing his jeans but now, thankfully, wearing a white t-shirt that did almost nothing to hide the muscles under it.

"It was nice to meet you honey." said Lydia's mom before winking at Alex and leaving after grabbing a cup of coffee.

They stayed in an awkward silence for a few seconds before Alex grinned at Lydia.

"Your mom thinks I'm sexy." said Alex making them both laugh at he absurdity of the moment.

"She said handsome not sexy." said Lydia as she grabbed her own cup of coffee and walked towards the stairs to get ready for school.

"Go take a shower we leave for school in twenty." said Lydia as he stayed back.

The night before Lydia and Malia, before things got awkward, had browbeaten him into going back to high-school.

"Even bad ass Alpha werewolves need a high-school diploma." Lydia had said. And she was right, the reason he had left school in the first place was because he was having problems with control back then...he didn't have those problems now.

"Thank god mother didn't care enough to report me missing." said Alex sadly as he thought of his mother. The second he disappeared she took the opportunity to marry some loser and move out of the country.

"That's the past I guess." thought Alex as he moved back into the guestroom to grab a change of clothes.

Twenty minutes later he and Lydia were leaving for school her mother joining them since she apparently was a teacher at the there.

"Are you sure you don't want some coffee?" asked Lydia as she got in her car, her mother thankfully getting in her own car to drive to work.

Alex just shook his head as he got in Lydia's car.

"No thank you, that stuff stunts your growth you know." said Alex with a smile as he closed the door to her car, Lydia just snorted before turning her car on an backing out of the drive way.

"Yes because you're so short." said Lydia as he drove away from her house.

"I wouldn't mind being taller." said Alex with a grin actually making Lydia laugh at that one.

"If you get any bigger you won't fit in my car." said a grinning her eyes never leaving the road.

"That better not have been a fat joke." joked Alex as he clutched at his chest with a mock-frown on his face making Lydia giggle.

"Maybe it was, I haven't seen you eat anything other than dose mini donuts...how many do you have in there anyway?" asked Lydia as he saw him pulled out another pack of mini donuts from Deaton's bag.

"They are donetts thank you very much." said Alex as he opened the bag of donetts, chocolate covered ones this time, and offered her one.

"...and none of your business." said Alex with a smile, which only got bigger when Lydia grabbed one and ate it whole.

"Good huh?" asked Alex as he watched her chew.

"Eh they taste like plastic." said Lydia giggling at the betrayed look on Alex's face.

"How dare you!." Cried Alex as he held his donetts away from Lydia and refused to speak to her for a few minutes.

"Lydia...I will never share my donetts with you again." Alex said so seriously Lydia couldn't help but giggle as she parked into the school parking lot right next to Stiles jeep.

Alex got out of Lydia's car after eating the last of the chocolate mini-donuts.

"Wait let me taste one of the sugar covered ones, those look good."said Lydia as she ran around her car trying to get at Alex's bag.

"No, never, you're not worthy." said Alex as he used his height to keep the bag out of her reach.

From inside Stiles jeep both Stiles and Malia were busy watching their banter, both with different expression on their faces. Stile amused while Malia looked annoyed.

"Gimme." said Lydia as she hit Alex in the ribs causing him to lower his arms and her to snatch the bag out of his arms.

"Aha." cheered Lydia as she grabbed a bad of sugar covered donetts and started eating them before she threw the bag back at Alex.

"That's cheating." grumbled Alex as he turned to greet Stiles and Malia.

"Hey guys." said Alex as Stiles and Malia got out of Stiles jeep.

"Did Lydia picked you up and her way to school? Asked Malia with a frown on her face. Lydia moved to his side before wrapping her arms around Alex's left arm.

"No he stayed at my house last night." said Lydia with a grin aimed at Malia. Stiles and Alex were to busy talking about lacrosse to see the smile on Lydia's face or the frown on Malia's.

"I don't care what you say, I'm not joining the lacrosse team." said Alex as Lydia started dragging him towards the front door of the school.

"What, why not?" Stiles almost shouted as he ran after Lydia and Alex, Malia hot on their trails as she glared at Lydia from behind.

"Cause it's stupid." said Alex as they entered the school. Alex and Stiles were too busy talking to notice the stares Alex was getting but Lydia was not.

"Lets see if we can make this go around a bit better." thought Lydia making plans to help Alex have a wonderful time in high-school.

"Lacrosse is not stupid." growled Stiles as he ran to keep up with Lydia and Alex.

