
Ring of Redemption

Blaze Steele was born from a powerful dynasty that excels in professional wrestling. He is gifted with everything he could ever want in life- including the talent to be a future wrestling star. All he has to do is show up and win. He will have the whole wrestling world in his hands. Or will he?

camisblessed · Deportes
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: The Fall of a Prodigy

Chapter 1: The Fall of a Prodigy

The arena in Liberty Falls echoed with boos, as the majority of the 900 plus fans in attendance knew the music all too well, right down from the split second that it began to blast through its speakers.


He began to slowly walk to the ring taking his time as his opponent impatiently waited for his arrival, already have taken off his entrance gear as he bounced up and down ready to go. The music was slow and methodical, and Beethoven-esque. All Blaze could do was pause right at the stage after coming through the curtain, and sneer with a wide devious grin on his face. He scanned the whole arena as he finally began a stride to the ring, but every step was with purpose. Every garment of his clothing glistened and glowed, from his expensive blue and gold fur robe and all the way down to his silver boots. Even his wet medium-length dirty blonde hair gleamed in perfection.


His aura screamed out egotistical and arrogant, and the fans let him have it as the boos got louder, raining down on him like a flood. He basked in it, being in the present moment and just savoring it. This wasn't his first rodeo being portrayed as the villain, and he knew it wouldn't be his last. But there was at least someone rooting for him, which would be his parents and little brother.


Being born from the lineage of the Steele family meant personifying perfection and loyalty both outside the ring and inside. His genes overflowed with outstanding competence and charisma which was unmatched. Being born of a rich and famous family lineage such as this one meant there was no time for imperfections. This lineage was built on fame, wealth and power. From the time Blaze was 8 and up until now, he had laced his boots to prepare for the glory that was his to take. His elders wouldn't accept anything less of it, and he wore the trait of pride as a badge of honor. 


Even looking upon the face of a fan made him scoff, the sheer eye contact with them ruined his gaze from his perspective.


The amount of cursing and cruel malicious gestures racked up as the seconds past racked up as he had barely made it down the steel ramp. 


Once he finally made it into the ring, he began yelling at the referee to set his robe down "nicely" onto the steel steps outside of the ring. Then his eyes met with his opponent's and once again that same sneer grew on his face. 


Why was he even here anyways? Didn't everyone know he was going to win? The atmosphere of confidence from Blaze was unbothered, it didn't matter to him who stepped across from him in that ring, he had the power of at least 2 generations on his side, he was born and raised to do this.


*****18 Years Ago, Emberbrook*****


This was the last place Kimberly wanted to be. She couldn't even hear her thoughts, as they were drowned out by various roars, screams, cheers, and boos from people all around her. Why didn't this place have some kind of VIP section or sky dome for some peace around here? After all, she was the wife of the man who was the Supreme Pro Wrestling World Heavyweight champion! All she could think about was how soon this baby was coming, and less on whether or not he won tonight.


The accustomed and well-known tune erupted throughout the arena, and it did make her more relieved and in the present moment. She recalled the first time she heard it, and moments later she fell in love as she gazed upon at him and his vibe that signified power, dominance and sheer strength. From that moment on, she knew this man was the one.


Victor Steele was only focused on the ring which was far away when he first walked out of that curtain. Nothing else fazed him, not even the obnoxious sound of boos that tried to crush him. All he thought about was making an example out of this low-life scum that dared to take what was around his waist from him, his pride and joy- the SPW World Heavyweight Championship which he wore proudly. He vowed to make an example out of this fool and continue his dominant reign which was soon reaching 945 days and counting.


"Son," he muttered under his breath.


"One day you too will experience such a day as this..."


****18 Years Later, Liberty Falls****


Blaze stared a dagger in the soul of the man who stood across from the ring. If looks could kill, he was an assassin who was after blood once again. 


Cracking his neck from side to side, he began to relax and lean into the corner awaiting for the bell to the ring.


"Father," He muttered under his breath.


"This is my time to show the world once again what the name Steele actually means."


The bell rung finally, and the two men took no time to lock up with each other, attempting to overpower one another with their strength as they fought for control early.


"Your supreme reign in your time is just a prelude to mine," Blaze thought to himself, then easily gained control over his opponent with a powerful leg sweep.


The man looked at the mat confused by the sudden rush of strength he had just been hit with.


