
Rise My Elementals!

All the Humans from Earth were suddenly transported into a new world called Celestial World. No one knew the reason why nor what the purpose was all about. They were suddenly transported without any warnings or signs and were forced to live in a mysterious and unfamiliar new world. For 50 years, Humans lived in endless suffering and torment. They were all forced to run from one place to another or else they would be enslaved by other Foreign races that had long been living in the Celestial World. Fortunately, the Human race was finally able to slowly develop its strength and power in the Celestial World through the sacrifice of countless Humans after 50 years. However, it was mysteriously Fated not to last long as an unknown power suddenly started doing everything to destroy Humanity's Kingdoms and Empires. A young man by the name of Leo Heart had his Fate suddenly rewritten by some unknown power to stop this unprecedented doom of the Humans after a Red Cube, that the Heart Noble Household had been keeping as a Family Heirloom from the very start of the Human Race existence in the Celestial World, suddenly jumped up and embedded itself into his right palm. A world full of Mystery in which Magic and Mana had become every race's foundation of existence. A young man who had lost his family for the Human Race's existence has his Fate unexpectedly rewritten after such an encounter. But, would it be enough to stop this so-called unprecedented doom? Would the Human Race's existence be saved by Leo from the unknown yet powerful existence? Or would the Humans sadly become nothing but a mere history in this new world? Note: The art of the book cover is not mine. All the credits go to its rightful owner... --------------------------------- If you find the story interesting and want to know how to support the Author and the Work (Rise my Elementals), you can just simply send a gift through that gift icon below or just buy access to Privileged Chapters, which is 1 coin to access 2 chapters in advance. THANK YOU FOR ALL THE SUPPORT AND HAVE A HAPPY READING! --------------------------------- I am back! 4/22/2024

M_W · Fantasía
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794 Chs

White River City

Chapter 62 White River City

Author: M_W Cancer

Grammar Checker: M_W Nomral

It didn't take a long time for Leo to finally exit the Yellow Forest, specifically around one and half hour. Looking around the area, he then realized that he had arrived on an unfamiliar road, which he doesn't know where to lead him to and fro. Fortunately, a wagon carrying some wheat sack was slowly coming towards his location.

"Excuse me sir, which place is this road leading to?" Leo quickly asked the chauffeur to drive the wagon as soon as the latter arrived in front of him.

"To the west is the Will city, and to the east is the White River City. Are you perhaps lost, young man?" The chauffeur replied and asked after whether Leo was lost or not.

"Hehehe, unfortunately, I'm indeed currently lost. I just got out of the Yellow forest..." Leo truthfully answered. There was no use hiding anyway, since there was no one to hide anything.

The chauffeur let out a short chuckle before saying, "I'm Karl! You can ride on my wagon since I'm heading to White River City to deliver my harvest. Hope you don't mind my wagon's inconvenience."

"No, no, no, your wagon is..." Leo suddenly paused, 'the wagon was a... wreck!' was what he was going to say. Fortunately, he was able to quickly pause, or else he would be somewhat insulting the chauffeur. "Your wagon looks great! Hahaha, no inconvenience at all!" He finished before hopping on the wagon.

"Hahaha, you don't have to worry, kid. I know that my wagon is a wreck!" The chauffeur replied as he didn't mind how Leo view his wagon.

"Unfortunately, selling wheat this year is not as good as the past years. No one really knows the exact reason why, but someone had said that it was due to the yellow soil of the Yellow Forest spreading around the nearby lands, hence affecting the soil in all the fields of the cities nearby the Yellow Forest!" Karl suddenly explained.

"What's wrong with the yellow soil?" Leo curiously asked. Base on what he had observed while inside the Yellow Forest, the yellow soil of the forest could still grow plants, although yellow in color, but it was still possible to use it to plant wheat and the likes. However, just base on what Karl had said, it actually affects the yield on the fields...

