

Xiao Yang is born from a powerful and rich mortal family. He has the ability to become an immortal and pursue it.Unfortunately,he had to face a lot of challenges to become an immortal. Would he be successful or not.

KingRuby_3021 · Fantasía
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20 Chs


In the morning, Xiao Yang took his bath, brushed his teeth and wore his uniform. He then went to the martial arts class. Mr Wu Lang took them to an open space to teach them another martial arts, a weapon martial art. He brought out lots of weapons like sword, bow, spear, gauntlet, daggers, staves and hammers. He asked all the students to choose their desired weapons and advised them to stick to a weapon.

Xiao Yang chose a twin dagger because he loves using daggers. Mr Wu Lang told them to group themselves according to their weapons. Lin Feng and Lin Hu picked the hammer weapons. Most of the students picked sword and in the dagger's group, there were only two people which were Xiao Yang and a boy who was also a water manipulator.

Mr Wu Lang attended to their group last. When he started teaching them, he said,

"If you want to know how to use daggers well, you need to train on your agility, accuracy and strength. Although you would attack your enemy decisively, you need strength to make your attack to do more damage. "

Mr Wu Lang taught them how to move quickly and decisively, he taught them how to also strike well. He promised to teach them some skills the next day. Soon after, it was time for magic class, Mrs Feng Xia taught them more on Flying. She taught them to expand qi and also balance the qi that the Qi one uses to fly. She also advised them to eat one qi grape daily so that the amount of qi that the have and they can release would increase.

After a while, it was time for history and all the students rushed down to the history class. The history teacher taught them the history of the first human, the first human was created due to the everlasting and peaceful dance of yin and yang and we were also created. Soon after, it was time for elements and all the students went to the elements class. Miss Fei Wu taught them more about water manipulation in their water element group. It was no surprise that Xiao Yang was doing very well because of the teaching of Miss Fei Wu.

After the elements class ended and the students went back to their rooms, they soon came out because of a loud noise. They saw the woman who gave them their room number with papers. She distributed the papers to all the students and the students saw that it was a time table. There was an adjustment. There were having the same subjects but the difference was that they were having it 'Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays'.

The academy had created a new technology which allows students to have access to a virtual world. The virtual world would be open on 'Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays'. The woman then lead the students to a place where they would be able to have access to the virtual world.

The woman gave them some watch which they could use to access the virtual world on the days the virtual world would be open and anywhere. She told them how to use it and she also said that their rooms were the same in the virtual world. The only difference was that there were training rooms, market, versus chamber in the virtual world. They could also use their element manipulation in the virtual world. They could enter and leave the virtual world by clicking on a button which would bring a dialogue and they could select what they want to do.

The woman told them that they could other objects to the virtual world. She then lead the students back to their rooms after teaching them how to use the watch and giving them. Xiao Yang took a pouch and brought some fulled the pouch with some gold and silver coins and clicked the button of going to the virtual world. Immediately he clicked on the button he was teleported to the virtual world.

As he was being teleported, he was thinking about why the academy want to use the virtual world rather than letting the students stay here.

Hi readers, I am sorry for the delay of this chapter, I hope you enjoy it.

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