
Rimembeo(Remember) __ Son's war

Jin woo has the condition of hyperthymesia which allows him to remember almost every day in perfect

Tf_estherr · Real
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9 Chs

Chapter Six

Jung ah begins to sing and it's immediately clear that Gyu man disapproves. He drunkenly gets up and yells at her for her song choice. He's sick and tired of all English -- he wants trot music. Jung ah nervously apologizes and gets right into singing a trot song.

After het performance, Jung ah is taking off her jewelry in the dressing room when Gyu man burst in with a bottle and two wine glasses. He offers her a drink and looks at her with a scary eyes.

Jin woo's resident*****

The next morning, Jin woo receives a call from Dad. The dinner he prepared looks untouched, and Dad didn't come home that night. When Jin woo ask where he is, Dad doesn't know. He's wandering around with his bought cellphone in the middle of nowhere. Jin woo worriedly rushes out to find him.

His Dad continues to wander in the woods and comes across a body of a young lady. It's Jung ah. He's shocked and tries to wake her but she was already dead. He pulls out his cellphone phone to call the police but he can't remember is passcode. He panicks and grabs his head in pain.

Later Jin woo arrives on the scene to find a young dead Jung ah and his father passing put beside her.


At the hospital, Dad is interrogated by the detectives on the case, since he was the first witness. Dad can't remember why he was at the location and how he got there, which makes him seem more suspicious. The detectives begin to question him as if he's a suspect, so Jin intervenes with his memory of criminal laws to protect his father from unlawful interrogation.

But when asked, if Dad knew the girl, he claims that he's never seen her.

Jin woo looks at him shocked, since they clearly know Jung ah. But Dad denies any knowledge of this girl.

Jin woo rushes home to find all the phone purchases and other multiple purchases. He seems to be assuming the worst and gets tested for possible memory loss. But in the doctor's office, Dad shows no sign of memory loss, which is a relief for Jin woo.

The seochon( Jung ah) murder becomes national news, and the prosecutors are pressured to narrow down a suspect.

In the elevator, prosecutor Hong tells the detective to look through his list of possible suspects, but the detectives says that they've found no leads and searching through this list would be useless. But they've got their jobs on the line, and prosecutor Hong threatens to cut him loose if they can't find a suspect.

At the funeral service of Jung ah***

Dad and Jin woo pays their respects to Jung ah and her father. Dad encourages hus friend to stay strong for Jung ah, to find the killer for her sake. Then the detectives barge in , with prosecutor Hong's warning ringing in their heads: 3 days to get a confession.

The detectives drags Dad out of the funeral hall, much to everyone's surprise, Jin woo tries to chase after his father, who assures him everything is okay -- they've probably got something wrong. Dad is swiftly taken away in the police van, leaving Jin woo soaking in the rain outside.

Once the the coast is clear, one police car veers off, and the detective orders the driver to turn off the siren. Dad looks confused on where they're going, but he's given no answers. The van ends up in an empty warehouse.

Jin woo returns to a ransacked home, and is clear where this chaos is headed.

The news reports on the killer of seochon murder case, and Lee In ah parents watch the news in horror. Her Dad watches with disbelief, having met Jin woo's father on multiple occasions. He would never commit such a deed, and Lee In ah's mom turns and told Lee In ah that Jung ah is from her 5th grade class, Lee In ah gapes in shock upon realization that she knew Jung ah.

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