
Chapter 4 (Back to school)

Ishan came back to the basketball court and now, a few students started coming and some were already there.

Most of the students who knows about Ishan were a little bit surprised that Ishan has joined for practice and started asking about his health and he only reply with politeness.

Sara was now with her friends having a talk and chit chat.

Ishan looked at Sara and said, "How can I ignore such a beautiful soul?"

Suddenly Sara looked at Ishan and he suddenly turned away. But Sara has spot him and she blushed a little bit on what he said.

Suddenly Jiyu came back with falling on Ishan and said, "Oh ho. The king has fallen for someone."

Ishan shouted and said what Jiyu is saying! Jiyu answered that he heard what just Ishan said.

"How can I ignore such a beautiful soul?"

And Ishan was totally blushed and with low voice said to Jiyu to not say in front of anyone but Jiyu didn't agree and loudly shouted, "The king must be married soon!"

Ishan beat on Jiyu's head and said, "Shut up, you idiot!"

Jiyu laughed and said, "Ok, fine. I was just teasing. Take a chill."

And by Jiyu's chill Ishan actually got a chill and his body shocked.

Jiyu said, "Anyways, let's start our practice. You are here, I am here so what is left?!"

Ha... Ishan forgot that Jiyu was the most craziest and active guy in sports. All the time, he just said or approached for "Hey! Let's go for games!" All the time. This thing irritated the most to Ishan but was also a precious moments in his school life.

Suddenly sports teacher arrived and announced that today, they will not start practicing and doing exercises despite they are allowing today to enjoy with friends and play with them.

And sports teacher will relax in themselves, right? What sports teacher are they?

Anyways, Jiyu was now more excited and motivated and now wanted to fight with Ishan in basketball match on opposite team.

Ishan said, "Huff, fine. Let's do it. Collect players for teams."

Ishan didn't wanted to fight against Jiyu but Jiyu was that much excited that Ishan can't say no.

Jiyu loudly shouted, "We need 8 basketball players for game! If anyone wants to play so please come and join!"

Sara came and asked, "Girls also?"

Ishan said, "Well, I am a gender equality guy so yes from my side. I don't know about Jiyu."

"Of course! Me also!" Said Jiyu with no one questioning.

Sara said, "Well then... I am in Jiyu's team."

Ishan was a little bit surprised that Sara wants to be in Jiyu's team but he knew it for sure that Sara just wants to compete with Ishan.

Teaming was fixed. Ishan's team had two girls, two boys and Ishan himself and in Jiyu's team, Sara, Jiyu and three more boys were in his team.

It was just a fun and freely match so nobody just said all the best to their friends and started the game.

The ball bounced and Ishan got the ball and he started dribbling the basketball and bounced forwards and backwards.

Ishan was having no place to go because in front of him, Jiyu was there to steal the ball and left the four on best position of guarding the goal.

Before Ishan could think anymore, Jiyu ran towards left side of Ishan and stole the ball and then ran towards the right side without being visible for Ishan's companions and threw the ball to the goal.

Ishan's companions who were most near to the goal jumped to protect but it was too late and it was a perfect throw and the ball went to goal and Jiyu's team got the first goal and score with 2.

Ishan was surprised by Jiyu's strike and clapped for him. Jiyu smiled on seeing Ishan clapping for him.

Now, Jiyu's team become defensive and Ishan's team on offensive.

Ishan started dribbling again.

Sara was on the front.

Ishan was just watching and thinking, but again. Someone ran from his view and this time Sara was the one stealing and running away and with 2 points shot, Jiyu's team got another 2 points and Ishan's team with still 0.

Sara went to her team side with saying, "You will have to learn a lot, Ishan." And smiled and left.

Ishan said, "Well... Let's see who needs to learn from whom." And smiled and the game continued.

For next 10 minutes, Ishan allowed his companions to start but everyone failed to score. Ishan's team were still on score 0 but Jiyu's team has already scored 10.

Jiyu said, "Ishan, Ishan, Ishan, my dear Ishan. Can't you score a single?"

Jiyu was not showing off but was actually making fun and teasing but friendly.

Ishan smiled and said, "Continue the match."

A little audience was formed which was of students and they were watching the match and saying that it is the win of Jiyu's team but the game was still going on.

Ishan, again with starter started dribbling and Jiyu in front.

Ishan took a normal step. He just turned back with dribbling and tried to turned towards left in front of Jiyu.

Jiyu, just thought that Ishan will try to go from left so he went some steps left.

But when Ishan turned, he just ran towards Jiyu's right side but he turned from making a circle and ran towards his side of 3 points area and threw the ball from a large distance.

Jiyu, Sara and everyone was shocked by what just Ishan planned for.

Jiyu's companions jumped but it was a failure and Ishan's team got their first scores of 3 with a 3 points shot.

Everyone was shocked that what just Ishan did!

Ishan actually made a "d" while for scoring. He firstly went at back of Jiyu, returned to his team area with running away and went towards the 3 points arc and goaled and this thing Jiyu noticed and was surprised by Ishan's moves and smiled.

Um, I don't know much about basketball. If you know then tell me, haha.

The_Dark_Tempestcreators' thoughts