"It is to me." said Alex grinning as Stiles got madder and madder.

"Say that again I'm I'll kick your ass." said Stiles getting funny looks from Lydia, Alex and even Malia.

"Fine...I'll get Scott to kick your ass." said Stiles as he crossed his arms glaring at all three.

"Why am I kicking Alex's ass?" asked Scott as he and Kira walked up to the group.

"Alex said Lacrosse was stupid, get him Scott." accused Stiles as he pointed a Alex with his finger. Scott just looked over at Alex before frowning at him.

"Lacrosse isn't stupid." said Scott causing Stiles to smile triumphantly and the rest of the group to groan.

"Whatever...I'm still not joining your team." said Alex as he pulled his bag away from Lydia when he saw her trying to reach in.

"You leave my donetts alone woman." said Alex as he moved away from Lydia.

"But I want more." said Lydia as he pouted at him. Alex grumbled a bit before he pulled out another packet of sugared donetts and handed it to Lydia.

"Wait till I get more experience around women then we'll see if your pouts work on me." said Alex as he grumbled and hid his bag from everyone's view.

"Well considering it took you seventeen years just to kiss a girl I might have a lifetime supply of mini-donuts before you grow immune to my charms." said Lydia with a flirty smirk on her face as she took a bite out of one of the mini-donuts.

Alex didn't see the look on everyone else's face as he replied.

"Touche...and they're called Donetts not mini-donuts." said Alex and that's when he noticed the looks Stiles, Scott and Kira were giving him.

"What?" asked Alex when he saw their looks.

"It took you seventeen years to kiss a girl?" Asked Kira as she looked down at the tight long sleeve shirt he was wearing, which showed off his amazing physique.

"You?" asked Kira again a she finished ogling him.

"Its no big deal I used to be overweight and shy, and unfortunately not many girls are into fat and quiet guys." said Alex a bit embarrassed, before turning his head to look at Lydia.

"And I don't think that should count as my first kiss, she did it while trying to kill me...that shouldn't count." said Alex confusing even more the people that didn't know the story but making Lydia nod her head in agreement.

"Wait, who tried to kill you?" asked Scott as he looked lost, as he was about to start telling the story of how he killed Agatha Stiles interrupted him.

"Wait a second...does that mean you're a virgin?" asked Stiles leaving the rest of the group shocked with how blunt he had been.

"What! we were all thinking it." said Stiles when he noticed their looks.

Again like the last time Stiles had asked a blunt and tactless question they glared at him for a few seconds before looking back at Alex and waiting for his answer.

"No Stiles, I got my first kiss a little over a month ago but I been swimming in the pussy for the last year and a half." Growled Alex with a glare, if Stiles could be blunt he could be crass.

"What do you think Stiles?" asked Alex as he watched as Lydia, Scott and Kira blushed bright red from the vulgar word he had said.

"I was just wondering." said Stiles before he broke into a shit eating grin.

"I can't believe you're a virgin." said Stiles as he actually giggled like a little girl.

"You do remember I can grow razor sharp claws that can cut through steel right?" asked Alex as he glared at Stiles.

"Yes I know, you're a big bad-ass Alpha werewolf..." said Stiles seriously, Alex was about to smile when Stiles decided to finish speaking.

"...and a virgin." giggled stiles.

"You suck Stiles." said Alex before he threw his bag over his shoulder and waked away from the group.

"Hey come on don't walk away mad." Chortle Stiles as he couldn't stop laughing.

"Where are you going?" asked Scott before Alex could get too far way.

"I'm going to go get laid." said Alex as he walked farther away from the group.

"No you're not, you have to enroll." called Lydia as she ran after Alex. The rest of the pack followed close behind.

It took almost two hours for Alex to get enrolled into Beacon Hills High. It took so long since they had to wait for his old high-school to fax his transcripts over.

After that he had to convince the principal not to put him a year behind since he had missed almost a year of school. The principal agreed but only if Alex took a bunch of Classes during summer vacation.

After that he had to actually go to class, which wasn't as bad as he remembered but still he felt like he was in that classroom for hours.

By the end of the day Alex wanted noting more than to crawled into the nearest bed and sleep for years.

"I hate math..." said Alex as he fell on the bleachers behind both Kira and Malia.

"...and Science and History and Economics, specially Economics." said Alex as he threw his bag behind him and looked out to the field.

"Math sucks." said Malia looking back at Alex, causing him to smile at her, she immediately looked away.