"The yellow soil can indeed grow plants, but it would add a property to those plants that are harmful to Humans. So, every plant that grew on the yellow soil cannot be used immediately. It needed to be refined first in order to cleanse its impurities. That would in turn cost the farmers more money. That's why, instead of keeping all the harvest, we could only separate those plants planted in brown soil from those planted in yellow soil. Though, it would still decrease our income..." Karl explained as he could only shake his head in helplessness.

"Ohhh..." Leo replied, finally understanding the situation. So, the harvest that grew on the yellow soil is harmful if not refined, hence they can only dispose of it instead of using money to cleanse the harvest which in turn decreases their total yield.

Along the way to White River City, Leo and Karl continued talking about topics related to farming.

Leo could only nod his head in reply from time to time, though. He doesn't really have any idea how to reply. After all, he doesn't have a lot of knowledge about things related to farming. Although he rules Heart city, he always left the management of the farmlands to Fatty Ben, since the latter was the Head of the Logistic Department, hence he was in charge of the farmers.


Near dawn, Leo riding on Karl's wagon finally arrived near the White River City.

Before bidding farewell, Leo gave Karl 10 gold coins because of the latter's kindness and to also help the latter. Even though the latter really don't want to accept his generosity, he still insisted on giving the 10 gold coins.

A while ago, when they were talking, Leo had already understood that the farmers this year, or maybe in the upcoming years, would slowly lose their earnings. As long as the Silver Kingdom doesn't solve the problem about the yellow soil soon, then the farm yields of every farmland nearby the Yellow Forest would continue to decrease. Maybe to the point that the Silver Kingdom will start to rely on imports from other Kingdoms. So, the 10 gold coins that he had given to Karl would really be a huge help to the latter.

Walking to the White River city West gate, Leo could not help but marvel at how beautiful the city was. Although it was still a bit dark, he could already notice a lot of different flowers along the way.

Different kinds of flowers covered almost every inch and edge outside of the White River City. Even from the inside of the city, when Leo walked inside, he could still spot groups of flowers on the corner of the road, beautifying the city's road and its surrounding.

Unlike Honoris city, White River city was different, although both were almost covered by greenery. At Honoris city, plants such as wheat, vegetables, and fruits covered the place. It might be beautiful to look at, but only because all the fields were covered by a seemingly endless amount of plants. On the other hand, the White River city was covered with flowers or trees that have flowers. So, even if the flowers around the White River city don't cover a seemingly endless field like those of Honoris city, the flowers were still something that the Honoris city can't compare to with their farm plants.

"I had actually almost missed out visiting such a beautiful city..." Leo whispered to himself. Through the whole 18 years that he had lived in Silver Kingdom, he had not yet visited the White River city even once before. Although, he had heard about how beautiful it was from the others that visited Heart city before, but still, seeing it for himself was really different.

The White River city was really too beautiful. Almost all kinds of beautiful flowers, in different colors and size, around the city, swaying through the wind; The moon that was slowly bidding farewell still lighten up all the flowers, which then emphasized the flowers beauty; and the one they called as a white river, with its water as clear as a mirror, reflecting the reflection of almost everything that passes by or looks at it.

The sight was really beautiful to look at!

Leo, standing at the sight, could only gasp at its beauty.

Awhile later, Leo quietly shook his head as he put aside the beauty of White River City. He wasn't here for sightseeing. He still needs to do something really important. Cassandra and the other's whereabouts were still unknown. He needs to quickly look for them and finish the mission as soon as possible.

Leo was aware that danger is still just around the corner, especially the organization to which that dangerous Magical Knight belonged to. Up to this point, he still doesn't have any idea just who wants to kidnap Veronica and dared to offend the Honoris Noble Household. But he had long understood that such an organization should be powerful. They had even sent out a Magical Knight to kidnap a person.

So, the sooner Leo and the others finished the mission, the sooner they can excuse themselves from this danger.