
Chapter 26 (Fun with other games)

"I wish she don't be there."

"What?" asked Eiro from Era.

Eiro and Era were walking towards their school as planned by Ishan.

"Oh, nothing. I was just talking to myself. Anyways, are you excited for the trip?"

Eiro made a huge smile and said, "Of course! It will be my first trip with my friends because till now I have never gone to a trip of days with just my friends. It will be a good experience."

"Me too!"

And Cyet also came in Eiro and Era's path.

"Good morning, Eiro and Ear!"

"How many times I have said, it is "Era" not "Ear"!!!"

Cyet smiled with showing evilness in it of teasing Era all the time.

And Eiro laughed on them.

Cyet also joined and started walking with Era and Eiro. Cyet was also too much excited and was not able to wait anymore, but he has to.

So finally everyone gathered at the school. Sara's teammates also arrived because Sara called them after listening the plan of Ishan.

"So... what are we going to do next?" Said Cyet.

Because the school building was closed with a big lock on the gate. 

Ishan, Jiyu and Era were frozen because they know what experience they had like it.

"So let's go to the park then." Said Ishan and started walking and Sara, Era and Jiyu followed them.

Sara's teammates, Eiro and Cyet didn't understood but followed them.

And they came at the park where Ishan, Era and Jiyu has played.

Ishan, Sara, Jiyu, Era, Eiro, Cyet, and Sara's teammates reached the park and most of them were seeing it for the first time.

"So... are we going to play here?" asked Cyet

"Of course!" said Jiyu with a smile in his face.

"But not basketball today, we should play old games which we played in our childhood. I have that idea only." Said Ishan.

And almost everyone agreed with his plan except Jiyu but he can't play alone so he had to also join. 

There were four see saws, 4 swings 2 in a pair and two slides.

Girls, including Sara began with see saw, Cyet and Era with swings at first pair and Eiro and Jiyu at second one and Ishan just watching it and he just went to a bench and sat on it.

Everyone was enjoying like their childhood has come back. I wish I could also.

A few minutes later, when everyone was done with their games and Ishan from sitting, they started thinking what to play next.

"Let's play hopscotch!" said Sara's one teammate.

"Hop... what it is?" said Cyet.

And at the next scene, it was Cyet's turn in hopscotch and he was wisely hoping on right blocks. He was applying his whole intelligence and finally he passed his round of the game.

"Huh? He is playing hopscotch?" 

Cyet's sister passed from the gate of the park and was surprised that Cyet is playing hopscotch. When she saw him enjoying the game she said, "Well... I shouldn't disturb them." and she left.

Ishan also tried but on the first round only, he failed. Whereas Jiyu managed to go till the 7 round but then failed.

Whereas Sara, she also failed at the first round only.

"It has been years since I have played." Said Sara.

Everyone was enjoying the game and till the very end, Cyet, Eiro and Era managed to be at the final rounds. Era managed to go till the last third round but then failed.

"Haha, you lose." Said Cyet with teasing Era.


Then, Cyet began with a try and managed to pass the last third round but failed at the last round.

"Ha, you failed." Now Era teasing and making fun of Cyet which also made him angry.

But finally Eiro managed to finish the last round and become the winner of the game!

Then, they played hide and seek with beginning with Sara's chance to catch all of them hiding. Jiyu was hiding behind bushes, Cyet, Eiro and Era behind a bench, Sara's teammates hiding behind a slide and some trees and Ishan was hiding behind another tree which was just next to the forest which was behind the park.

Sara started with saying with some tune, "Where are you all? I am going to catch you."

"Got you, Cyet, Eiro and Era!"

And Cyet, Eiro and Era were now caught and they now have to help Sara to find others so they did.

In just some minutes, Jiyu and Sara's teammates were caught but Ishan was holding it until the time is up for Sara.

"Ishan, can I tell others what our plan in summer vacations are?!"

Sara tried to trap Ishan with a lie but Ishan was not a fool at all, he knew very well that Sara can't and she has trapped herself, not him.

"Oh my my, Sara you are so cute and innocent, but I will not be trapped in your trap." Said Ishan in his mind.

"Huh? What plans do you both have in summer vacations?" asked one of Sara's helper.

And now, Sara was actually trapped in her own trap.

"N-Nothing, we are just... Wait, see at time, I have very less time to catch Ishan so we should work on catching on it for now." Said Sara with a try to change the topic.

And most them were suspecting on Sara but they have to catch Ishan so they continued on their job.

50 seconds were left for time up but it didn't made Sara panic because even if Ishan wins, she will not be sad on it.

Sara was searching at the sides of the park, suddenly she heard someone's footsteps coming from the next side of the park. The sides were covered with bushes so she suddenly took her head passing the bushes and said, "Ishan!!!"

But it was Aid! He was moving to school and he saw Sara at the park.

"Oh, you are not Ishan, you are Aid, right?"

And when Ishan heard what Sara just said, he panicked and he himself got out of his hiding place and got caught.

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