Kira was looking out at Scott with a frown on her face. She kinda stunk of anxiety. It was really distracting.

"What's wrong with you?" asked Malia with a frown.

"ME? Nothing." said Kira nervously. Malia just frowned at her again.

"You reek of anxiety and it's distracting, what's going on?" asked Malia as she put her books down and gave Kira her undivided attention. Kira took a big breath before she started speaking.

"Scott and I sort of had this thing happen, but it wasn't much of a thing and I'm starting to think it never was anything at all." said Kira in a single breath and while Alex didn't understand a word she had just said but Malia apparently did.

"What do you want it to be?" asked a still frowning Malia.

"More." said Kira sadly as she stared out into the field with a hopeful look on her face. The players where now on the field throwing balls at he net and it was Stiles turn to go.

And he threw the ball directly into the goalie's stick thing.

"Well...he's awful at this." said Alex with a smile really enjoying Stiles making a fool of himself, especially after what happened that morning. When Stiles turn was over Alex lost interest in the practice and laid back on the bleachers.

As the practiced when on he could hear and feel Malia and Kira get more into it. Apparently Scott and Stiles were sucking and a new kid named Liam was showing them up.

"Scott is getting angry." said Alex, his eyes still closed as he laid down on the bleachers. Malia turned towards him and looked confused.

"How can you tell?" asked Malia. Alex opened his eyes and blushed from how close she was to him.

"Ahh, ehh." he stammered before she realized why he was blushing and moved back.

Clearing his throat Alex managed to answer her. "Close your eyes." said Alex and Malia did.

"Try to block every thing else out, the noise, the heat, the smells, everything." said Alex as he watched her bite her lower lip trying to concentrate.

"Don't do that." said Alex as he touched her arm getting her to open her eyes and look at him questionably.

"Bite your lip I mean, it will only distract you." said Alex and Malia released her lower lip from her teeth and close her eyes.

Alex moved in front of her to wait for her to get it. When she opened her eyes and they were glowing blue he knew she had gotten it.

"Now, concentrate on the field, can you tell each of them apart?" asked Alex and Malia nodded without looking away from him.

"Good, you're doing great." said Alex as his own eyes started glowing red.

From besides them Kira had to look away with a small blush on her face, even though Alex and Malia were just friends the moment felt intimate, enough that it made Kira uncomfortable to witness it.

"Can you tell, with out looking, where Scott is?" asked Alex and instantly Malia nodded.

"Good now tell me what you can feel from him." said Alex and Malia took a few seconds without looking away from his eyes before she answered him.

"He's angry...no, its more frustration than actual anger." said Malia with a grin as she could tell.

"He's also happy, cause he's playing Lacrosse again." said Malia and that made Alex smile, he didn't think she could catch that feeling since it was so little and so buried behind the other more stronger ones.

"You're very good at this Malia." said Alex as he held her hand, he had no idea when he had taken hold of it but he was now holding her hand and he could feel his ears getting hot. Before she could notice Alex dropped her hand and stood up from his seat.

"I remembered I have someplace to be." said Alex as he grabbed his bag and hightailed it out of there.

"She has a boyfriend, a boyfriend that's one of your god damned friends, get it together asshole." Growled Alex as he ran off the school campus and left.

Hours Later.

Street of Beacon Hills.

Alex spend hours trying to get his head together. He couldn't help but feel guilty about his crush on Malia.

"I wouldn't like it if I was in Stile's shoes." thought Alex as he passed by Beacon Hills Hospital. As he did he caught sight of something he found rather strange, and considering he could turn into an actual wolf that was saying something.

As he walked by the back of the hospital he saw a bald man dressed in black, leaving in a hurry, the thing he found strange was his face.

"Either I just dropped a tab of acid or that motherfucker doesn't have a mouth." thought Alex as he decided to follow the man.

He walked into a nearby alley where he undressed and changed into a wolf so he could follow the man without giving himself away.

The man, even though he didn't have a mouth, smelled completely human.

"Maybe he was born that way." thought Alex as he followed the man inside an abandoned building. He had to stayed back far enough so that the man couldn't see him.

"Ohh that's unpleasant to look at." thought Alex as he saw the man hook a tube into a hole in his neck and pressed a button on a machine that started pumping nutrient paste down his throat.

While the man fed he opened up a laptop and started typing, and thanks to his enhance eyes Alex could read what the man was typing.

Sean Walcott dead, requesting payment.