Trevor Raines had his own story he wanted to accomplish, and he wasn't planning on letting some snobby rich kid become the roadblock to his big break. After struggling for what seemed like ages to gain traction and momentum in the independent wrestling scene, he knew that this match would be a big stepping stone to his promised land. Everyone knew that with the history of the Steele Dynasty, Blaze was the next big thing. Raines was no slouch though, and having at least a 30 pound weight advantage over Blaze it, seemed possible for him to have control of this bout. He just needed to control the pace with his advantage. He was also a few inches taller than Blaze. He was a bulky sized man sporting shaggy dark hair with a full beard and mustache. Blaze had plenty of muscle, but he was leaner. Raines was a Liberty Falls native unlike Blaze, so the crowd easily bonded with him- that and the fact that the Steele family were just a bunch of no good prideful pricks. He brushed off his short purple and yellow bottom tights and quickly got up on his feet to tie up and clash once again with Blaze. If he could just channel the energy from the roaring fans that came to see him win, he could make it happen.


"I guess I'll have to teach you a hard lesson, won't I?" Blaze snarled.


"You've been a failure at this for what, about 12 years now? It's time to hang it up now, for good. Here, let me help you."


Blaze used his quickness to shift himself into position all in one motion to execute a headlock onto Trevor, in which Trevor tried to break out with no avail. 


After much struggle Trevor stopped fighting, only to use his body and push Blaze all the way into the ropes as he remained in the lock. Both men bounced off the ropes and with sudden distraction Blaze not only found himself bouncing off the ropes, but subconsciously sprinting himself to the other side of the ring to bounce off the other ropes, picking up speed.


"My time is long from over kid," Trevor said with aggression in his voice.


"I'm putting an end to this right now, you're running right into my trap."


Trevor was already foreshadowing his finishing move which would end the match, his patented spinning side slam which he dubbed as "The Rainey Day." 


The Rainey Day was a move in which Trevor would catch his opponent and pick them up belly-to-belly from the momentum of them bouncing off the ropes, and quickly spin around 180 degrees and slam them viciously onto the mat. The impact of the move was enough to have them down at least for the needed 3 count pin due to the breath of the opponent being knocked out of them temporarily. What made it so devastating was Raines' size and power being utilized. If this move hit Blaze, he was surely not going to kick out.


Blaze found himself unable to stop, just charging right into the arms of Raines seemingly. Within fractions of seconds he went for a clothesline, wanting to take Raines down with his right arm to the throat, but within that acutely short window of time Raines was still able to duck under and take Blaze for a ride. A huge thud was loudly echoed against the ring canvas, followed by a huge roar of cheers from the crowd who hoped for Raines to end the short career of this young prodigy and his bloodline's wrestling reputation. Was he about to score the upset win over the Steele Dynasty?


Raines took no time to cover Blaze and pin his shoulders to the mat, hooking his leg to seal the deal. The referee eagerly slid to the mat and watched Blaze's shoulders and began the count, smacking the mat.




Blaze immediately stuck his shoulder up, to a huge gasp from the fans in attendance, and an astounded look on Raines' face.Blaze began to roll himself away, gathering himself and regrouping as Raines froze. He couldn't remember the last time anyone had kicked out of The Rainey Day, let alone when it was executed to pure excellence such as that!


Blaze got on one knee and with his back turned against Raines, he began to laugh.


"Don't you know who I am and where I come from?" He said with absolute boisterousness. The crowd was now silent.


"You can't escape the REIGN of my DESTINY! It is inevitable."

Now Blaze turned around began to point at Raines.


"The wrestling world is mine for the taking. And once I take it, no one will ever take the throne from me unless it's from my cold dead hands. YOU HEAR ME?" 


Blaze quickly stood up to his feet, side stepped a headbutt from Raines and immediately answered back with a pinpointed right forearm to the neck; the blow leveling his opponent and making his knees weak.


"You're nothing compared to me. Look at you,"


Blaze was now looking down at his opponent.


"But don't take it personal…because after all…this is just business."


Blaze quickly grabbed Raines into one of his arms while tilting his head back, winding back for a very impactful move. He raised his arm in the air victoriously with his free arm, as the crowd groaned and booed. With Raines in his arms still stunned and helpless from the devastating forearm blow, he swiftly swung him back down to the mat face first thunderously on the mat; the echo vividly shook the front row and beyond. The move he had just executed was known to the world as the swinging reverse STO, but he dubbed it as "The Ruling."