Kill Confirmed- payment Sent.

"Is the mouth-less wonder a contract killer?" thought Alex as he stared at the laptop from where he was hidden. The man looked pleased, or as please as one could look without a mouth, before he typed something else in the computer.

When he did a list started to appear in the screen. A list that not only had his friends names but his own.

"Over my dead body motherfucker." thought Alex with a snarl, his eyes glowing red in anger as he took a running leap towards the man.

The mouth-less assassin had no chance to even defend himself before Alex was on top of him. Alex saw the man try to grab one of the tomahawks hanging from his waist but before he could Alex bit down on his neck and with a quick twist snapped his neck.

The second he jumped off the body he changed back into his human form so he could look around the room.

Unfortunately the man had fallen onto the laptop when Alex jumped him and they had broken it. Still he would take it to Lydia and see if she could do anything with it.

In the back of the room he found a hidden panel, behind it where a bunch of extra tomahawks, something that looked suspiciously like a bomb and a duffel bag full of money. As in full to the brim with money.

"Jackpot." said Alex as he knelt on the floor and grabbed a bunch of the cash. It was more money than he had ever seen before.

"And it's all mine." thought Alex with a grin as he closed the duffel bag and left the building, changing into a wolf as he hit the streets.

He wasted no time in running back to the alley where he had left his clothes. When he had turned back and gotten dressed he grabbed his phone and sent out a group text.

Alex- 'Hey, are assassins with no mouths normal around here?"

Kira- 'WHAT?'

Malia- 'Is this a joke?'

Scott- 'You saw him too?!'

Kira- 'What?'

Lydia- 'No Alex, mouth-less assassins are not normal.'

Stiles- '….'

Scott- 'Did he attack you?'

Alex- 'Nope, I followed it to its lair.'

Stiles- 'Why?'

Malia- 'Why?'

Lydia 'WHAT WHY?'

Kira- 'WHAT?'

Alex- 'Why not?, the dude had no mouth, like at all... I was curious.'

Scott- 'Can you take us to him we might be able to take him down as a group.'

Alex- 'Oh.'

Scott- 'Oh?...what did you do?'

Alex- 'How do you know I did something?'

Lydia- 'Alex answer the damn question, what did you do?'

Stiles- 'Someone's in trouble.'

Malia- 'Stiles shut up.'

Lydia- 'Stiles shut up.'

Scott- 'Stiles shut up.'

Alex- 'Well he's dead...but in my defense he had a hit list and we were all on it...'

Alex- '...except for Stiles he's not important enough to get killed.'

Stiles- 'Bite me virgin.'

Alex- 'I would but that would make you important.'

Alex- 'Plus I don't want you as a Beta...you're a tool.'

Stiles- 'Fuck you.'

Alex- ' :) '

Lydia- ' A hit list?'

Scott- 'What do you mean a hit list?'

Malia- 'You guys are stupid.'

Kira's Mom- I fried my phone when I read 'hit list'...Kira.'

Alex- 'I didn't see it clearly but I got his laptop, it was there, only...'

Lydia- 'Only what?'

Alex- 'the laptop broke while me and mouthy were fighting.'

Lydia- 'Pack Meeting at my house?'

Malia- 'Yes.'

Kira's Mom- 'On my way.'

Alex- 'Sure, I was heading that way anyway :)'

Scott- 'Can't right now, I have a situation I need Stiles help with.'

Stile- 'My help? What's going on?'

Scott- ' Come by my house, I'll tell you when you get there.'

Stiles- 'See you there.'

Scott- 'We'll go to Lydia's after dealing with my problem.'

Alex- '….'

Alex- "Scott McCall international man of mystery.'

Alex- 'Is anyone there?'

Alex- 'You all left the conversation didn't you?'

Alex- 'You all suck.'

Lydia- 'Alex shut up and get to my house already.'

Alex- 'Yes mother.'

Lydia- 'If you're not here in ten minutes I'll eat all your mini-donuts.'

Alex- 'You're bluffing...and their called Donetts.'

Lydia- 'Try me, I dare you.'

Alex- 'You don't know where they're hidden.'

Lydia- 'In the duffel bag under your bed...you suck at hiding stuff.'

Alex- '...be there in five.'

With Lydia's threat hanging over him he reached her house in less than five minutes. He went in through the window to hide the duffel bag full of cash and make sure his donetts were safe, they were, before going downstairs where Lydia was sitting at her table waiting for the McCall pack.