Trevor Raines was out cold, barely even moving; the way his head and neck bounced off the ring canvas was awkward. 


Before even going for the cover pinfall to secure the win, Blaze was doing victory laps around the ring, hands raised in the air like he had already won.


"Does this bozo have a single bone of respect in him? He's just like his doggone father AND his grandfather!" An older gentlemen howled out. He looked to be in his seventies or eighties, but he still had the passion and energy for atmospheres such as this.


"When will this cycle end? There's got to be at least a DECENT Steele born in that family!"


After a few laps, Blaze finally decided to rush over and cover Raines, pinning his shoulders down to the mat.







Just when the referee was about to pound the mat for the three, he suddenly paused, then his face shown with disbelief.


"Are you serious right now?" The referee yelled out.


Blaze smiled maliciously, as he had Raines' arm lifted, his shoulder clearly off the mat which forced the referee to abruptly stop his count.


"I never said I was done…." Blaze began.


"I want to make an example out of each and every man who calls himself a wrestler. Because it is I who will declare the throne…I will be the king of the wrestling world….And it all starts with that tournament. My name will be cemented as the greatest to ever win it!"



The Global Elite tournament. An annual tournament where the best wrestlers from all across the globe fight for the title of being the best rookie of that year. Winning it not only guarantees a contract to the biggest wrestling company in the world, Supreme Pro Wrestling, but it also came with big status, big sponsors, and big opportunities. 


Blaze's grandfather Abel Steele and his father Victor Steele both had their name written on that legendary list. Blaze knew that this accolade would be the foundation of his reign to be dominant, and in his eyes it was already set in stone.


"Now get up!!! I'm not done with you yet!" Blaze signaled and motioned for his motionless opponent to get up. The crowd watched with shame and disgust as the boos continued to flourish all throughout the arena.


After a couple moments, Raines finally began to regain consciousness. He was in a confused daze. 


"What….happened?" He thought to himself.

"Is it….over? Has my dream faded for good?"


Raines thought to himself as he used every muscle within his being, trying to will himself to get up and keep fighting to keep his story alive. He thought back to all of his vigorous training, his setbacks he faced…all the blood sweat and tears that he put on a canvas. He realized this was probably his final chance. He didn't hear a bell ring, so he knew it wasn't over yet.


He began to crawl, grasping the mat as Blaze stood from behind, stalking him like prey. 


Finally Raines got up to his knees and looked to the crowd. He saw the deflated energy within the crowd and it seemed as if they knew it was over. He knew that they knew this contest was terribly one-sided, but he also believed in himself. Just as he began to move another muscle, it happened. Just like that.


Blaze cocked back his arm in a backhand motion, then thrust his entire arm into the back of Raines' head. It was mainly Blaze's elbow that caught him. Raines immediately spilled to the mat face first and went back out of consciousness. The gasp from the crowd on the impact of the blow was unsettling. That stiff elbow thrust to the back of the head was something Blaze had never executed before. 


"What do you all think of my new finishing move!!?" He roared to the crowd.






 Blaze turned his opponent over on his back and saw now need to pin his shoulders down to the mat or hook the leg. Instead, he just rested his foot on the chest of Raines.








The bell rung.



The drive home was pretty dull and quiet. The bright fluorescent street lights overpowered the city, giving it a beautiful view. It was truly something to take in and adore, despite the environment being fast paced and congested. He began to grind his foot onto the gas pedal, merging onto the a less congested and more clear road in his V8 powered Dark Horse Mustang.


 The small sense of emptiness within him began to slowly grow, every time he made some kind of impact or statement within the wrestling world. What was it? The Global Elite Wrestling tournament wouldn't start for another two months. The only thing between him and that trophy was time. Nothing else worried him. This path to greatness so far was filled with zero struggle, zero pain, and zero effort. He was bored, and at this point deep down inside he wanted a rival. Someone to actually make him try. Someone who could force him to awaken into a new element. He never had to train for this, it just came naturally to him. Wrestling was in his DNA, but he thought to himself; is it really a story if you never have a mountain to overcome?


He began to let himself be consumed by his thoughts of emptiness, until he caught a glimpse of something in the corner of his eye. 


Before he could react and try to turn the wheel to direct his car off the road, the car struck his dark horse head on. His head ricocheted off of the head rest and into the windshield, as the rest of his body became distorted from the hit.


From there, his only enemy known as time stood still….And he thought to himself, "Is this the end of everything?"